- Five tables: menu, submenu, dish, user, order
- The menu has a submenu, the submenu has dishes
- Each dish can only have one submenu, each submenu can only have one menu
- The menu is deleted along with all submenus and dishes
- The submenu is deleted along with all dishes
- In the "menu" table, the number of submenus and dishes is counted
- In the "submenu" table, the number of dishes is counted
- Docker containerization
- Redis caching
- ORM SQLAlchemy
- Pydantic data validation
- Pytest testing
- Celery background tasks:
- Getting menu as excel file
- Sending emails using
- Periodic database dump
- User authorization JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Websocket chat
- docker-compose up --build
Once launched, the API is available at http://localhost:8000/docs
RabbitMQ is available at http://localhost:15672 Username: guest, Password: guest
PostgreSQL can be conncted:
- Host: localhost
- Port: 5433
- Username: postgres
- Password: password
- Database: fastapi_database
Creating containers for testing and running Pytest:
- docker-compose -f docker-compose.tests.yml up --build
Restarting the test script while test_redis and test_postgr containers are running:
- docker start -ai test_ylab