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Quick instructions for using MiRA

It is assumed that MiRA is properly installed (see


ymira -help

or see the man pages of MiRA for a more complete list of all options.

Using MiRA from the command line

MiRA can be run from the command line:


where [OPTIONS] are optional settings, INPUT [...] are any number of OIFITS input data files and OUTPUT is the name of the output FITS file to save the resulting image. Option -help can be used for a short description of all options.


To start, a typical command is:

ymira -pixelsize=0.1mas -fov=20mas -flux=1 -min=0 \
    -regul=hyperbolic -mu=3e3 -tau=5e-5 \
    -ftol=0 -gtol=0 -maxeval=1000 -verb=10 \
    -overwrite -save_visibilities -save_initial \
    -initial=Dirac \
    data/data1.oifits /tmp/test1.fits

To automatically recenter the image (and run two successive reconstructions):

ymira -pixelsize=0.1mas -fov=20mas -flux=1 -min=0 \
    -regul=hyperbolic -mu=3e3 -tau=5e-5 \
    -ftol=0 -gtol=0 -maxeval=1000 -verb=10 \
    -overwrite -save_visibilities -save_initial \
    -initial=Dirac -bootstrap=1 -recenter \
    data/data1.oifits /tmp/test2.fits

To account for bandwidth smearing:

ymira -pixelsize=0.1mas -fov=20mas -flux=1 -min=0 \
    -regul=hyperbolic -mu=3e3 -tau=5e-5 \
    -ftol=0 -gtol=0 -maxeval=1000 -verb=10 \
    -overwrite -save_visibilities -save_initial \
    -xform=nonseparable -smearingfunction=sinc \
    -initial=Dirac \
    data/data1.oifits /tmp/test3.fits

Data selection

MiRA reconstructs a gray image from the interferometric data. The wavelengths of the selected data can be specified as the end points of the spectral range:

... -wavemin=MINVAL -wavemax=MAXVAL

or as the central wavelength and bandwidth:

... -effwave=CENTER -effband=WIDTH

The arguments of these options have length units. For instance:

... -wavemin=1.6µm -wavemax=1.8microns

is the same as:

... -effwave=1700nm -effband=200nm

If the input data files contain observations for more than one object, the target to consider can be specified as:

... -target=NAME

Image parameters

An initial image for the reconstruction must be provided as:

... -initial=NAME

where NAME is the name of the FITS file with the image to start with. Another possibility is to have NAME set to Dirac or random to start with a centered point-like object or a map of random pixels. In the latter case, option -seed=NUMBER can be used to seed the random generator.

By default, the reconstructed image will have the same pixel size and dimensions as the initial image if provided. Otherwise, the pixel size can be specified with option -pixelsize=PIXSIZ and the image dimensions can be chosen with -imagesize=NUMBER or -fov=ANGLE, where PIXSIZ and ANGLE are in angular units and NUMBER is a number of pixels. For instance:

... -pixelsize=0.25mas -fov=100mas


... -pixelsize=250e-6arcsec -imagesize=400

both yield a 400×400 image with a pixel size of 0.25 milliarcsecond.

Non-uniform Fourier transform

The nonequispaced Fourier transform of the pixels can be computed by different methods: -xform=separable, -xform=nonseparable or -xform=nfft. With the latter option, a precise approximation by the NFFT algorithm will be used. Option -xform=nonseparable is slower but it is required to account for spectral bandwidth smearing. If you have installed Yorick NFFT plug-in, -xform=nfft is certainly the method of choice.

Image constraints

The total flux of the sought image, and the lower and upper bounds for pixel values can be specified with options -flux=SUM, -min=LOWER and -max=UPPER respectively. For instance:

... -flux=1 -min=0

is a must for processing OIFITS data. In fact, these are the default values for these otions.


The regularization is the kind of prior imposed to the reconstructed image. For all implemented regularizations, the relative strength of the prior (compared to the data) is specified with option -mu=µ where µ ≥ 0.

The following regularizations are available:

  • Edge-preserving smoothness is selected with the following options:

    -regul=hyperbolic -mu=µ -tau=τ -eta=η

    where τ is the edge threshold and η the scale of the finite differences to estimate the local gradient of the image.

    Different scales can be set for different dimensions by providing a list of values to -eta, e.g. -eta=1,1,0.3. By default, -eta=1 which implies that all finite differences are scaled the same. If any of the scales set by -eta=... is zero, then no regularity is imposed along the corresponding dimensions.

    Using a very small edge threshold τ, compared to the norm of the local gradients, mimics the effects of total variation (TV) regularizations. Conversely, using a high edge threshold τ yields a regularization comparable to quadratic smoothness.

  • Quadratic compactness is selected with the following options:

    -regul=compactness -mu=µ -gamma=γ

    where γ is the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the prior distribution of light. This parameter has angular units. For instance -gamma=15mas.

Tuning the reconstruction

The image reconstruction amounts to minimizing a criterion which is the sum of two terms: a data fidelity term and a regularization term. Given these two terms and an initial image, the algorithm proceeds by iteratively improving the solution so as to reduce the criterion.

