Erika Duan 2025-01-11
This is a review of the following blog posts:
- Regression, Fire and Dangerous Things Part 1
- Regression, Fire and Dangerous Things Part 2
- Regression, Fire and Dangerous Things Part 3
There are a few reasons for performing regression modelling, as listed in Regression and Other Stories (ROS) by Gelman et al.
- Predicting or forecasting outcomes using existing data, without aiming to understand causality.
- Exploring (potentially misleading) associations between variables of interest and an outcome.
- Adjusting outcomes from a sample to infer something about a population of interest. This is the aim of many scientific experiments.
- Estimating treatment effects by comparing outcomes between treatment(s) and control (defined in ROS as causal inference).
Scientists are often looking for a method to separate spurious associations from true causal relationships, but regression modelling is not designed for this. McElreath is critical of those who carelessly use regression modelling to identify causal relationships.
We are interested in whether the family size of the mother has any impact on the family size of the daughter.
- We have data on the family sizes of mother and daughter pairs.
- We expect unmeasured confounds for mother and daughter pairs (different environmental exposures shared by each mother-daughter pair).
- Previous research indicates that birth order is associated with fertility, which impacts family size.
# Create a synthetic data model ------------------------------------------------
N <- 200 # Number of mother-daughter pairs
U <- rnorm(N) # Simulate confounds
#> [1] -0.3832159 -0.6019343 0.8216938 -0.4526242 0.3254342
# B1 represents the mother's birth order where 1 indicates 'is first born'
B1 <- rbinom(N, size = 1, prob = 0.5) # Probability 50% are first born
#> [1] 0 1 0 0 0
# M represents the mother's family size
# In our model, the mother's family size is directly influenced by B1 and U
M <- rnorm(N, mean = 2*B1 + U)
#> [1] 0.37835160 0.03283694 -0.51075527 -4.15239295 1.66977563
M <- ifelse(M < 0, 0, round(M, digits = 0))
#> [1] 0 0 0 0 2
# B2 represents the daughter's birth order where 1 indicates 'is first born'
# B2 occurs independently of B1
B2 <- rbinom(N, size = 1, prob = 0.5)
#> [1] 1 1 0 0 1
# D represents the daughter's family size
# We first assume that the mother's family size has no impact on the daughter's
# family size.
D <- rnorm(N, mean = 2*B2 + U + 0*M)
#> [1] 0.4896820 2.4589650 0.5504082 -2.3242933 2.9083178
D <- ifelse(D < 0, 0, round(D, digits = 0))
#> [1] 0 2 1 0 3
A diagram of the causal relationships in our synthetic data model is below.
flowchart LR
A(Mother birth order B1) --> B(Mother family size M)
C(Unknown confound U) --> B
D(Daughter birth order B2) --> E(Daughter family size D)
C --> E
Note that the effect size of the confounder (U) is reasonably
significant when D <- rnorm(N, 2*B2 + U + 0*M)
In our synthetic model, the mother’s family size (M) has no impact on the daughter’s family size (D). But what happens when we include M in a regression model to predict D?
# Build linear regression model D = b0 + b1*M ----------------------------------
only_M <- lm(D ~ M)
# Output tidy linear regression coefficients and p-values
# A tibble: 2 x 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 0.978 0.118 8.26 2.03e-14
2 M 0.231 0.0685 3.38 8.82e- 4
# Output model performance metrics
# A tibble: 1 x 12
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 0.0545 0.0497 1.23 11.4 0.000882 1 -324. 654. 663.
# i 3 more variables: deviance <dbl>, df.residual <int>, nobs <int>
The linear regression model indicates that M is positively associated with D!
This conflicts with our ground truth that D is not influenced by M. Although the adjusted indicates that our model is extremely poorly predictive, we should still be alarmed. In research, it is plausible for unknown confounders to exist that are predictive of both predictor AND outcome variables of interest.
What happens if we add more predictor variables into our linear regression model? Does the misleading association between M and D disappear?
