This repo is used accross all our Ruby projects to ensure some process consistency.
It includes the Dangerfile
and the rubocop.yml
base template that all
projects inherit from.
Danger runs during our Ruby projects' CI process, and gives you a chance to automate common code review chores.
Enable Danger for a project within the esanum organization.
In Travis-CI, choose Settings and add DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN
in Environment Variables. Set the value to the API key for the megbot user.
Add the following to the Gemfile
gem 'shared_ruby_config', require: false, github: 'esanum/shared_ruby_config'
Add the following to the Dangerfile
danger.import_dangerfile(gem: 'shared_ruby_config')
Add Danger to .travis.yml
, e.g:
- rvm: 2.6.1
- bundle exec danger
To test things out, make a change in a random ruby file that doesn't match the standard format and make a pull request. Iterate until green.