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Building a training set of tags for fsharp #1199
Exercise: hello-worldCodenamespace ForgePlay
module HelloWorld =
let hello = "Hello, World!" Tags:
Exercise: collatz-conjectureCodemodule CollatzConjecture
let (|Even|Odd|) input =
match input % 2 with
| 0 -> Even
| 1 -> Odd
let steps (number: int): int option =
let rec calculate (number: int) (count: int) =
match number with
| i when i <= 0 -> None
| 1 -> Some count
| Even -> calculate (number / 2) (count + 1)
| Odd -> calculate (number * 3 + 1) (count + 1)
calculate number 0 Tags:
Exercise: armstrong-numbersCodemodule ArmstrongNumbers
open System
let round (x:float) = int (System.Math.Round x)
let isArmstrongNumber (number: int): bool =
let asStr = (string number)
let lng = String.length asStr
let sum = asStr |>
Seq.toList |>
List.map System.Char.GetNumericValue |>
List.sumBy (fun e -> pown e lng) |>
sum = number
Exercise: difference-of-squaresCodemodule DifferenceOfSquares
type DifferenceOfSquares(x) =
let range = seq { 1 .. x }
let square x = pown x 2
member this.squareOfSums() =
Seq.sum range
|> square
member this.sumOfSquares() =
Seq.map square range
|> Seq.sum
member this.difference() =
this.squareOfSums() - this.sumOfSquares() Tags:
Exercise: pangramCodemodule Pangram
let isPangram (input: string): bool = failwith "You need to implement this function."
let isPangram (input: string): bool =
let alphabetList = 'a'..'z'
let mutable duplicateCheck = []
let mutable counter = 0
for letter in input do
if alphabetList |> list.contains true && alphabetList |> duplicateCheck.contains false then
duplicateCheck += letter
counter += 1
Exercise: meetupCodemodule Meetup
open System
type Schedule = First | Second | Third | Fourth | Last | Teenth
let meetupDay (dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek) schedule year month =
let d = if schedule = Teenth then DateTime(year, month, 13)
elif schedule = Last then DateTime(year, month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month) - 6)
else DateTime(year, month, 1)
let first = int d.DayOfWeek
let dayNum = int dayOfWeek
let firstGivenDay = if first < dayNum then d.AddDays (float dayNum - float first)
elif first > dayNum then d.AddDays (7. - float first + float dayOfWeek)
else d
match schedule with
| First | Teenth | Last -> firstGivenDay
| Second -> firstGivenDay.AddDays 7.
| Third -> firstGivenDay.AddDays 14.
| Fourth -> firstGivenDay.AddDays 21. Tags:
Exercise: pythagorean-tripletCodemodule PythagoreanTriplet
let triplet x y z =
[x; y; z]
|> List.sort
|> function
| [p; q; r] -> (p, q, r)
| _ -> failwith ""
let isPythagorean (x, y, z) =
x*x + y*y = z*z
let N = Seq.initInfinite id
let pairs =
seq {for t in N do for x in [0..t] do yield (x, t - x)}
let triplets =
seq {
for (m, n) in pairs do
let a = m*m - n*n
let b = 2*m*n
let c = m*m + n*n
if a > 0 && b > 0 && c > 0
then yield triplet a b c
let pythagoreanTriplets low high =
|> Seq.skipWhile (fun (a, b, c) -> a < low || b < low || c < low)
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun (a, b, c) -> a <= high && b <= high && c <= high)
|> List.ofSeq Tags:
Exercise: prime-factorsCodemodule PrimeFactors
let primes =
let rec primesRec candidates =
seq {
let nextPrime = candidates |> Seq.head
yield int64 nextPrime
let remainingCandidates =
|> Seq.tail
|> Seq.filter (fun el -> el % nextPrime <> 0)
yield! primesRec remainingCandidates
let initialCandidates = Seq.initInfinite <| (+) 2
primesRec initialCandidates
let factorsFor factors number =
let rec f acc number =
if number =1L then
acc |> List.rev
let factor =
|> Seq.find (fun p -> number % p = 0L)
f (factor :: acc) (number / factor)
f [] number
let primeFactorsFor = factorsFor primes Tags:
Exercise: roman-numeralsCodenamespace RomanNumeral
type RomanNumeral() =
let numbers =
.Add(1000, "M")
.Add(900, "CM")
.Add(500, "D")
.Add(400, "CD")
.Add(100, "C")
.Add(90, "XC")
