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Changes in TestLink-API-Python-client Source Distribution

TestLink-API-Python-client v0.8.0 (May. 2018)

support for TL 1.9.17 release and py27, py36

implement 1.9.17 new api interfaces - #76, #81, #82, #83, #101

  • getExecutionSet(<testplanid>, [testcaseid=<testcaseid>], [testcaseexternalid=<testcaseexternalid>], [buildid=<buildid>], [buildname=<buildname>], [platformid=<platformid>], [platformname=<platformname>], [options=<options>], [devKey=<devKey>])
  • getRequirements(<testprojectid>, [testplanid=<testplanid>], [platformid=<platformid>], [devKey=<devKey>])
  • getReqCoverage(<testprojectid>, <requirementdocid>, [devKey=<devKey>])
  • setTestCaseTestSuite(<testcaseexternalid>, <testsuiteid>, [devKey=<devKey>])
  • getTestSuiteAttachments(<testsuiteid>, [devKey=<devKey>])
  • getAllExecutionsResults(<testplanid>, [testcaseid=<testcaseid>], [testcaseexternalid=<testcaseexternalid>], [platformid=<platformid>], [buildid=<buildid>], [options=<options>])

TestReporter and other improvements pull request #94

pull request by Brian-Williams:

  • TestReporter's subclasses can be used to idempotently generate required components of testlink before sending the report to a specified testcase.
  • TestGenReporter is a default combination of all the TestReporter's subclasses and will try to generate everything it's subclasses is capable of.
  • Added TestLinkHelper._setParams to simplify libraries that need to overwrite how a helper aquires it's parameters
  • Added TestlinkAPIClient.getTestCaseByVersion to expose the common need of gettting the latest testcase by default. It was already used, but not a function in this class and has uses elsewhere.

example/ includes sample, how to use TestGenReporter and TestlinkAPIClient.getTestCaseByVersion

Self signed / Let's Encrypt SSL certificate support #90

TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient accepts know the additional xmlrpclib.ServerProxy() arguments use_datetime and context (new with Py2.7.9) -

context allows to define a SSL context, which can holds various data longer-lived than single SSL connections, such as SSL configuration options, certificate(s) and private key(s). (new with Py2.7.9) -

TestLinkHelper will set the unverified_context() if the server url starts with https and no context is defined, calling - TestLinkHelper().connect(TestlinkAPIClient)

known TL 1.9.17 issues:

API-XMLRPC - new 1.9.17 xmlrpc.class function getAllExecutionsResults not callable via XMLRPC api

fixed TL 1.9.17-DEV issues:

API-XMLRPC - getRequirements raise PHP Fatal error (github commit 0c8feb6)

API-XMLRPC - getExecutionSet raise database error (github commit 1ee5f78)

TestLink-API-Python-client release notes v0.6.4 (Mar. 2017)

support for TL 1.9.16 release and py27, py34, py35 and py36

implement 1.9.16 new api interfaces - #80

new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api method

  • updateBuildCustomFieldsValues(<testprojectid>, <testplanid>, <buildid>, <customfields>, [devKey=<devKey>])

example example/ shows, how to set and get customer field values

TestLink-API-Python-client release notes v0.6.3 (Nov. 2016)

support for TL 1.9.15 release and py26, py27, py33, py34 and py35

  • further releases will be developed only against py27, py34 and py35
  • If there is a need to support other py versions, please give feedback

implement 1.9.15 new api interfaces - #54 #67 #69

new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api methods

  • updateTestSuite(<testsuiteid>, [testprojectid=<testprojectid>], [prefix=<prefix>], [parentid=<parentid>], [testsuitename=<testsuitename>], [details=<details>], [order=<order>], [devKey=<devKey>])
  • getTestSuite(<testsuitename>, <prefix>, [devKey=<devKey>])
  • getIssueTrackerSystem(<itsname>, [devKey=<devKey>])

implement 1.9.15 changed api interfaces - #68 #70 #72 #71 #69

changed TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api methods

  • reportTCResult() is adapted to support the new optional argument <steps> for setting test step results
  • createBuild() is adapted to support new optional arguments
    • <active> : 1 (default) = activ 0 = inactiv
    • <open> : 1 (default) = open 1 = closed
    • <releasedate> : YYYY-MM-DD
    • <copytestersfrombuild> : valid buildid tester assignments will be copied.
  • addTestCaseToTestPlan() is adapted to to support the new optional argument <overwrite> to update linked Test Case Versions
  • createTestCase() is adapted to to support the new optional arguments <status> and <estimatedexecduration>
  • createTestProject() is adapted to to support the new optional arguments <itsname> and <itsenabled> to link a project with an ITS


