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Building RAPs with R - Part 1.6

Erika Duan 2023-08-06

Writing good functions

We can avoid code repetition by writing bespoke functions. For example, the original code from script 2 step 2 in Part 1.3 can be simplified by the following function.

# Single function for plotting commune prices ----------------------------------  
# This function can replace repetitive code in script 2 step 2 from part 1.3  

make_plot <- function(country_level_data,

  filtered_data <- commune_level_data %>%
    filter(locality == commune)

  data_to_plot <- bind_rows(

  ggplot(data_to_plot) +
    geom_line(aes(y = pl_m2,
                  x = year,
                  group = locality,
                  colour = locality))

Functional programming extends this concept by exclusively relying on the evaluation of functions to achieve a required output. In order to write a good functional program, however, we need to create functions with specific ‘good’ properties.

Good functions do not alter the state of your global environment

As described in the Advanced R textbook, the role of an environment is to bind a set of names to a set of R objects (which include single values, atomic vectors, lists, data frames and functions).

Environments have the following properties:

  • Every name in an environment is unique.
  • The names in an environment are not ordered.
  • Every environment has a parent environment, except the empty environment emptyenv().
  • Unlike most R objects, environments are not copied when modified (when you modify an environment, you modify it directly in place).

The global environment is the interactive workspace that we program in and its parent environment is actually the last package that we attached using library("package").

We can list the contents of our global environment using ls(). When we start a fresh R session, we start with an empty global environment. When we create an R object, we are actually assigning a name to an R object in our environment and the state of our global environment is now altered.

# Start fresh R session and list global environment contents -------------------
#> character(0)     

a <- 3

#> [1] "a" 

# Our environment now contains an R object bound to the name "a"  

When we first define a function (run the R code for a function), we bind a name to the function and alter the state of our global environment.

# Create simple function -------------------------------------------------------
# After we define the function add_ten, it appears in our global environment  
add_ten <- function(x) {x + 10} 

#> [1] "a"       "add_ten"     

A good function does not alter the global environment (does not change the state of our program) when it is run.

# Run add_ten() ----------------------------------------------------------------
#> [1] "a"       "add_ten"  

add_ten(x = 3)
#> [1] 13  

#> [1] "a"       "add_ten"       

# The global environment remains unchanged after we execute add_ten()  

Note that when an R object is covertly created inside a function (a property of a bad function) and that function is run, the global environment is not altered. This important global environment behaviour protects us from having intermediate objects inside functions overwrite the objects in our global environment.

# Run add_ten_times_two() ------------------------------------------------------
# This is a bad function as it creates a new object and binds it to the name y 
# and this behaviour is hidden inside the function i.e. no function arguments to
# indicate that a second variable y is used.   

add_ten_times_two <- function(x) {
  y <- 2 # Bad practice as the dependency on y is hidden inside the function   
  (x + 10) * y  

#> [1] "a"                 "add_ten"           "add_ten_times_two" 

add_ten_times_two(x = 3)
#> [1] 26

#> [1] "a"                 "add_ten"           "add_ten_times_two"    

# Run add_ten_times_two_worse() ------------------------------------------------
# The operator <<- is used to save object definitions that are made inside the 
# body of a function. 

add_ten_times_two_worse <- function(x) {
  y <<- 2 # Worse practice as y is saved inside the global environment      
  (x + 10) * y  

#> [1] "a"    "add_ten"    "add_ten_times_two"    "add_ten_times_two_worse"  

add_ten_times_two_worse(x = 3)  
#> [1] 26  

#> [1] "a"    "add_ten"    "add_ten_times_two"    "add_ten_times_two_worse"  "y"        

# Running the function add_ten_times_two_worse() now changes our program state
# as our global environment contains a new value y.

Good functions are predictable

The mathematical definition of a function is a relation that always assigns the same input element to the same output element. In programming, this is a crucial property of a good function. An example of a bad function is therefore one which does not generate the same output for a given input.