.Add(50, "L")
.Add(40, "XL")
.Add(10, "X")
.Add(9, "IX")
.Add(5, "V")
.Add(4, "IV")
.Add(1, "I")
let keys = numbers |> Map.toSeq |> Seq.map fst |> Seq.sortBy (fun x -> -x - 1) |> Seq.toList
member this.toRoman(value: int) =
this.addNumerals(value, 0)
member private this.addNumerals(value: int, keyidx: int) =
if (keyidx >= keys.Length)
then ""
else if (value >= keys.[keyidx])
then (numbers.[keys.[keyidx]] + this.addNumerals(value - keys.[keyidx], keyidx))
else this.addNumerals(value, keyidx + 1) Tags:
Exercise: circular-bufferCodemodule CircularBuffer
type CircularBuffer<'a> = private {items: 'a option []; nextIn: int; nextOut: int}
module private Internal =
type Write = Normal | Forced
let nextIndex i buffer = (i + 1) % buffer.items.Length
let write x buffer writeType =
let newItems = Array.copy buffer.items
let newNextOut =
match (writeType, newItems.[buffer.nextIn]) with
| (_, None) -> buffer.nextOut
| (Forced, Some _) -> nextIndex buffer.nextOut buffer
| (Normal, Some _) -> failwith "Buffer full"
newItems.[buffer.nextIn] <- Some x
{ items = newItems
nextIn = nextIndex buffer.nextIn buffer
nextOut = newNextOut }
open Internal
let mkCircularBuffer size =
{ items = Array.init size (fun _ -> None)
nextIn = 0
nextOut = 0 }
let write x buffer = Internal.write x buffer Normal
let read buffer =
let newItems = Array.copy buffer.items
let outValue = buffer.items.[buffer.nextOut].Value
newItems.[buffer.nextOut] <- None
let newBuffer =
{ buffer with
items = newItems
nextOut = nextIndex buffer.nextOut buffer }
(outValue, newBuffer)
let clear buffer = mkCircularBuffer buffer.items.Length
let forceWrite x buffer = Internal.write x buffer Forced Tags:
Exercise: bank-accountCodemodule BankAccount
type BankAccount() =
let mutable (balance : float option) = None
member t.Balance = balance
member t.openAccount() =
balance <- Some(0.0)
member t.updateBalance(x : float) =
if balance.IsSome then balance <- Some(balance.Value + x)
else failwith("account closed")
member t.getBalance() = balance.Value |> decimal
member t.closeAccount() =
balance <- None Tags:
Exercise: complex-numbersCodemodule ComplexNumbers
let create real imaginary = Complex(real, imaginary)
let mul z1 z2 = Complex.Multiply(z1, z2)
let add z1 z2 = Complex.Add(z1, z2)
let sub z1 z2 = Complex.Subtract(z1, z2)
let div z1 z2 = Complex.Divide(z1, z2)
let abs z = Complex.Abs z
let conjugate z = Complex.Conjugate z
let real (z: Complex) = z.Real
let imaginary (z: Complex) = z.Imaginary
let exp z = Complex.Exp z Tags:
Exercise: rail-fence-cipherCodemodule RailFenceCipher
open System
let private getPositions n length =
Seq.init length (fun index ->
let offset = ((index - 1) % (n - 1)) + 1
match index with
| 0 -> (0, 0)
| _ -> match ((index - 1) / (n - 1)) % 2 with
| 0 -> (index, offset)
| _ -> (index, n - 1 - offset)
let encode n input =
((getPositions n (Seq.length input)) |> Seq.map snd)
|> Seq.groupBy fst
|> Seq.map snd
|> Seq.map (fun row ->
|> Seq.map snd
|> Seq.fold (sprintf "%s%c") String.Empty
|> Seq.fold (sprintf "%s%s") String.Empty
let decode n input =
let tmp =
getPositions n (Seq.length input)
|> Seq.groupBy snd
|> Seq.map snd
|> Seq.concat
|> Seq.map fst
|> Seq.sort
|> Seq.map snd
|> Seq.fold (sprintf "%s%c") String.Empty Tags:
Exercise: povCodemodule Pov
type Graph<'a> =
| Graph of 'a * 'a Graph List
member x.children = let (Graph(_, xs)) = x in xs
member x.value = let (Graph(v, _)) = x in v
override x.ToString() =
match x with
| Graph(v,[]) -> v.ToString()
| Graph(v,xs) -> sprintf "(%O,%O)" v xs
type Path<'a> =
| Top
| Node of 'a * 'a Graph List * 'a Path * 'a Graph List
override x.ToString() =
match x with
| Top -> "T"
| Node(v,xs,p,ys) -> sprintf "(%O,L%O,%O,R%O)" v xs p ys
type Location<'a> =
Loc of 'a Graph option * 'a Path
let left (Loc(t,p)) =
match t with
| None -> failwith "left of none"
| Some(g) ->
match p with
| Top -> failwith "left of top"