>>> tls = testlink.TestLinkHelper().connect(testlink.TestlinkAPIClient)
>>> tls.reportTCResult(None, 'aTPlanID', 'aBuildName', 'f', 'result note',
>>>                    testcaseexternalid='aTCaseFullExID', overwrite=True,
>>>                    platformname='Small Birds', execduration=4.1,
>>>                    timestamp='2015-09-19 14:33:02',
>>>     steps=[{'step_number' : 3, 'result' : 'p', 'notes' : 'a exec note3'},
>>>            {'step_number' : 4, 'result' : 'f', 'notes' : 'a exec note4'}])
>>> tls.createBuild(aTPlanID, 'newBuildName',  'a build note',
>>>                 active=1, open=1, releasedate='2016-11-30'
>>>                 copytestersfrombuild=existingBuildID)
>>> tls.addTestCaseToTestPlan(aTProjectID, aTPlanID, 'aTCaseFullExID',
>>>                           aTCVersion, overwrite=1)

known TL 1.9.15 issues:

changing test suite order with updateTestSuite raise internal server error

TestLink web presents no login page (internal server error)

Test projects with execution step results can not be deleted - details and solution see TL Mantis Ticket 7765

TestLink-API-Python-client v0.6.2 release notes v0.6.2 (Oct. 2015)

support for TL 1.9.14 release and py26, py27, py33 and py34

  • further releases will be developed only against py27 and py34.
  • If there is a need to support other py versions, please give feedback

implement 1.9.14 new api interfaces - #53 #61

new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api methods

  • deleteTestProject(<testprojectprefix>)
  • updateTestSuiteCustomFieldDesignValue(<testprojectid>, <testsuiteid>, <customfields>)

examples example/ and example/ now deletes the sample project, if it already exist.

example example/ shows, how to set and get customer field values

implement 1.9.14 changed api interfaces - #48 #49 #54 #59

changed TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api methods

  • addTestCaseKeywords() and removeTestCaseKeywords() are adapted to work with a set of keywords.
  • getTestCaseKeywords() is adapted to work with a set of test cases ids.
  • createTestPlan() is adapted to work with new optional argument <prefix>
  • reportTCResult() is adapted to work with new optional arguments <execduration> and <timestamp>


>>> tls = testlink.TestLinkHelper().connect(testlink.TestlinkAPIClient)
>>> tls.addTestCaseKeywords( {TCa_exID : ['KW01', 'KW03', 'KW02'],
>>>                           TCb_exID : ['KW01', 'KW02', 'KW04']})
>>> tls.removeTestCaseKeywords( {TCa_exID : ['KW02'],
>>>                              TCb_exID : ['KW01', 'KW04']})
>>> tls.getTestCaseKeywords( testcaseid=[TCa_ID, TCb_ID] )
>>> tls.getTestCaseKeywords( testcaseexternalid=[TCa_exID, TCb_exID] )
>>> tls.createTestPlan('aTPlanName', 'aTProjectName')
>>> tls.createTestPlan('aTPlanName', testprojectname='aTProjectName')
>>> tls.createTestPlan('aTPlanName', prefix='aTProjectPrefix')
>>> tls.reportTCResult(None, 'aTPlanID', 'aBuildName', 'f', 'result one',
>>>                    testcaseexternalid='aTCaseFullExID', overwrite=True,
>>>                    platformname='Small Birds', execduration=4.1,
>>>                    timestamp='2015-09-19 14:33:02')

Attention: the api getTestCaseKeywords() returns for the situation invalid test case id a different error code

  • 1.9.13 error code 5000 - 1.9.14 error code 5040

Bugfixes TestLink-API-Python-client v0.6.1 - #51 #55 #56 #45

whatArgs reports incorrect arg name for createTestCase

  • wrong arg name <execution>, correct arg name <executiontype>

TestlinkAPIClient service method countProjects() raise 'Empty Response!' error, when no project exist

  • general problem of all 'count*' service methods
  • api method 'getProjects()' now returns an empty list when no projects exists

TestlinkAPIClient does not accept optional argument 'transport' for proxy configuration