# Build linear regression model D = b0 + b1*M + b2*B1 + b3*B2 ------------------
M_B1_B2 <- lm(D ~ M + B1 + B2)
# Output tidy linear regression coefficients and p-values
# A tibble: 4 x 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 0.400 0.132 3.02 2.88e- 3
2 M 0.373 0.0658 5.67 5.15e- 8
3 B1 -0.437 0.166 -2.64 9.07e- 3
4 B2 1.33 0.145 9.16 6.85e-17
# Output model performance metrics
# A tibble: 1 x 12
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 0.352 0.343 1.02 35.6 2.15e-18 3 -286. 582. 598.
# i 3 more variables: deviance <dbl>, df.residual <int>, nobs <int>
Unfortunately, adding the variables B1 and B2 produced a model with an even larger coefficient for M!
B1 is also negatively associated with D, despite ground truth that M is positively dependent on B1 (so we expect B1 and M to have non-zero coefficients with the same sign if M had a causal effect on D).
If we examined model performance metrics like AIC and BIC, we would wrongly conclude that the second model is superior and use it for scientific inference. It is likely that the second model is a more predictive model. However, the second model is more misleading if we wanted to infer causal relationships between the predictor (B1, B2 and M) and response (D) variables.
This example illustrates the dangers of causal salads, where we throw many variables into a model and hope to identify some statistically significant ones. The best way to counter this practice is to also think about the causal relationships among predictor variables and not just directly between predictor and response variables.
Our first scenario is the result of bias amplification:
- Both the predictor and response variables are confounded by another variable (U).
- Another predictor variable (B1) is included in the model and is a
strong predictor of M as
M <- rnorm(N, 2*B1 + U)
. - The addition of B1 tends to amplify the unknown effects of U and make inference much worse.
- In best practice, we should add other predictor variables hypothesised to be strong predictors of D but not of M. In research however, it is usually very difficult to identify such variables confidently, especially when there is limited or mixed information about existing causal relationships.
# Build linear regression model D = b0 + b1*M + b2*B2 --------------------------
# Only include other predictor variables known to be associated with D
M_B2 <- lm(D ~ M + B2)
# The coefficients of the model D ~ M + B2 are more sensible than
# D ~ M + B1 + B2 as the negative coefficient for B1 is omitted. However, the
# coefficient of M is still misleading.
# A tibble: 3 x 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 0.282 0.126 2.23 2.70e- 2
2 M 0.288 0.0582 4.94 1.63e- 6
3 B2 1.33 0.148 8.99 2.06e-16
# The model performance is similar to D ~ M + B1 + B2
# A tibble: 1 x 12
r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 0.329 0.323 1.04 48.4 7.96e-18 2 -289. 587. 600.
# i 3 more variables: deviance <dbl>, df.residual <int>, nobs <int>
How much do confounders contribute to misleading regression modelling results? Let’s examine three scenarios below.
Scenario 3: The effect size of U is relatively weak compared to the effect sizes of B1 and B2. The new ground truth is represented below.
flowchart LR
A(B1) --> B(M)
C(U) -.weak.-> B
D(B2) --> E(D)
C -.weak.-> E
# Create new values for M and D when U = 0.1 -----------------------------------
M_low_U <- rnorm(N, mean = 2*B1 + 0.1*U)
M_low_U <- ifelse(M_low_U < 0, 0, round(M_low_U, digits = 0))
D_low_U <- rnorm(N, mean = 2*B2 + 0.1*U)
D_low_U <- ifelse(D_low_U < 0, 0, round(D_low_U, digits = 0))
# Build linear regression model D_low_U = b0 + b1*M_low_U + b2*B2 --------------
M_B2_low_U <- lm(D_low_U ~ M_low_U + B2)
# The coefficient for M is zero (non-significant) as expected and model
# performance is also increased.
Scenario 2: There is no unknown confounder U that impacts both M and D. The modelling includes B1, which is highly predictive of M and may introduce some multicollinearity. The new ground truth is represented below.
