title |
Setup |
- A GitHub account
- A working Python 3.4+ environment to run the lesson initialization script
- (Optional) A local install of bundler which will require the Ruby language to be installed.
Though not essential, it is desirable to be able to preview changes on your own machine before pushing them to GitHub.
In order to preview changes locally, you must install the software described below.
If you don't install bundler as indicated in this section, you will not be able to preview the
lessons locally (in other words, you won't be able to run make serve
or make site
However, you can still edit the files that make up the lessons. You will only be able to see the
changes once your edits have been merged in the main repository.
For Windows, there are two main ways to setup your system to be able to render the lessons.
- Option 1 relies on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). WSL allows you to run a Linux environment directly from Windows.
- Option 2 relies on using Windows built-in applications.
If your version of Windows supports it, using the WSL will make the installation of the tools needed easier. Instructions to install Linux distributions from Windows 10/Windows Server are available from the Microsoft website.
Once you have installed a Linux distribution, you can follow the installation instructions for Linux listed below. If you install a distribution other than Ubuntu, you will need to adjust the commands that install the packages.
With the instructions below, you'll be able to preview websites for non-R based lessons. You'll be
able to do so from the Git Bash terminal or from the "Command Prompt with Ruby" that comes with
the Ruby installation. You won't be able to use the make
commands as Make isn't available from
the Git Bash terminal (see the optional section below for more info).
Ruby, go to https://rubyinstaller.org/ choose Ruby+DevKit for your system (typically x64), and the most recent version available. During the installation process, choose to install the MSYS2 toolchain. On the last step of the installation screen, make sure that "Run 'ridk install'" is checked. This will bring a terminal window with 3 options, press "Enter" (for the default installation). After this step completes, you'll be prompted again, and press "Enter" again (for the default option). Once the installation is complete, restart your system.
Navigate to the folder that contains the lesson, and you can now use
bundle exec jekyll serve
from your Git Bash terminal to preview the lessons.
With these instructions, you'll be able to use the make
commands and render all lessons
including those that use R. However, you won't be able to do so from the Git Bash terminal, but
from the other terminals (Windows Powershell, cmd.exe, or the Command Prompt with Ruby).
In the File Explorer, right-click on "This PC" icon, and click on "Properties". Click on "Advanced System Settings", and click on the button "Environment Variables". Click on the variable "Path", and then the "Edit" button. Click on the "New" button and add
(use the File Explorer to make sure this is the correct path for your Ruby and MSYS2 installation). If you're working on R-based lessons and R isn't already listed there, you need to add it by addingC:\Program Files\R\R-3.x.x\bin
(using the correct path and R version number for your installation). -
Open the "Command Prompt with Ruby" (if it was open before you edited the Path, close it and re-open it).
Regardless of the option you chose, go to the section For Everyone.
- First make sure you have Homebrew installed
To install Homebrew, open the Homebrew website and copy/paste the first command on that page into your Terminal. You may also want to check the requirements first. The command for installing Homebrew will look something like:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
If you're not sure whether you have brew installed, type
brew help
If you have Homebrew installed, you should see something like:
# Example usage:
brew search [TEXT|/REGEX/]
brew info [FORMULA...]
brew install FORMULA...
brew update
brew upgrade [FORMULA...]
brew uninstall FORMULA...
brew list [FORMULA...]
# Troubleshooting:
brew config
brew doctor
brew install --verbose --debug FORMULA
# Contributing:
brew create [URL [--no-fetch]]
brew edit [FORMULA...]
# Further help:
brew commands
brew help [COMMAND]
man brew
Ruby --
brew install ruby
bundler --
gem install bundler --user-install
Go to the section For Everyone
Ruby and other dependencies.
You will need to have the following packages installed (some might already be on your system):
sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev build-essential libxml2-dev
gem install bundler --user-install
is the package management framework for Ruby. It was installed as part of Ruby in the step above.bundler
is also a package manager but at the scale of a project instead of being system-wide. It makes it easier to manage dependencies.
The GitHub Pages Ruby Gem
Make sure there is a
at the root of your lesson repository. This file should only contain:source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins
If you don't have it, create it and the two lines above to it.
At the root of your repository type
bundle update
If you haven't used
yet for your project, this command will install all the needed dependencies. Otherwise, it will update them to match the current versions used by GitHub Pages. -
Generate the lesson
Now you are ready to run jekyll to build your website and run a local server. To do this run:
make serve
There will be several lines of output after this. If there were errors or warnings you can use them to fix your lesson and run again if it failed. If it was successful the last few lines will include
Server address:
andServer running... press ctrl-c to stop
. You can see your rendered site by pointing your browser to the address shown.
You will need a recent version of R (>= 3.5.0). Installation instructions are available from the CRAN website.
We use the [knitr][cran-knitr], and remotes to format
lessons written in R Markdown and figure out needed packages to execute the code in the lesson. You
will need to install the remotes
package to build R lessons (and this example lesson), the other
packages will be installed automatically during the rendering of the lesson. You can install this
package by opening an R terminal and typing:
install.packages('remotes', repos = 'https://cran.rstudio.com')
Check your version of Ruby:
ruby -v
You need Ruby 2.1.0 or later (currently GitHub pages uses Ruby 2.7.1). If you have an older version of Ruby, if possible upgrade your operating system to a more recent version. If it's not possible, consider using rbenv.
rbenv install 2.7.1
And then instructing
to use it in your lesson development process by executing the following command from your lesson directory:rbenv local 2.7.1
RubyGems is a tool which manages Ruby packages. It should have been installed along with Ruby and you can test your installation by running
gem --version
If you want to run
(which is invoked bymake lesson-check
) you will need the PyYAML module for Python 3.