  • TestlinkAPIClient accepts now like TestlinkAPIGeneric optional arguments

TestlinkAPIClient service method listKeywordsForTC() uses now getTestCaseKeywords()

  • internal change to reduce code complexity

Known TL 1.9.14 limitations:

  • 7282 updateTestSuiteCustomFieldDesignValue() does change customer field values

TestLink-API-Python-client release notes v0.6.1 (Mar. 2015)

support for TL 1.9.13 release

Proxy configuration support in TestLinkHelper - pull request #36

Integrates Maberi pull request #36

  • allows easy proxy configuration using TestLinkHelper
  • Adds a new --proxy option in command line.
  • Recognizes "http_proxy" environment variable.

implement 1.9.13 new api methods #32 #41 #42 #44 #47 #46

new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api methods

  • unassignTestCaseExecutionTask(<testplanid>, <testcaseexternalid>, [buildid=<buildid>], [buildname=<buildname>], [platformid=<platformid>], [platformname=<platformname>], [user=<loginname>], [action='unassignAll'|'unassignOne'], [devKey=<devKey>])
  • getProjectKeywords(<testprojectid>)
  • getTestCaseKeywords([testcaseid=<testcaseid>], [testcaseexternalid=<testcaseexternalid>])
  • deleteTestPlan(<testplanid>)
  • addTestCaseKeywords(<testcaseexternalid>, <keywords>)
    Attention: with TL 1.9.14, this api method will change the interface (args) see TL Mantis Task 6934
  • removeTestCaseKeywords(<testcaseexternalid>, <keywords>)
    Attention: with TL 1.9.14, this api method will change the interface (args) see TL Mantis Task 6907

examples see example/ and example/

implement 1.9.13 api change - getTestCasesForTestPlan #41

TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api method getTestCasesForTestPlan() accepts now the additional optional argument platformid=<platformid>


>>> tls = testlink.TestLinkHelper().connect(testlink.TestlinkAPIClient)
>>> tls.getTestCasesForTestPlan(aTPlanID, platformid=aPlatFormID)
 {'12996': {'949': {'platform_name': 'Small Bird',  ... }}

Also the optional argument buildid=<buildid> could now be used

TestLink-API-Python-client release notes v0.6.0 (Dec. 2014)

support for TestLink release 1.9.12 and py26, py27, py33 and py34

python 3 support - pull requests #33 #37

Integrates manojklm pull requests #33 and #37

  • add source and unittest support for py33 and py34
  • extend py26 support for unittest2
  • add .travis.yml configuration for Travis CI
  • add tox.ini configuration for Tox

Track now TestLink-API-Python-client build results on Travis CI - see

extend upload attachments - handling file path #40

uploading attachments excepts now also a file path as parameter.

still supported 0.5.2 behavior - file descriptor:

newAttachment = myTestLink.uploadExecutionAttachment(a_file_obj, A_Result_ID,
                                 'Attachment Title', 'Attachment Description')

new supported 0.6.0 behaviour - file path:

newAttachment = myTestLink.uploadExecutionAttachment(a_file_path, A_Result_ID,
                                  'Attachment Title', 'Attachment Description')

TestLink-API-Python-client release notes v0.5.2 (Oct. 2014)

support for TestLink release 1.9.12

implement 1.9.12 new api method - getTestCaseAssignedTester #29

new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api method

  • getTestCaseAssignedTester(<testplanid>, <testcaseexternalid>, [buildid=<buildid>], [buildname=<buildname>], [platformid=<platformid>], [platformname=<platformname>], [devKey=<devKey>])

examples see example/

implement 1.9.12 new api method - getTestCaseBugs #30

new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api method

  • getTestCaseBugs(<testplanid>, [testcaseid]=<testcaseid>], [testcaseexternalid=<testcaseexternalid>], [buildid=<buildid>], [buildname=<buildname>], [platformid=<platformid>], [platformname=<platformname>], [devKey=<devKey>])

examples see example/

TestLink-API-Python-client release notes v0.5.1 (Aug. 2014)

support for TestLink release 1.9.11

implement 1.9.11 api change - getLastExecutionResult #27

TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api method getLastExecutionResult() accepts now following additional optional arguments

