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DHARMA Project Documentation

This repository is storing all the current documentation of the DHARMA Project.

When creating a new repository, do not rename its default branch to main or to something else. This default branch must remain called master. Otherwise, the DHARMA application will deal incorrectly with the repository.

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Corpora repositories

Task Force Corpus Designation Repository name
Task Force A Accāḷpuram tfa-accalpuram-epigraphy
Task Force A Cempiyaṉ Mahādevī tfa-cempiyan-mahadevi-epigraphy
Task Force A Cīrkāḻi tfa-cirkali-epigraphy
Task Force A Koṭumpāḷūr tfa-kotumpalur-epigraphy
Task Force A Mēlappaḻuvūr & Kīḻappaḻuvūr tfa-melappaluvur-kilappaluvur-epigraphy
Task Force A Pallava tfa-pallava-epigraphy
Task Force A Pāṇḍya tfa-pandya-epigraphy
Task Force A South Indian Inscriptions tfa-sii-epigraphy
Task Force A Tamil Nadu (varia) tfa-tamilnadu-epigraphy
Task Force A Uttiramērūr tfa-uttiramerur-epigraphy
Task Force B Śailodbhava tfb-sailodbhava-epigraphy
Task Force B Bhaumakara tfb-bhaumakara-epigraphy
Task Force B Eastern Gaṅga tfb-gangaeast-epigraphy
Task Force B Bengal Copper plates tfb-bengalcharters-epigraphy
Task Force B Bengal Dedication Inscriptions tfb-bengalded-epigraphy
Task Force B Arakan tfb-arakan-epigraphy
Task Force B Dakṣiṇa Kosala tfb-daksinakosala-epigraphy
Task Force B Rāṣṭrakūṭa tfb-rastrakuta-epigraphy
Task Force B Bādāmi Cālukya tfb-badamicalukya-epigraphy
Task Force B Kalyāṇa Cālukya tfb-kalyanacalukya-epigraphy
Task Force B Eastern Cālukya tfb-vengicalukya-epigraphy
Task Force B Telugu Inscriptions tfb-telugu-epigraphy
Task Force B Early Andhra tfb-eiad-epigraphy
Task Force B Satavahana tfb-satavahana-epigraphy
Task Force B Somavaṁśin tfb-somavamsin-epigraphy
Task Force B Maitraka tfb-maitraka-epigraphy
Task Force B Viṣṇukuṇḍin tfb-visnukundin-epigraphy
Task Force B Licchavi tfb-licchavi-epigraphy
Task Force C Campa tfc-campa-epigraphy
Task Force C Khmer tfc-khmer-epigraphy
Task Force C Nusantara tfc-nusantara-epigraphy
Task Force D Sanskrit tfd-sanskrit-philology
Task Force D Nusantara tfd-nusantara-philology

Open repository list

Repository name Corpus Designation
arie ARIE edition in open-source - only html
digital-areal xml-TEI introduction, lessons in French Files for temporary website
mdt-artefacts all mdt artefacts and conglomerate artefacts
mdt-authorities all authorities files
mdt-surrogates all mdt surrogates
mdt-texts all mdt texts
project-documentation all docs and scripts of the project

Closed repository list

Repository name Corpus Designation
aditia-phd Aditia's phd and latex scripts
arie-corpus All arie's sources files
electronic-text Project txt files
exchange_aurorachana repository to share files with Aurorachana
lexica-indices dictionaries and lexica - side projects


CSL stylesheets


several documents and markdown files

  • atom: user helps in markdown (deprecated)
  • encoding-critical: back-up since no official release yet
  • encoding-diplomatic : back-up for the current working version and first official release
  • FNC : back-up for the current working version and first official release
  • fonts : sharing fonts in open source
  • git : user helps in markdown
  • git-issuetracker: user helps in markdown
  • images: folder with screenshots for user helps markdown
  • metadata: a back-up version of tpl
  • open-access: user guide written by Solène Chevalier
  • transliteration : back-up for the current working version and first official release
  • visual-code : user helps in markdown
  • zotero : back-up for the current working version and first official release


  • pipelineTools: saxon 9 he (if changed, all the build files must be updated as well)
  • all xslt usd in java ant task to edit compotary languages in xml : first draft not extremely stable
  • editorial stylesheets used for batak : first draft


  • archives : deprecated versions
  • latest : lastest versions of all relaxNG and schematron files called from XML files - must be updated each time a change in the version is made, generic calling in the files so processing-instruction mustn't be changed.
  • metadata : DTD written by Adeline Levivier to go with tpl xml files for mdt. See templates/metadata folder.
  • validationTools: tools to valid the files in travis (deprecated)
  • version 1 for all xml schemas, relaxNG, Schematron Quick fixes and specific schematron rules. First draft made in 2019 with TEI ROMA tools. XML files are not odd since no specific documentation have been added.
    • Critical editions :
      • DHARMA_CritEdSchema_v01.xml : main schema for CritEd files used to created relaxNg, contains some schematron rules.
      • DHARMA_CritEdSQF_v01.sch : rules with SQF and specific checking of filenames, zotero ST ... (some rules are the same than DHARMA_SQF_v01.sch)
      • DHARMA_CritEdSchema_v01.rng : output in xml syntax
    • Diplomatic editions :
      • DHARMA_DiplEdSchema_v01.xml : main schema for DiplEd files used to created relaxNg, contains some schematron rules.
      • DHARMA_DiplEdSchema_v01.rng : output in xml syntax
    • Inscriptions :
      • DHARMA_SQF_v01.sch : rules with SQF and specific checking of filenames, zotero ST ... (some rules are the same than DHARMA_CritEdSQF_v01.sch)
      • DHARMA_INSSchema_v01.xml : main schema for inscriptions files used to created relaxNg, contains some schematron rules.
      • DHARMA_INSSchema_v01.rng : output in xml syntax
    • Prosody :
      • DHARMA_ProsodySchema_v01.xml : main schema for prosody used to created relaxNg.
      • DHARMA_ProsodySchema_v01.rng : output in xml syntax
  • README : explain how to use the schema with DHARMA files.
  • travis.yml : script to validate the schemas automatically with travis, code works but not used anymore since we have reach the free limit. Note that the name of the file should start with a dote when used in repositories.


