- Pick a random θ
- Evaluate J(θ)
- Repeat steps 1 and 2 many times
- Return θ that gives smallests J(θ)
For Linear Regression:
- objective function is Mean Squared Error (MSE) • MSE = J(w, b) = J(θ1, θ2) = 1/N Σ(y_i-θ^Tx^i)^2
- contour plot: each line labeled with MSE – lower means a better fit
- minimum corresponds to parameters (w,b) = (θ1, θ2) that best fit some training dataset
For Linear Regression:
- target function h*(x) is unknown*
- only have access to h(x) through training examples (x(i),y(i))
- want h(x; θ(t)) that best approximates h*(x)
- enable generalization w/inductive bias that restricts hypothesis class to linear functions
- Choose an initial point θ
- Repeat:
- Compute gradient g = ▽J(θ)
- Choose a step size γ
- Update θ<-θ-γg
- Return θ when stopping criterion is met
- Starting point
- θ = 0
- θ randomly
- Stopping criterion
- ||▽J(θ)||_2 < ε ε=10^-8
- Step size
- fixed value γ = 0.1
- exact line search
- backtracking line search
- J(θ) = 1/N ΣJ^i(θ) where J^i(θ) = 1/2(y^i - θ^Tx^i)^2 (1/2 doesn't affect argmin)
- d J^i(θ) / dθ_j
- = (y^i - θ^Tx^i) d/dθ_j (y^i - θ^Tx^i)
- = (y^i - θ^Tx^i) d/dθ_j (y^i - Σθ_m x_m^i)
- = -(y^i - θ^Tx^i) x_j
- ▽J^i(θ)
- = [d J^i(θ) / dθ_1, d J^i(θ) / dθ_2, ... , d J^i(θ) / dθ_m]^T
- = - (y^i - θ^Tx^i) x^i (which is a scalar multiple with vector)
- ▽J(θ)
- = ▽(1/N ΣJ^i(θ))
- = 1/N Σ▽J^i(θ)
- = 1/N Σ-(y^i - θ^Tx^i)x^i
- Function f: R^M->R is convex
- if x1 ∈ R^M x2 ∈ R^M
- f(tx_1+(1-t)x_2) <= tf(x_1) + (1-t)f(x_2)
- Each local minimum is a global minimum
- A nonconvex function is not convex
- Each local minimum in nonconvex function is not necessarily a global minimum
- Each local minimum of a convex function is also a global minimum
- A strictly convex function has a unique global minimum
- The Mean Squared Error function, which we minimize for learning the parameters of Linear Regression, is convex!
- ...but in the general case it is not strictly convex.
- θ^
- = argmin{θ}
- = 1 / N Σ 1/2 (y^(i)-(θ^Tx^(i)))^2
- = (X^TX)^(-1)(X^TY)
- X^T M × N
- X N × M
- Y N × 1