# Run print_random_statement() -------------------------------------------------
# This function is bad as it outputs different values for the same input  

print_random_statement <- function(day) {
  weather_list <- c("sunny",
                    "raining frogs",
                    "raining cats and dogs")
  paste0(day, " is ", sample(weather_list, 1))

#> [1] "tomorrow is sunny"   

#> [1] "tomorrow is raining frogs"  

A simple way of converting the function above into a good function is by including set.seed() in the function body and allowing users to specify a random seed in the function argument.

# Run print_good_random_statement() --------------------------------------------
# By specifying a random seed, outputs from random sampling are fixed and the 
# function output is predictable.  

print_good_random_statement <- function(day, seed) { 
  weather_list <- c("sunny",
                    "raining frogs",
                    "raining cats and dogs")
  return(paste0(day, " is ", sample(weather_list, 1)))
  # Unset the seed otherwise the seed will stay set for the RSession

print_good_random_statement("tomorrow", seed = 111)
#> [1] "tomorrow is cloudy"

print_good_random_statement("tomorrow", seed = 111)
#> [1] "tomorrow is cloudy"  

# Note that if users forgot to specify a seed, the function outputs the error
# message: Error in set.seed(seed) : argument "seed" is missing, with no default.
# This is good error handling as it prevents users from forgetting to set seed 

Good functions are referentially transparent and pure

A function that only uses variable inputs pre-specified by function arguments is referentially transparent. This is a feature of good functions.

# Run opaque_sum() -------------------------------------------------------------
# This function is bad i.e. not referentially transparent as the parameter y is 
# not specified as a function argument. This forces the function to look for an
# object named y in the global environment, which is unexpected behaviour and 
# and introduces an unpredictable dependency.  

opaque_sum <- function(x) {sum(x + y)}  

y <- 4
opaque_sum(x = 3)
#> [1] 7  

y <- 1 
opaque_sum(x = 3) # The same function input results in a different output!  
#> [1] 4 

# Run transparent_sum() --------------------------------------------------------
# This function is referentially transparent and therefore much safer to use

transparent_sum <- function(x, y) {sum(x + y)}
transparent_sum(x = 3, y = 1) # A consistent function output is guaranteed
#> [1] 4 

Note: transparent_sum() is also a pure function, as it does not write anything to or require anything from the global environment. Pure functions are referentially transparent by default.

The withr package can also be used to purify bad functions without rewriting the function body.

# Alternatively use withr::with_seed() and print_random_statement() ------------
# Unpredictable i.e. bad function that outputs random responses
#> [1] "tomorrow is raining cats and dogs"

#> [1] "tomorrow is raining frogs"

# Predictable i.e. good version of the function
# This function is also pure as it ends with set.seed(NULL) so no new changes
# are introduced in the global environment.  
print_good_random_statement("tomorrow", seed = 111)
#> [1] "tomorrow is cloudy"

# withr::with_seed purifies bad functions without rewriting the function body 
withr::with_seed(seed = 111,
#> [1] "tomorrow is cloudy"

Using functions in a workflow

Functions are first-class objects

When people refer to functions as first-class objects (in functional programming), they are actually referring to the fact that functions are treated just like other objects and can be manipulated as such. For example, functions can take other functions as inputs similar to the way that functions can take individual values as inputs.

Higher order functions are functions which take other functions as an input.

# run_function() is an example of a higher order function ---------------------- 
# The input fun is actually another function i.e. to create fun()  
# The input function is then returned i.e. as fun(number)   

run_function <- function(number, fun) {

run_function(number = 9, fun = sqrt)
#> [1] 3  

# Use fun(...) when you don't know how many arguments the input function has ---  
# The function sort() has a second argument decreasing = FALSE that we might not
# initially be aware of, but later decide to use.  

run_function(number = c(2, 5, 1), fun = sort)
#> [1] 1 2 5  

# As run_function() only has two arguments, we cannot make use of any additional
# arguments that our input function sort() has.  