flowchart LR
A(B1) --> B(M)
D(B2) --> E(D)
# Create new values for M and D when U = 0 -------------------------------------
M_no_U <- rnorm(N, mean = 2*B1)
M_no_U <- ifelse(M_no_U < 0, 0, round(M_no_U, digits = 0))
D_no_U <- rnorm(N, mean = 2*B2)
D_no_U <- ifelse(D_no_U < 0, 0, round(D_no_U, digits = 0))
# Build linear regression models -----------------------------------------------
M_B2_no_U <- lm(D_no_U ~ M_no_U + B2) # No multicollinearity
M_B1_B2_no_U <- lm(D_no_U ~ M_no_U + B1 + B2) # Multicollinearity through B1
M_B1_B2_no_U_no_I <- lm(D_no_U ~ 0 + M_no_U + B1 + B2) # No intercept assumed
# The addition of B1 does not impact the value of other model coefficients. The
# biggest positive impact on model performance is the removal of the intercept.
Scenario 3: There is no confounder of both M and D. An unknown confounder U only affects M and the model includes B1, which may introduce some multicollinearity. The new ground truth is represented below.
flowchart LR
A(B1) --> B(M)
C(U) --> B
D(B2) --> E(D)
# Build linear regression model D_no_U = b0 + b1*M + b2*B2 ---------------------
M_B2_D_no_U <- lm(D_no_U ~ M + B2) # No multicollinearity
M_B1_B2_D_no_U <- lm(D_no_U ~ M + B1 + B2) # Multicollinearity through B1
# The model coefficients for M and B2 are unchanged after the inclusion of B1,
# highlighting that bias amplification only exists when U confounds both
# predictive AND response variables.
Shown above, misleading causal salads are generated when unknown confounders impact both the predictor and response variables of interest. Amplification bias is also specific to this pattern of confounding.
In research, it is difficult to rule out the existence of such unknown confounders, unless one is extremely confident about the causal relationships between all measured and unmeasured variables.
Regression has no direction whereas causal models are built from directional relationships. The simplest model tells us that:
- A change in X will cause a change in Y.
- A change in Y will not impact X.
We can turn our first modelling question into the causal graph below. This graph represents our hypothesis about what is happening, which is why we include an arrow from M to D.
flowchart TD
B1 -- b --> M
U -- k --> M
U -- k --> D
B2 -- b --> D
M -- m --> D
style D fill:#Fff9e3,stroke:#333
Other graph construction decisions:
- We assume that the influence of birth order on family size b is consistent over time (the same effect size for mothers and daughters). This assumption may come from domain knowledge or be a common sense simplification.
- We also assume that the influence of the unobserved confound k is the same for mothers and daughters.
The covariance between two variables can be calculated directly from a causal graph.
If b is the causal influence of B1 on M, then the covariance between B1 and M is just the causal effect b multiplied by the variance of B1.
# Check causal influence estimation using a causal graph -----------------------
cov(B1, M) / var(B1)
#> [1] 1.246625
# Check covariate estimation using linear regression ---------------------------
lm(M ~ B1) |>
# A tibble: 2 x 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 0.545 0.111 4.90 2.01e- 6
2 B1 1.25 0.157 7.95 1.36e-13
We are interested in the causal influence of M on D and would therefore like to estimate m. We know the following things:
- We do not know U or k as U is unobserved.
- We can calculate as we multiply the causes b and m when there are multiple arrows on a path.
We can therefore solve for m.