There are parameters to control the convergence of the algorithm and the amount of computation.

  • Options --maxiter=NUMBER and --maxeval=NUMBER control the maximum number of iterations and evaluations of the criterion respectively. By default, there are no limits on these numbers.

  • Options --sftol=SFTOL, --sgtol=SGTOL and --sxtol=SXTOL control the line search convergence. SFTOL and SGTOL correspond to the first Wolfe condition (Armijo's criterion) and to the second Wolfe condition.

  • Options --ftol=FTOL and --gtol=GTOL control the global convergence of the reconstruction. The algorithm stops when the relative function change is less than FTOL between two successive iterations or when the norm of the gradient becomes smaller than GTOL.

Using MiRA from the command line via Docker

MiRA is available as a Docker image that can be run without installation. It can be run from the command line:

docker run --rm -ti -v FOLDER:/home/yorick ferreol/mira [OPTIONS] INPUT [...] OUTPUT

where FOLDER is the local folder containing the INPUT files, [OPTIONS] are optional settings, INPUT [...] are any number of OIFITS input data files and OUTPUT is the name of the output FITS file to save the resulting image. Option -help can be used for a short description of all options.

Using MiRA in Yorick interpreter

Launch Yorick and load "mira.i" (this should also load Yeti plugin):

include, "mira2.i";

Load OI-FITS data file (db will be your MiRA instance for this data file; in the data file, you may select a spectral range with keywords eff_wave and eff_band or with keywords wavemin and wavemax):

db = mira_new("data/data1.oifits");

Configure data instance for image reconstruction parameters (keyword dim is the number of pixels along the width and height of the restored image; keyword pixelsize is the size of the pixel in radians; keyword xform is the name of the method to approximate the Fourier transform, can be "exact", "fft" or "nfft", default is "exact"):

mira_config, db, dims=50, pixelsize=0.5*MIRA_MILLIARCSECOND,

Choose a suitable regularization method:

rgl = rgl_new("smoothness");

Attempt an image reconstruction (from scratch):

img1 = mira_solve(db, maxeval=500, verb=1, xmin=0.0, flux=1,
                  regul=rgl, mu=1e6);

where img1 is the output image, db is the data instance, maxeval is the maximum number of evaluations of the cost function, verb is set to one to display convergence information at every successful step (verb=10 to display this information every 10 steps and verb=0 or nil to display no information), xmin=0 to enforce a positivity constraint (xmin is the minimum allowed value in the restored image, you certainly do not to want to omit this option), regul set the regularization method, mu is the global weight of regularization (the higher its value the smoother the result), ftol controls the stopping criterion of OptimPack1 (which to see).

You can also try a reconstruction given an initial image img0:

img2 = mira_solve(db, img0, maxeval=500, verb=1, xmin=0.0,
                  flux=1, regul=rgl, mu=1e6);

Note that if img0 is not of size dim×dim it will be resampled to that size (i.e., assuming the field of view is the same).

With keyword zap_data, you can just build the default image as imposed by the regularization:

img0 = mira_solve(db, maxeval=500, verb=1, xmin=0.0, flux=1,
                  regul=rgl, mu=1e6, zap_data=1);

Caveats for using MiRA in Yorick

  • All units are in SI (i.e., angles are in radians, wavelengths in meters, etc.). A very common error in parameter settings is to use completely out of range values because you assume the wrong units. To make things a little bit easier, some constants are pre-defined by MiRA package, and you can use for instance: 3*MIRA_MILLIARCSECOND (instead of 1.45444e-08 radians) or 5*MIRA_MICRON (instead of 5e-6 meters).

  • Positivity is a must, you cannot expect a good image reconstruction (at least with any practical u-v coverage) without option xmin=0 in mira_solve. If you use certain regularizations such as the entropy, you must specify a strictly positive value for xmin (choose a very small value, for instance: 1e-50*nrm/npix where nrm is the normalization level and npix the total number of pixels).

  • Likewise, flux=1 must not be omitted if your data set obeys OI-FITS standard (i.e., visibilities are normalized) and has no explicit measurement at frequency (0,0).

  • The cost function is highly non-quadratic and may cause difficulties for OptimPack to converge. To overcome this, it is sometimes very effective to simply restart mira_solve with the an initial image provided by a previous reconstruction (possibly after recentering by mira_recenter). For instance:

    img2 = mira_solve(db, img0, maxeval=500, verb=1, xmin=0.0,
                      flux=1, regul=rgl, mu=1e6);
    img2 = mira_recenter(img2);
    img2 = mira_solve(db, img2, maxeval=500, verb=1, xmin=0.0,
                      flux=1, regul=rgl, mu=1e6);
    img2 = mira_recenter(img2);
    img2 = mira_solve(db, img2, maxeval=500, verb=1, xmin=0.0,
                      flux=1, regul=rgl, mu=1e6);
  • It is usually better to work with a purposely too high regularization level and then lower the value of mu as the image reconstruction converges.