# run_function(number = c(2, 5, 1), fun = sort, decreasing = TRUE) 
#> Error in run_function(number = c(2, 5, 1), fun = sort, decreasing = TRUE) : 
#>   unused argument (decreasing = TRUE)

# However, if we add the non-specific argument ... in our function,
# we can access additional arguments from our input function.  

run_function_flexible <- function(number, fun, ...) {
  fun(number, ...) # We also need to refer to the location of ... in the body  

run_function_flexible(number = c(2, 5, 1), fun = sort, decreasing = TRUE) 
#> [1] 5 2 1  

As functions are first-class objects, we can also create functions that return functions (instead of returning a data object like an integer or string or data frame). An example provided by the textbook is a function that converts warning into errors and stops code execution.

Functions that return other functions are called function factories.

# strict_sqrt() is a function that returns another function --------------------
# It is desirable for sqrt(-1) to fail if we are not working with complex numbers

#> Warning: NaNs produced [1] NaN

# Create function that outputs a function with tryCatch() ----------------------
# tryCatch() catches warnings generated by fun(...) and outputs a function that
# raises an error via stop().  

strictly <- function(fun){
  function(...){ # Another function is returned inside the function body
    warning = function(warning)stop("Unexpected output. Code has stopped running."))

strict_sqrt <- strictly(sqrt) # Returns another function 

#> [1] "function"  

# strict_sqrt(-1)
#> Error in value[[3L]](cond) : Unexpected output. Code has stopped running.

Note: Functions like purrr::insistently(), purrr::quietly(), purrr::safely() and purrr::possibly() are also function factories that behave like the strictly() function above.

Function arguments can be optional

We can make function arguments optional by assigning arg = NULL as a function argument and writing two versions of the function i.e. one for is.null(arg) and one for when the optional argument is specified.

# Create function with optional argument ---------------------------------------
transparent_sum <- function(x, y = NULL) {
  # When y is not provided
  if(is.null(y)) {
    print("Optional argument y is NULL")  
  } else { # Else refers to !is.null(y)
    x + y

transparent_sum(x = 0)
#> [1] "Optional argument y is NULL"
#> [1] 0    

transparent_sum(x = 0, y = 1)
#> [1] 1  

Write safe functions

A safe function is a function that handles silent conversions or transformations transparently, so that a predictable output is always returned. Unsafe functions can exist in base R and other packages, for example nchar().

# nchar() is unsafe as it outputs unexpected values for large numbers ----------
# nchar() returns a vector containing the size of input strings    
nchar(c("this", "is", "a", "string")) 
#> [1] 4 2 1 6  

# nchar() silently converts integers to strings which is unpredictable behaviour
#> [1] 3   

# We expect "100000" to be converted into a string of length 6
# However, 100000 is outputted as 1e+05 and then converted to "1e+05", which is 
# even more unpredictable behaviour.  
#> [1] 5

Writing explicitly safe functions is also referred to as the practice of assertive programming. Note that the use of assertive programming is subjective as it also decreases the readability of the function body. An alternative suggestion is to create specific functions to assert object properties and run those assertions earlier in the script.

Avoid recursive functions in R as they are slow

A function that calls itself in the function body is a recursive function.

# Compare iterative and recursive functions ------------------------------------
# n! = 1 * 2 * ... * (n-1) * n  

# The downside to an iterative function is that it relies on constantly changing 
# the program state and requires an additional parameter i.  
factorial_iterative <- function(n){
  result = 1
  for(i in 1:n) {
    result = result * i
    i = i + 1 

# Recursive functions are much slower in R and best to be avoided  
factorial_recursive <- function(n){
  if(n == 0 || n == 1) {
  result = 1
  } else {
    n * factorial_recursive(n - 1) # factorial_recursive() is called in the body

Use anonymous functions

Anonymous functions are functions which do not have a name assigned to them. This may feel redundant as the function cannot be reused by the global environment. However, anonymous functions are useful when you need to map a function across multiple objexts or are using a pipe to perform a series of transformations.