# Solve for m using a causal graph ---------------------------------------------
cov(B1, D) / cov(B1, M)
#> [1] -0.02005616
# This agrees with our prior knowledge that M has no effect on D
# Test for different values of m -----------------------------------------------
D2 <- rnorm(N, 2*B2 + U + 0.7*M)
D2 <- ifelse(D2 < 0, 0, round(D2, digits = 0))
cov(B1, D2) / cov(B1, M)
#> [1] 0.3991978
D3 <- rnorm(N, 2*B2 + U + 1.5*M)
D3 <- ifelse(D3 < 0, 0, round(D3, digits = 0))
cov(B1, D3) / cov(B1, M)
#> [1] 1.19655
However, this solution does not provide us information about the uncertainty of our estimate of m. A computationally intensive way of doing this is to repeat the data simulation many times and obtain a bootstrap estimate. However, performing bootstraps is not always possible.
# Calculate bootstrap estimate for 1000 simulations ----------------------------
N <- 200
U <- rnorm(N, 0, 1)
B1 <- rbinom(N, size=1, prob = 0.5)
M <- rnorm(N, 2*B1 + U)
M <- ifelse(M < 0, 0, round(M, digits = 0))
B2 <- rbinom(N, size = 1, prob = 0.5)
D <- rnorm(N, 2*B2 + U + 0*M)
D <- ifelse(D < 0, 0, round(D, digits = 0))
# Define bootstrap statistic i.e. m = cov(B1, D) / cov(B1, M)
f <- function(data,indices)
with(data[indices,], cov(B1, D) / cov(B1, M))
# Define dataset structure
data_sim <- data.frame(
M = M,
D = D,
B1 = B1,
B2 = B2
# Perform bootstrap
boot(data = data_sim, statistic = f, R = 1000) |>
# A tibble: 1 x 3
statistic bias std.error
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 -0.0201 0.000772 0.151
Thinking like a graph involves multiple stages:
- Step 1: Specify a generative model of the data and include unmeasured confounds. This generative model can be a simple directed acyclic graph (DAG) or a detailed system of equations.
- Step 2: Choose a specific exposure of interest and outcome of interest, for example M and D respectively.
- Step 3: Use the model structure to deduce a procedure for calculating the causal influence of the exposure on the outcome.
- Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 if calculating multiple causal effects.
A single causal model implies a variety of statistical models, with potentially a different statistical model for each causal question.
Even if we do not have any ideas about the exact functions between different variables, we can use do-calculus to query a DAG and determine if there is a method to estimate a causal effect.
The key ideas behind do-calculus are:
- Use statistical or experimental design choices to remove confounds for an association of interest between an exposure and outcome. Graphically, this is equivalent to removing all arrows entering the exposure of interest. In medical research, we can achieve this scenario by conducting randomised controlled trials (RCTs) to experimentally set different values for M.
- The remaining association is an estimate of the causal effect of the exposure on the outcome.
In our scenario, we would be interested in modelling the intervention below to calculate , which is the distribution of D when we intervene on M.
flowchart TD
U --> D
B2 --> D
M --> D
style D fill:#Fff9e3,stroke:#333
When RCTs cannot be conducted (for ethical or financial reasons), do-calculus provides an algorithm for deducing statistical methods to convert our original hypothesised model into the simplified model above and to then calculate .
According to McElreath, full-luxury Bayesian inference is an approach which:
- Uses all variables and expresses all of their relationships as a joint probability distribution (only uses one statistical model unlike the causal graph approach).
- Any available data can be used to constrain the joint probability distribution, eliminate possibilities and refine information about causal effects.
- This process automatically realises and derives the statistical implications of the causal model.
- This process allows estimations in finite samples, with missing data, measurement errors or other common errors present.
We can rewrite our original generative code as a joint probability distribution.
# Original generative model to be converted ------------------------------------
N <- 200
U <- rnorm(N, 0, 1)
B1 <- rbinom(N, size=1, prob = 0.5)
M <- rnorm(N, 2*B1 + U)
M <- ifelse(M < 0, 0, round(M, digits = 0)) # [1]
B2 <- rbinom(N, size = 1, prob = 0.5)
D <- rnorm(N, 2*B2 + U + 0*M)
D <- ifelse(D < 0, 0, round(D, digits = 0)) # [1]
# [1] We will skip these lines to simplify our joint probability distribution
Let represent an individual mother-daughter pair. The joint probability distribution is derived from the following distinct probability distributions:
The values for U have not been observed so we cannot estimate the mean and variance of U. However, it is fine to assign U a standardised normal distribution. As U is an unobserved variable, it is a prior.
