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237 lines (188 loc) · 8.5 KB

File metadata and controls

237 lines (188 loc) · 8.5 KB

aider chat started at 2024-10-02 01:07:59

Newer aider version v0.58.1 is available.
/var/home/erik/.local/share/pipx/venvs/aider-chat/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed aider-chat
Run pip install? (Y)es/(N)o [Yes]: n
Add .aider* to .gitignore (recommended)? (Y)es/(N)o [Yes]: n
Warning: gpt-4o-2024-08-06 expects these environment variables

  • OPENAI_API_KEY: Not set
    If you just set these environment variables using setx you may need to restart your terminal or command prompt for the changes to take effect.
    For more info, see:
    Warning: gpt-4o-mini expects these environment variables
  • OPENAI_API_KEY: Not set
    If you just set these environment variables using setx you may need to restart your terminal or command prompt for the changes to take effect.
    For more info, see:
    You can skip this check with --no-show-model-warnings
    Proceed anyway? (Y)es/(N)o [Yes]: n

aider chat started at 2024-10-02 01:08:54

Add .aider* to .gitignore (recommended)? (Y)es/(N)o [Yes]: n
/var/home/erik/.local/bin/aider --deepseek
Aider v0.58.0
Model: deepseek/deepseek-coder with diff edit format, prompt cache, infinite output
Git repo: .git with 17 files
Repo-map: using 1024 tokens, auto refresh
Use /help for help, run "aider --help" to see cmd line args

can you print last 5 commits

To print the last 5 commits, you can use the following command:

git log -5

This command will display the last 5 commits in your repository.

Tokens: 4.5k sent, 38 received. Cost: $0.00064 message, $0.00064 session.
git log -5
Run shell command? (Y)es/(N)o/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: y
Running git log -5
Add command output to the chat? (Y)es/(N)o/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: y

Ok. can you squash last 2 commits and write good conventional commit message for them?

To squash the last 2 commits and write a good conventional commit message, you can use the following steps:

  1. Squash the commits:

    git rebase -i HEAD~2
  2. Edit the commit message:

    • This will open an editor with the last 2 commits listed. Change the second commit's action from pick to squash or s.
    • Save and close the editor.
    • Another editor will open to allow you to write a new commit message. Write a good conventional commit message.

Here is an example of a good conventional commit message for the squashed commits:

feat(api-key): implement API key management and configuration

- Add functionality to save and load API key to/from keyring
- Make delete API key button configurable based on config settings
- Refactor API key management to improve code readability and maintainability

After writing the commit message, save and close the editor.

  1. Force push the changes (if working on a branch):
    git push --force

This will squash the last 2 commits into one with a new commit message.

Tokens: 5.2k sent, 250 received. Cost: $0.00080 message, $0.0014 session.
git rebase -i HEAD2
Run shell command? (Y)es/(N)o/(S)kip all/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: y
Running git rebase -i HEAD
Add command output to the chat? (Y)es/(N)o/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: y
git push --force
Run shell command? (Y)es/(N)o/(S)kip all/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: s

/run git status

Add the output to the chat? (Y)es/(n)o/message with instructions: y
On branch master
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits.
(use "git push" to publish your local commits)

Changes to be committed:
(use "git restore --staged ..." to unstage)
�[32mmodified: src/state/�[m
�[32mmodified: src/ui/�[m

Untracked files:
(use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)

^C again to exit

Since you have uncommitted changes, you need to either commit or stash them before you can perform the rebase. Here are the steps to do that:

  1. Commit the changes:

    git commit -m "Temporary commit for rebase"
  2. Perform the rebase:

    git rebase -i HEAD~2
  3. Edit the commit message:

    • Change the second commit's action from pick to squash or s.
    • Save and close the editor

Tokens: 5.7k sent, 121 received. Cost: $0.00083 message, $0.0023 session.

Ok. add the aider files to gitignore

To add the, .aider.input.history, and .aider.tags.cache.v3/ files to your .gitignore, you need to edit the .gitignore file. Here are the steps:

  1. Edit the .gitignore file:

    echo "" >> .gitignore
    echo ".aider.input.history" >> .gitignore
    echo ".aider.tags.cache.v3/" >> .gitignore
  2. Commit the changes:

    git add .gitignore
    git commit -m "Add aider files to .gitignore"

These commands will add the specified files to your .gitignore and commit the changes.

Tokens: 5.8k sent, 164 received. Cost: $0.00086 message, $0.0031 session.
echo "" >> .gitignore
echo ".aider.input.history" >> .gitignore echo ".aider.tags.cache.v3/" >> .gitignore
Run shell commands? (Y)es/(N)o/(S)kip all/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: y
Running echo "" >> .gitignore
Running echo ".aider.input.history" >> .gitignore
Running echo ".aider.tags.cache.v3/" >> .gitignore
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "Add aider files to .gitignore"
Run shell commands? (Y)es/(N)o/(S)kip all/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: y
Running git add .gitignore
Running git commit -m "Add aider files to .gitignore"
Add command output to the chat? (Y)es/(N)o/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: y
Add .gitignore to the chat? (Y)es/(N)o/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: n
You can use /undo to undo and discard each aider commit.

ok can you now print the git log and squash these last commits into 1 with a good commit message?

Sure, let's first print the git log to see the current state of your commits and then proceed with squashing the last commits into one with a good commit message.

  1. Print the git log:

    git log -5
  2. Squash the last commits:

    git rebase -i HEAD~3
  3. Edit the commit message:

    • This will open an editor with the last 3 commits listed. Change the second and third commit's action from pick to squash or s.
    • Save and close the editor.
    • Another editor will open to allow you to write a new commit message. Write a good conventional commit message.

Here is an example of a good conventional commit message for the squashed commits:

feat(api-key): implement API key management and configuration

- Add functionality to save and load API key to/from keyring
- Make delete API key button configurable based on config settings
- Refactor API key management to improve code readability and maintainability
- Add aider files to .gitignore

After writing the commit message, save and close the editor.

  1. Force push the changes (if working on a branch):
    git push --force

This will squash the last 3 commits into one with a new commit message.

Tokens: 6.1k sent, 296 received. Cost: $0.00093 message, $0.0041 session.
git log -5
Run shell command? (Y)es/(N)o/(S)kip all/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: y
Running git log -5
Add command output to the chat? (Y)es/(N)o/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: y
git rebase -i HEAD3
Run shell command? (Y)es/(N)o/(S)kip all/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: y
Running git rebase -i HEAD
Add command output to the chat? (Y)es/(N)o/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: y
git push --force
Run shell command? (Y)es/(N)o/(S)kip all/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: s

git log -7

To print the last 7 commits, you can use the following command:

git log -7

This command will display the last 7 commits in your repository.

Tokens: 11k sent, 38 received. Cost: $0.0016 message, $0.0056 session.
git log -7
Please answer with one of: yes, no, don't
Run shell command? (Y)es/(N)o/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: y
Running git log -7
Add command output to the chat? (Y)es/(N)o/(D)on't ask again [Yes]: y

^C again to exit

^C KeyboardInterrupt