- bflip
- bstr
- $
- run a command, return output
- $*
- run many commands, return output
- For either of the previous two commands, if the last arg is :sh, then eval by passing to the system shell. Prints output, returns nil.
- For either of the previous two commands, any item beginning with the “$” character is evaluated literally.
- cli
- small macro that wraps any number of lisp forms in a main function and exposes an array called `args` that contains the command line arguments. Included to make writing scripts more concise.
- is-len?
- checks if collection is length
- hasone?
- coll has exactly one element
- file<-
- read full file and close
- file->
- write file and close
- file+
- file append and close
- file-each-line
- takes file pointer f and a list of forms, executes all forms on every line of the file.
- awk-file
- accepts a table of actions and a file name (string) or file. Table
should have PEGs as keys and a single form as a value. Form is run
on every line of the file that matches the PEG, results are
collected and returned as an array. The form has access to
- NF (num fields)
- a function f which gets a field (shorthand _),
- a function n which gets a field and reads it as a number,
- wds a list of words
- wdsn a list of words as numbers
- line which is the line after trimming.
- awk
- uses awk-file on stdin. meant for cli usage, no need to quote table.
- awk-str
- same as awk-file but takes a string as second argument.
- head, tail functions
- idx
- get with flipped arguments. supports negative indexing
- flip
- reverse the order of arguments of a function
- fst
- first
- snd
- second
- id
- return arg
- mapf
- accepts a lisp form in place of a function and inserts it into a nullary lambda.
- nullary
- accepts a lisp form and inserts it into a nullary lambda (so, it returns a function with no arguments that just runs your code.)
- funcn
- applies a function f to collection at an index
- bifunc1
- applies a function to the first element of something. shorthand for a common application of funcn
- bifunc2
- same thing, pretty much.
- improved ->>
- Prefixing any threaded form with * flips the arg order of the function.
- -< and -<<
- Furculas from swiss-arrows by rplevy. New syntactic structure to capture the structure of branching data-passing. See the implementation of s-break for an example in the source.
- s:>
- slice from beginning of string until find (excluding find)
- s>:
- slice from find (including find) until the end of string
- s>:>
- slice from second arg to third arg in first arg
- lines
- split by \n
- words
- split by whitespace
- s+
- concat strings with extra shorthand variables, namely
- qt for the escaped double quote, because it’s a PITA to type in lisp
- sqt for single quote
- nl for escaped new line
- tb for escaped tab character
- s for space
- s-break
- partition a string into an array of two strings at an index
- s->/
- equivalent to python’s partition function
- s/<-
- equavalent to python’s rpartition function
- basename
- strips path and file extension from a string
- peg>!*
- peg match all
- extra default patterns
- (any) forms for S W A D H.
- m cli option
- run a string of janet code, expose ipt as stdin text.
- array/new
- arr-new
- array/new-filled
- arr-new*
- array/fill
- arr*
- array/pop
- arr->
- array/peek
- arr-peek
- array/push
- arr<-
- array/ensure
- arr-ensure
- array/slice
- arr:
- array/concat
- arr+
- array/insert
- arr!
- array/remove
- arr-
- array/trim
- arr><
- array/clear
- arr_
- tuple/brackets
- tup-brackets
- tuple/slice
- tup:
- tuple/type
- tup-type
- typle/sourcemap
- tup-sourcemap
- tuple/setmap
- tup-setmap
- table/new
- tab-new
- table/to-struct, table/getproto, table/setproto, table/rawget, table/proto-flatten all changed to tab-
- table/clone
- tab&
- table/clear
- tab_
- peg/compile
- peg-compile
- peg/match
- peg>!
- peg/find
- peg>
- peg/find-all
- peg>*
- peg/replace
- peg/>
- peg/replace-all
- peg/>*
- buffer/new
- buf-new
- buffer/new-filled
- buf-new*
- buffer/fill
- buf*
- buffer/trim
- buf//
- buffer/push-byte
- buf<-byte
- buffer/push-word
- buf<-word
- buffer/push-string
- buf<-str
- buffer/push
- buf<-
- buffer/popn
- buf-popn
- buffer/clear
- buf_
- buffer/slice
- buf:
- buffer/bit-set
- buf-bit-set
- buffer/bit-clear
- buf-bit_
- buffer/bit-toggle
- buf-bit-toggle
- buffer/blit
- buf-blit
- buffer/format
- buf-fmt
- string/slice
- s:
- keyword/slice symbol/slice
- key: sym:
- string/repeat
- s*
- string/bytes
- s-bytes
- string/from-bytes
- s-from-bytes
- string/ascii-lower
- s_
- string/ascii-upper
- s^
- string/reverse
- s<->
- string/find
- s>
- string/find-all
- s>*
- string/has-prefix?
- s-prefix?
- string/has-suffix?
- s-suffix?
- string/replace
- s/>
- string/replace-all
- s/>*
- string/split
- s/
- string/check-set
- s-check-set
- string/join
- s-join
- string/format
- s-fmt
- string/trim
- s//
- string/triml
- s/-
- string/trimr
- s-/
- All file functions have / changed to -
- All functions and constants have
- math/next
- next-after
- defn
- defun
- reduce2
- foldl
- scan-number
- s->n
- fiber
- parser