We also need to specify probability distributions for the latent variables b, m, k and so on. These parameters are also unobserved variables and therefore also priors. Assigning prior probability distributions to unobserved variables is an art that can be refined by simulating the observations implied by the prior probability assignments. For our scenario, we will use weakly regularising distributions that encode skepticism of large causal effects.
The parameter k has been assigned an exponential distribution to constrain it to be positive. Although we do not know if the effect of U on M or D is positive or negative, we need to force it to be one or the other as the sign of U impacts each M-D pair. This enforced constraint helps with the next step.
The variables of our final joint probability distribution are:
- the observed variables (the data)
- the latent variables (the unknown parameters)
Every time we acquire new data, we acquire new information about these variables and we can update the joint distribution to see if it implies new information about any of the other i.e. latent variables.
In our scenario, the information we have is observations of M, D, B1 and B2. We want to know if these observations imply anything about m.
# Load Bayesian modelling packages ---------------------------------------------
# Define Bayesian model --------------------------------------------------------
data <- list(N = N,
M = M,
D = D,
B1 = B1,
B2 = B2)
bayes_model <- ulam(
# Mum model
M ~ normal(mu, sigma),
mu <- a1 + b*B1 + k*U[i],
# Daughter model
D ~ normal(nu, tau),
nu <- a2 + b*B2 + m*M + k*U[i],
# B1 and B2
B1 ~ bernoulli(p),
B2 ~ bernoulli(p),
# Unmeasured confound is also included
vector[N]:U ~ normal(0, 1),
# Priors or latent variables
c(a1, a2, b, m) ~ normal(0, 0.5),
c(k, sigma, tau) ~ exponential(1),
p ~ beta(2, 2)
data = data,
chains = 4,
cores = 4,
iter = 2000,
cmdstan = TRUE)
The cmdstanr
package uses automatic differentiation to sample from the
approximate joint distribution of the specified model, conditional on
the observed data.
# Summarise the marginal distributions of m, b and k ---------------------------
precis(bayes_model, pars = c("m", "b", "k"))
mean sd 5.5% 94.5% rhat ess_bulk
m 0.06425187 0.1190338 -0.1317059 0.2571193 1.019846 223.8204
b 1.25957636 0.1005843 1.1013234 1.4215938 1.000825 3842.8306
k 0.59038828 0.1671759 0.2837118 0.8159069 1.023639 188.5850
# Estimates for m, b and k are much closer to the original values used in our
# generative model i.e. m = 0, b = 2 and k = 1.
Imagine that we also want to know the causal effect of intervening on B1 on D i.e. . This causal effect depends on multiple parameters (the product of b and m instead of only m) and it can also be computed.
# Directly calculate b*m from original Bayesian model --------------------------
# As the causal model is a linear model, the average effect of intervening on B1
# must be b * m.
posterior <- extract.samples(bayes_model)
quantile(with(posterior, b*m))
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
-0.40037008 -0.01866835 0.08150841 0.18459810 0.55531662
The median is 0.082 and there is a wide range of both positive and negative effects, which indicates that there is no effect on D when we intervene on B1. This is expected, as m is close to 0 and uncertain.
# Simulate intervention on B1 and its effect on D ------------------------------
# B1 can only be 0 or 1
# Scenario 1: Let B1 = 0
# Simulate the distribution of M
M_B1_0 <- with(posterior, a1 + b*0 + k*0)
# Use simulated values of M to simulate the distribution of D
D_B1_0 <- with(posterior, a2 + b*0 + m*M_B1_0 + k*0)
# Scenario 2: Let B1 = 1
M_B1_1 <- with(posterior, a1 + b*1 + k*0)
D_B1_1 <- with(posterior, a2 + b*0 + m*M_B1_1 + k*0)
# Obtain distribution of D_B1_1 - D_B1_0 ---------------------------------------
# This is the causal effect of changing B1 from 0 to 1
dist_D_B1 <- D_B1_1 - D_B1_0
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
-0.40037008 -0.01866835 0.08150841 0.18459810 0.55531662
The quantiles calculated by the two methods are identical, as they are computed from the same simulated samples from the joint probability distribution.