# Run anonymous function -------------------------------------------------------
(function(x) {x + 1})(3) # The second bracket contains the argument input  
#> [1] 4  

# Anonymous functions can be used with vapply() or purrr::map()  
  (function(x) {x + 1}),
  FUN.VALUE = numeric(5)
#>      [,1]
#> [1,]    2
#> [2,]    3
#> [3,]    4
#> [4,]    5
#> [5,]    6

purrr::map(list(1:5), function(x) {x + 1})
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 2 3 4 5 6

# Anonymous functions can be used with native R pipes  
c(1:5) |>
  (function(x) {x + 1})()
#> [1] 2 3 4 5 6

Write small functions that are easy to maintain

Small functions that only perform one task each are much easier to maintain, test, document and debug. For example, instead of writing big_function(a), it is better to chain a series of smaller functions together i.e. a |> function_1() |> function_2() |> function_3().

Use lists with functions

We want to write functions that handle lists, because lists are a universal interface in R. This means that when we chain a series of functions together, we are sure that they work in sequence as they are manipulating the same object type. This explains why higher order functions that apply a function across multiple objects, such as lapply() or purr::map(), operate on lists.

In R, data frames, fitted models and ggplot objects are actually all lists.

# Properties of lists ---------------------------------------------------------- 
#> [1] "list"

plot <- ggplot(datasets::mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = hp)) +

#> 1] "list"

# Extract objects from lists ---------------------------------------------------     
list_1 <- list(
  author = c("Erika", "Duan"),
  dataset = datasets::mtcars,
  plot = plot

# List objects can be subset into lists via [] and elements via [[]]

#> $author
#> [1] "Erika" "Duan" 

#> [1] "Erika" "Duan" 

#> [1] "Erika" 

list_1$author # Produces same output as list_1[[1]]
#> [1] "Erika" "Duan" 

# Check list output type

#> [1] "list"

#> [1] "character"

#> [1] "character"

Functions like reduce(), lapply() and purrr:map() work based on the principle that we can use lists to create function factories (in the function body) that remove the requirement for writing for loops. Writing for loops is considered to be less reliable as it relies on making iterative changes to the program state.

# looping() is equivalent to Reduce() in behaviour ----------------------------- 
looping <- function(a_list, a_func, init = NULL, ...){

  # If the user does not provide an `init` value,
  # set the head of the list as the initial value
    init <- a_list[[1]]
    a_list <- tail(a_list, -1)

  # Separate the head from the tail of the list
  # and apply the function to the initial value and the head of the list
  head_list = a_list[[1]]
  tail_list = tail(a_list, -1)
  init = a_func(init, head_list, ...)

  # Check if we are done: if there is still some tail, then
  # rerun the whole thing until there is no tail left.
  if(length(tail_list) != 0){
    looping(tail_list, a_func, init, ...)
  else {

# Run looping() instead of iterating across the list ---------------------------
# as.list(seq(1:10)) outputs a single value per list element
looping(as.list(seq(1:10)), sum)
#> [1] 55  
# applying() is equivalent to lapply() in behaviour ----------------------------
# Equivalent to applying a function to each element of a list
applying <- function(a_list, a_func, ...){
  # Separate the head from the rest i.e. tail of the list
  head_list = a_list[[1]]
  tail_list = tail(a_list, -1)
  result = a_func(head_list, ...)
  # Check if we are done: if there is still some tail, rerun the whole thing 
  # until there is no tail left.  
  if(length(tail_list) != 0){
    append(result, applying(tail_list, a_func, ...))
  else {

# Run applying() instead of using a for loop on each list element --------------
applying(as.list(seq(1:10)), log10)
#> [1] 0.0000000 0.3010300 0.4771213 0.6020600 0.6989700 0.7781513 0.8450980 0.9030900 0.9542425 1.0000000

Map functions across data frames

A data frame is a special type of list, where each column is a list of atomic vectors of the same length. This means that we can easily map functions across the columns of a data frame using lapply(), vapply() or purrr::map(). The purrr package is extremely versatile for functional programming and contains variations of purrr::map() such as purrr::map_chr() and purrr::walk().

Note: In contrast to lapply(), purrr::map() also accepts an atomic vector of elements as its input.