  • options = {'getBugs' : True / False}


>>> tls = testlink.TestLinkHelper().connect(testlink.TestlinkAPIClient)
>>> tls.getLastExecutionResult(aTPlanID, aTCaseID, options={'getBugs' : True})
 [{ ... , 'tcversion_id': '8929', ... , 'bugs': [{'bug_id': '4711'}], ... }]

implement 1.9.11 new api method - assignTestCaseExecutionTask #26

new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api method

  • assignTestCaseExecutionTask(<user>, <testplanid>, <testcaseexternalid>, [buildid=<buildid>], [buildname=<buildname>], [platformid=<platformid>], [platformname=<platformname>], [devKey=<devKey>])

examples see example/

TestLink-API-Python-client release notes v0.5.0 (Jul. 2014)

support for TestLink release 1.9.10

new service methods - list keywords #25

new TestlinkAPIClient service methods, which returns keyword lists without internal details (like getTestCasesForTestSuite() does)

  • listKeywordsForTC(internal_or_external_tc_id)
  • listKeywordsForTC(internal_ts_id)


>>> import testlink
>>> tls = testlink.TestLinkHelper().connect(testlink.TestlinkAPIClient)
>>> tc_kw = tls.listKeywordsForTC('NPROAPI-3')
 ['KeyWord01', 'KeyWord03']
>>> tc_kw = tls.listKeywordsForTC(5440)
 ['KeyWord01', 'KeyWord03']
>>> tc_kw = tls.listKeywordsForTC('5440')
 ['KeyWord01', 'KeyWord03']
>>> ts_kw = tls.listKeywordsForTS('5415')
 {'5440' : ['KeyWord01', 'KeyWord03'], '5445' : ['KeyWord03'], '5450' : []}

Known limitations:

  • it is not possible to ask for a special test case version, cause TL links keywords against a test case and not a test case version

implement 1.9.10 api change - getTestCasesForTestSuite #23

TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api method getTestCasesForTestSuite() accepts now following additional optional arguments (usable with TL >= 1.9.10)

  • parameter getkeywords

implement 1.9.10 api change - reportTCResult #24

TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api method reportTCResult() accepts now following additional optional arguments (usable with TL >= 1.9.10)

  • user

implement missing 1.9.8 api method - CustomField #12

new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api methods

  • updateTestCaseCustomFieldDesignValue, getTestCaseCustomFieldExecutionValue getTestCaseCustomFieldTestPlanDesignValue
  • getTestSuiteCustomFieldDesignValue, getTestPlanCustomFieldDesignValue
  • getReqSpecCustomFieldDesignValue , getRequirementCustomFieldDesignValue

TestLink-API-Python-client release notes v0.4.8 (Mar. 2014)

add Python 2.6 support #21

Installation failed under Python 2.6 with on error, cause TestlinkAPIGeneric used in _convertPostionalArgs() a Py31 feature, back ported to Py27

  • Dictionary and set comprehensions ({i: i*2 for i in range(3)}).

TestLink-API-Python-client is now installable under Py26 and Py27. To use it under Py26, the module argparse must be installed additionally:

pip install argparse
pip install TestLink-API-Python-client

implement 1.9.9 api changes - getLastExecutionResult #16

TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api method getLastExecutionResult() accepts now following additional optional arguments (usable with TL >= 1.9.9)

  • platformid, platformname, buildid, buildname

implement missing 1.9.9 api method - testLinkVersion #16

new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api method to return the TL version

  • testLinkVersion()

new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient service method to return connection informations

  • connectionInfo()

implement missing 1.9.8 api method - miscellaneous #14

new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api methods

  • getUserByLogin(), getUserByID()
  • deleteExecution()
  • setTestCaseExecutionType()
  • assignRequirements()
  • getExecCountersByBuild()

Known TL 1.9.9 limitations:

  • 6202 assignRequirements() calls assign_to_tcase() without author_id
  • 6197 MSSQL - 1.9.8 Upgrade - req_coverage table
  • 6193 POSTGRESQL - 1.9.8 Upgrade - req_coverage table

TestLink-API-Python-client release notes v0.4.7 (Jan. 2014)

new service methods - copy test cases #17

new TestlinkAPIClient service methods to copy test cases between test suites or to create a new test case version.