An advantage of Bayesian inference is that it can automatically discover ways to manage confounds like U.
Imagine we have a more complicated generative model where B1 also influences D directly (for example, because first-born mothers tend to gain an inheritance which can support their daughter’s future family). We also have two new variables V and W, which are caused by U.
flowchart TD
U --v--> V
U --w--> W
U --k--> D
U --k--> M
B2 --b--> D
M --m--> D
B1 --b--> M
B1 --d--> D
style D fill:#Fff9e3,stroke:#333
B1 therefore becomes another confound that we have to control for when calculating the causal effect of M on D. However, we can now use V and W to remove the confounding effect of U.
# Define more complex Bayesian model -------------------------------------------
N <- 200
# Simulate unobserved confound U and its effects on V and W
U <- rnorm(N, 0, 1)
V <- rnorm(N, U, 1)
W <- rnorm(N, U, 1)
# Simulate birth order and family size
B1 <- rbinom(N, size = 1, prob = 0.5)
M <- rnorm(N, 2*B1 + U)
B2 <- rbinom(N, size = 1, prob = 0.5)
D <- rnorm(N, 2*B2 + 0.5*B1 + U + 0*M)
# Define Bayesian model --------------------------------------------------------
# We no longer know the distributions of B1 and B2
complex_data <- list(
N = N,
M = M,
D = D,
B1 = B1,
B2 = B2,
V = V,
W = W)
complex_bayes_model <- ulam(
M ~ normal(muM, sigmaM),
muM <- a1 + b*B1 + k*U[i],
D ~ normal(muD, sigmaD),
muD <- a2 + b*B2 + d*B1 + m*M + k*U[i],
W ~ normal(muW, sigmaW),
muW <- a3 + w*U[i],
V ~ normal(muV , sigmaV),
muV <- a4 + v*U[i],
vector[N]:U ~ normal(0, 1),
# Still use weakly regularising distributions for priors
c(a1, a2, a3, a4, b, d, m) ~ normal(0, 0.5),
c(k, w, v) ~ exponential(1),
c(sigmaM, sigmaD, sigmaW, sigmaV) ~ exponential(1)
data = complex_data,
chains = 4,
cores = 4 ,
iter = 2000 ,
cmdstan = TRUE)