# Apply a function across each column of a data frame --------------------------
vapply(mtcars[1:5], mean, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
#>        mpg        cyl       disp         hp       drat 
#>  20.090625   6.187500 230.721875 146.687500   3.596563 

By extension, we can also split a data frame into a series of smaller data frames (or nested data frames) and apply the same function across them using mutate(object = purrr::map(data, fun)). The list object produced by each function is associated with its corresponding nested data frame subset.

# Append information about data frame subsets using group_nest() ---------------
iris %>%
  group_by(Species) %>%
  filter(row_number() < 6) %>% # Extract first 5 rows of data per species
  group_nest() %>%
  mutate(col_names = purrr::map(data, colnames),
         col_sum = purrr::map(data, colMeans)) %>%
  knitr::kable() # Visualise outputs in tidy table format
Species data col_names col_sum
setosa 5.1, 4.9, 4.7, 4.6, 5.0, 3.5, 3.0, 3.2, 3.1, 3.6, 1.4, 1.4, 1.3, 1.5, 1.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width , Petal.Length, Petal.Width 4.86, 3.28, 1.40, 0.20
versicolor 7.0, 6.4, 6.9, 5.5, 6.5, 3.2, 3.2, 3.1, 2.3, 2.8, 4.7, 4.5, 4.9, 4.0, 4.6, 1.4, 1.5, 1.5, 1.3, 1.5 Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width , Petal.Length, Petal.Width 6.46, 2.92, 4.54, 1.44
virginica 6.3, 5.8, 7.1, 6.3, 6.5, 3.3, 2.7, 3.0, 2.9, 3.0, 6.0, 5.1, 5.9, 5.6, 5.8, 2.5, 1.9, 2.1, 1.8, 2.2 Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width , Petal.Length, Petal.Width 6.40, 2.98, 5.68, 2.10
# Plot of Petal.Width versus Petal.Length per species using group_nest() -------
plot_scatterplot <- function(df, group) {
  ggplot(data = df, aes(x = Petal.Width, y = Petal.Length)) +
    geom_point() +
    lims(x = c(0, 3),
         y = c(0, 9)) + 
    labs(title = paste("Petal width versus petal length for", group)) +

nested_iris <- iris |> 
  group_nest(Species) |> 
  mutate(plots = purrr::map2(
    .x = data,
    .y = Species,
    .f = plot_scatterplot




This property of R is powerful and allows us to produce grouped statistical models, as described further here.

# Model relationship between Petal.Width versus Petal.Length per species -------
# This can be a more intuitive way of presenting models than using 
# lm(Petal.Width ~ Petal.Length * Species, data = iris), which outputs the same
# model coefficients.  

nested_iris <- iris |> 
  group_nest(Species) |>
  mutate(lr_model = purrr::map(
    ~ lm(Petal.Width ~ Petal.Length, data = .x)


lm(formula = Petal.Width ~ Petal.Length, data = .x)

 (Intercept)  Petal.Length  
    -0.04822       0.20125  


lm(formula = Petal.Width ~ Petal.Length, data = .x)

 (Intercept)  Petal.Length  
    -0.08429       0.33105  


lm(formula = Petal.Width ~ Petal.Length, data = .x)

 (Intercept)  Petal.Length  
      1.1360        0.1603  

Useful R functions for functional programming

Similar to the concept of dplyr::filter(), the base R function Filter() works on lists and can be used with Negate() to return the opposite condition.

# Apply Filter() to extract relevant list elements -----------------------------
list_2 <- list(
  a = 1:10,
  b = letters[1:10],
  c = TRUE

Filter(is.logical, list_2)
#> $c
#> [1] TRUE

Filter(Negate(is.logical), list_2)
#> $a
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

#> $b
#>  [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j"

The function local() allows you to run code in a temporary environment that gets discarded in the end. This is useful when you need to run code with potential side effects but want to avoid any interactions with the global environment.

# Code run inside local() does not appear in the global environment ------------
var_1 <- 1

  var_2 <- 1

#> [1] TRUE  

#> [1] FALSE