All stylesheets made for display purposes are associated to a css and a js files. Both are specific for each allowing an autonomous use, even if more difficult to keep on a long run.

  • arie :
    • arie-css.css
    • arie-loader.css
    • arie-display.xslt : stylesheets for html display
    • arie-splitting.xslt : splitting the main source file into one file per volume
    • arie2tei.xslt : first draft - not finish to transform the xml into xml TEI.
  • criticalEditions :
    • dharma-ms.css
    • loader.js : used to resolve the large gap issue
    • : remarks on the dev (deprecated, see issues on tfd-nusantara-philology)
    • cleaning-translation: xslt to extract ooxml for googleDoc into xml - specific for Aditia's phD.
    • start-edition.xsl : html output
    • start-txt.xsl : text output
  • diplomaticEditions :
    • dharma-diplEd-ms.css
    • loader-diplEd.js
    • start-diplEd.xsl
  • ec :
    • ec-css.css
    • ec-loader.js
    • ec-display.xsl : output html for Epicagraphia Carnatica
  • images : images used in the readme
  • inscriptions : all the stylesheets reused from Epidoc - but not maintained in its updates from EPIDOC updates.
  • lexica-indices :
    • dcf-table_v01.xsl : table made for filling the missing part, not done by the digitaizng compagnie.
  • mdt_inscriptions :
    • mapping for textual mdt
    • mdt_CommaCleaning.xsl: cleaning all the 'COMMA' used in googleSheets, used in githubActions.
    • mdtArtefact_splitting.xsl : Splitting artefact file, runs thanks to githubActions.
    • mdtArtefact_start.xsl : Processing for artefacts mdt, uses github api and runs thanks to githubActions.
    • mdtCollection_start.xsl : Processing for collection list, uses github api and runs thanks to githubActions.
    • mdtConglomerateArtefact_start.xsl : Processing for conglomerate artefacts mdt, uses github api and runs thanks to githubActions.
    • mdtMonument_start.xsl : Processing for monument list, uses github api and runs thanks to githubActions.
    • mdtPerson_start.xsl : Processing for person list, uses github api and runs thanks to githubActions.
    • mdtPlace_start.xsl : Processing for place list, uses github api and runs thanks to githubActions.
    • mdtSurrogate_splitting.xsl : Splitting surrogates file, runs thanks to githubActions.
    • mdtSurrogate_start.xsl : Processing for surrogates mdt, uses github api and runs thanks to githubActions.
    • mdtText_splitting.xsl : Splitting text file, runs thanks to githubActions.
    • mdtText_strat.xsl : Processing for text mdt, uses github api and runs thanks to githubActions.
    • mdtText-display.xsl : html display for mdt texts, used by each repository and display from
  • mdt_-authorities :
    • Collections-start.xsl : html display for
    • Monuments-start.xsl : html display for
    • Persons-start.xsl : html display for
    • Places-start.xsl : html display for
  • output : folder used to store output when generated locally.
  • prosody :
    • start-edition.xsl : html display for
  • roej :
    • roej-css.css
    • roej-loader.js
    • roej-display.xsl : html display for
  • shivadharma :
    • moving-app.xsl : xst to make sivadharma file conformant to dharma rules, then criticalEditions/start-edition.xsl is used to run the output file and made a html display available on
  • sii :
    • sii-css.css
    • sii-loader.js
    • sii-display.xsl : html display for
  • varia: some random xslt made during the project for a part of a task or for a full one, meaning some are not finished as such or can't be used alone. Some important one are explain here.
    • DHARMA_deleteIds_v01.xsl : delete ids for tfd-nusantara when necessary
    • DHARMA_dyadNumbering_v01.xsl : numbering dyad for tfd-nusantara
    • DHARMA_emptyingElements_trans :
    • DHARMA_numberingCanto_v01.xsl: numbering canto for tfd-nusantara
    • DHARMA_numberingLg_v01.xsl : numbering ld for tfd-nusantara
    • DHARMA_numberingMS_v01.xsl : numbering several elements for tfd-nusantara
    • DHARMA_numberingVerse_v01.xsl : numbering verse lines
    • DHARMA_pbNumbering_v01.xsl : numbering pb element
    • DHARMA_ROEJextractSanskrit_v01.xsl : extract sanskrit lemma for roej
    • DHARMA_termNumbering_v01.xsl: numbering term element for tfd-nusantara
  • README : explain how to use the xslt with DHARMA files.


Templates for dharma produced in the project.


  • licence.txt
  • build.xml : run the xslt to make the html for prosody - send the output to repository
  • DHARMA_idListMembers_v01.xml : list with all members of the project to refer to
  • DHARMA_idListTexts_v01.xml : list of texts for tfd-nusantara-philology
  • DHARMA_prosodicPatterns_v01 : list for prosody