mean sd 5.5% 94.5% rhat ess_bulk
m 0.16960054 0.08188694 0.03960823 0.30279672 1.0012207 2147.273
d 0.11476251 0.21787101 -0.21937491 0.46469234 1.0009631 3376.670
b 1.95276557 0.11099411 1.77532945 2.12747330 1.0014163 4492.762
a4 0.06231286 0.09396005 -0.09135014 0.21177960 1.0018730 1730.048
a3 -0.09258681 0.09619545 -0.24360191 0.06319867 1.0015615 2133.334
a2 0.02533199 0.14210585 -0.19491012 0.25011709 1.0002476 2927.299
a1 -0.02933989 0.10772048 -0.20312861 0.14205601 1.0002731 2216.305
v 1.03576492 0.09353699 0.89094659 1.18875650 1.0015247 1612.433
w 0.94411181 0.09734003 0.79335103 1.10128210 0.9999713 2242.923
k 0.97237904 0.09985011 0.81729938 1.13449495 1.0028707 1117.619
sigmaV 0.85668174 0.07402561 0.73700181 0.97304161 1.0008793 1755.953
sigmaW 1.01028818 0.06871882 0.90271051 1.12292165 1.0000127 3043.080
sigmaD 1.12867762 0.07092363 1.02012395 1.24701320 0.9997250 4284.407
sigmaM 0.98410645 0.07165032 0.87547982 1.10058695 1.0030935 2006.551
# Examine results from confounded multiple regression model --------------------
lm(D ~ M + B1 + B2 + V + W) |>
# A tibble: 6 x 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) -0.0982 0.160 -0.615 5.39e- 1
2 M 0.380 0.0779 4.88 2.24e- 6
3 B1 -0.258 0.232 -1.11 2.67e- 1
4 B2 2.17 0.174 12.5 1.39e-26
5 V 0.260 0.0836 3.11 2.17e- 3
6 W 0.297 0.0755 3.93 1.18e- 4
# Multiple regression fails to account for confounding relationships and
# provides a positive coefficient for m.
A disadvantage of the Bayesian inference approach is that some calculations are inefficient or impossible to run. Some algebraic thinking can help make the inference more efficient and reliable.
For example, in our original model, we can ignore the impact of U by treating M and D as pairs of values drawn from a common (multivariate normal) distribution with some correlation induced by U.
The joint probability distribution therefore does not need to include U:
# Define simplified Bayesian model ---------------------------------------------
# Sigma is the covariance matrix that attempts to learn the residual association
# between M and D due to U so U can be excluded
mvn_bayes_model <- ulam(
c(M, D) ~ multi_normal(c(mu, nu), Rho, Sigma),
mu <- a1 + b*B1,
nu <- a2 + b*B2 + m*M,
c(a1, a2, b, m) ~ normal(0, 0.5),
Rho ~ lkj_corr(2),
Sigma ~ exponential(1)
data = data,
chains = 4,
cores = 4,
cmdstan = TRUE)
precis(mvn_bayes_model, 3)
mean sd 5.5% 94.5% rhat ess_bulk
m 0.07435733 0.10559172 -0.09773703 0.2460944 1.005598 685.2339
b 1.26509529 0.09926416 1.10734340 1.4294633 1.001187 1262.3625
a2 0.54444654 0.15668036 0.30732971 0.7950777 1.004824 727.3945
a1 0.51910548 0.08975037 0.37723323 0.6627066 1.005372 1314.2208
Rho[1,1] 1.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 1.0000000 NA NA
Rho[2,1] 0.29534553 0.11466591 0.10145410 0.4706128 1.005545 734.8973
Rho[1,2] 0.29534553 0.11466591 0.10145410 0.4706128 1.005545 734.8973
Rho[2,2] 1.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 1.0000000 NA NA
Sigma[1] 1.11346473 0.05691709 1.02656340 1.2081238 1.000072 1937.2072
Sigma[2] 1.08038981 0.06441891 0.98564164 1.1899950 1.008704 987.7994
Another problem with the Bayesian inference approach is that we do not necessarily understand how our analysis extracts the final information (as it is all hidden under complex probability theory). Understanding why an inference is possible or not helps us anticipate results and design better research.
The full-luxury Bayesian inference approach and the causal design approach complement each other because 1) we can use do-calculus to identify when inference is possible and which variables can be ignored, and then 2) use Bayesian inference to perform the calculations. Both models depend on the definition and analysis of a generative model. The assumptions required to build a generative model must come from prior research or hypotheses constructed using domain knowledge.
- The interpretation of statistical results always depends upon causal assumptions, assumptions that ultimately cannot be tested with available data. This is why we need to interpret statistical modelling and machine learning results with caution and be skeptical of those making claims about causality. See Westreich et al 2013 for a more detailed example.
- Graphical causal inference (including RCTs) requires a different statistical model for each causal query.
- Bayesian inference only requires a single statistical model (the joint probability distribution) to obtain different causal queries through different simulations.
- Because we care about estimating uncertainty in a finite sample, using a causal design approach without incorporating Bayesian inference is incomplete, as we lack a reliable and efficient method to perform calculations.