  • copyTCnewVersion(origTestCaseId, **changedAttributes)
  • copyTCnewTestCase(origTestCaseId, **changedAttributes)
  • getProjectIDByNode(a_nodeid)


>>> import testlink
>>> tls = testlink.TestLinkHelper().connect(testlink.TestlinkAPIClient)
>>> tc_info = tls.getTestCase(None, testcaseexternalid='NPROAPI-3')
[{'full_tc_external_id': 'NPROAPI-3', ..., 'id': '5440',  'version': '2',
  'testsuite_id': '5415', 'tc_external_id': '3','testcase_id': '5425', ...}]
>>> tls.copyTCnewTestCase(tc_info[0]['testcase_id'], testsuiteid=newSuiteID,
                                         testcasename='a new test case name')

Known limitations:

  • estimatedexecduration settings are not copied

implement missing 1.9.8 api methods - TestCase #11

new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api methods to modify test cases

  • addTestCaseToTestPlan, updateTestCase
  • createTestCaseSteps, deleteTestCaseSteps

Known TL 1.9.9 limitations:

  • 6109 createTestCaseSteps with action update does not change existing steps
  • 6108 createTestCaseSteps creates steps without test case references
  • 6102 updateTestCase returns debug informations
  • 6101 updateTestCase does not set modification timestamp

implement missing 1.9.8 api methods - Attachments #13

new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api methods to upload attachments

  • uploadRequirementSpecificationAttachment, uploadRequirementAttachment
  • uploadTestProjectAttachment, uplodTestSuiteAttachment
  • uploadTestCaseAttachment

TestLink-API-Python-client release notes v0.4.6 (Dec. 2013)

TestLink-API-Python-client is now installable via PyPI #15

pip install TestLink-API-Python-client

new api methods for Platforms implemented #10

new TestlinkAPIGeneric and TestlinkAPIClient api methods to handle platforms

  • createPlatform, getProjectPlatforms
  • addPlatformToTestPlan, removePlatformFromTestPlan

Known TL 1.9.9 limitations:

  • 6076 addPlatformToTestPlan creates invalid platform links

TestLink-API-Python-client release notes v0.4.5 (Nov. 2013)

All v0.4.0 API methods from TestlinkAPIClient are shifted to the new super class TestlinkAPIGeneric and could be used with the new optional argument handling and asked with whatArgs() for there arguments.

  • getProject, createTestProject, createTestCase, createTestSuite, createTestPlan, createTestCase
  • createBuild, reportTCResult, uploadExecutionAttachment,
  • getTestProjectByName, getProjectTestPlans, getTotalsForTestPlan, getBuildsForTestPlan
  • getLatestBuildForTestPlan, getTestPlanByName
  • getTestSuitesForTestPlan, getTestSuiteByID, getTestSuitesForTestSuite, getFirstLevelTestSuitesForTestProject
  • getTestCasesForTestSuite, getTestCasesForTestPlan, getTestCaseIDByName, getFullPath
  • getLastExecutionResult, getTestCaseCustomFieldDesignValue, getTestCaseAttachments

Other API methods can be used with the new method

  • callServerWithPosArgs(apiMethodame, [apiArgName=apiArgValue])

generic api class TestlinkAPIGeneric #7

new class TestlinkAPIGeneric implements the Testlink API methods as generic PY methods

  • all arguments of Teslink API are supported as optional arguments
  • often used (or mandatory) arguments can be configured as positional arguments
  • error handling for TestLink API error codes

class TestlinkAPIClient inherits now from TestlinkAPIGeneric the Testlink API methods

  • configuration for positional arguments are consistent with v0.4.0 - except getTestCaseIDByName (see ac6ccf5)

Attention - handling for optional arguments has been changed. Existing code, which uses TestlinkAPIClient, must be adapted. Changes between v0.4.5 and v.0.4.0 are documented in example/

public API method callServerWithPosArgs() #4

Every implemented API method uses the new method callServerWithPosArgs() to call the server and check the response for error codes.

  • If the response include an error code, a TLResponseError is raised

This method can although be used to call not yet implemented API methods.

helper method .whatArgs(apiMethodName) #8

The Teslink API Client can now be asked, what arguments a API method expects:

import testlink
tlh = testlink.TestLinkHelper()
tls = tlh.connect(testlink.TestlinkAPIClient)
print tls.whatArgs('createTestPlan')
createTestPlan(<testplanname>, <testprojectname>, [note=<note>], [active=<active>], [public=<public>], [devKey=<devKey>])
 create a test plan

or for a description of all implemented api method

import testlink
tlh = testlink.TestLinkHelper()
tls = tlh.connect(testlink.TestlinkAPIClient)
for m in testlink.testlinkargs._apiMethodsArgs.keys():
        print tls.whatArgs(m), '\n'

other changes

see Milestone v0.4.5