| Node(v,l::left,up,right) -> Loc(Some(l),Node(v,left,up,g::right))
| Node(v,[],up,right) -> failwith "left of first"
let right (Loc(t,p)) =
match t with
| None -> failwith "left of none"
| Some(g) ->
match p with
| Top -> failwith "right of top"
| Node(v,left,up,r::right) -> Loc(Some(r),Node(v,g::left,up,right))
| _ -> failwith "right of last"
let up (Loc(t,p)) =
match p with
| Top -> failwith "up of top"
| Node(v,left,up,right) ->
let rr =
match t with
| None -> right
| Some(x) -> x::right
Loc(Some(Graph(v, (left |> List.rev) @ (rr))),up)
let down (Loc(t,p)) =
match t with
| None -> failwith "down of none"
| Some(Graph(_,[])) -> failwith "down of item"
| Some(Graph(v,t1::graphs)) -> Loc(Some(t1),Node(v,[],p,graphs))
let rec toGraph lc =
match lc with
| Loc(gr, Top) -> gr
| lc -> toGraph (up lc)
let fromGraph gr = Loc(Some(gr), Top)
let mkGraph v xs = Graph(v,xs)
let rec search v lc =
match lc with
| Loc(None,_) -> None
| Loc(Some(Graph(x,_)),_) when v = x -> Some(lc)
| Loc(Some(Graph(x,xs)),Top) ->
match xs with
| [] -> None
| _ ->
//printfn "search down from top"
lc |> down |> search v
| Loc(Some(Graph(x,xs)),p) ->
match xs with
| [] ->
match p with
| Node(_,_,_,[]) -> None
| _ ->
//printfn "search right from %O" x
lc |> right |> search v
| _ ->
let downFounded =
//printfn "search down from %O" x
lc |> down |> search v
match downFounded with
| Some(_) -> downFounded
| None ->
match p with
| Node(_,_,_,[]) -> None
| _ ->
//printfn "search right from %O" x
lc |> right |> search v
let delete (Loc(x,p)) =
match p with
| Top -> failwith "delete of top"
| Node(v,left,up,r::right) -> Loc(Some(r),Node(v,left,up,right))
| Node(v,l::left,up,[]) -> Loc(Some(l),Node(v,left,up,[]))
| Node(v,[],up,[]) -> Loc(None, p)
let rec fromPOVLoc lc =
match lc with
| Loc(None,_) -> []
| Loc(Some(gr),Top) -> [gr]
| Loc(Some(Graph(x,children)),_) ->
let upperPOV = lc |> delete |> up |> fromPOVLoc
[Graph(x, children@upperPOV)]
let rec fromPOV v tree =
let founded =
|> fromGraph
|> search v
match founded with
| None -> None
| Some(lc) ->
|> fromPOVLoc
|> List.head
|> Option.Some
let trace p tree =
let rec findInner acc t =
match t with
| Graph(n, _) when p(n) -> Some(acc@[n])
| Graph(x, children) -> children |> Seq.choose (findInner (acc@[x]))
|> Seq.tryFind (fun _ -> true)
| Graph(_, []) -> Some([])
findInner [] tree
let tracePathBetween v1 v2 tree =
let pov = tree |> fromPOV v1
match pov with
| None -> None
| Some(pv) -> pv |> trace (fun x -> x = v2) Tags:
Exercise: dnd-characterCodemodule DndCharacter
open System
let modifier (x : int) =
float(x - 10) / 2.0
|> Math.Floor
|> int
let ability() =
let seed = Random()
let d6 = seed.Next(1,6)
[ d6; d6 ; d6 ; d6 ]
|> List.sortDescending
|> List.take 3
|> List.sum
type DndCharacter() =
let (str, dex, con, wis, intel, chr) =
(ability(), ability(), ability(), ability(), ability(), ability())
member __.Strength with get() = str
member __.Dexterity with get() = dex
member __.Constitution with get() = con
member __.Intelligence with get() = intel
member __.Wisdom with get() = wis
member __.Charisma with get() = chr
member __.Hitpoints with get() = 10 + modifier(__.Constitution)
This is an automated comment Hello 👋 Next week we're going to start using the tagging work people are doing on these. If you've already completed the work, thank you! If you've not, but intend to this week, that's great! If you're not going to get round to doing it, and you've not yet posted a comment letting us know, could you please do so, so that we can find other people to do it. Thanks! |
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Hello lovely maintainers 👋
We've recently added "tags" to student's solutions. These express the constructs, paradigms and techniques that a solution uses. We are going to be using these tags for lots of things including filtering, pointing a student to alternative approaches, and much more.
In order to do this, we've built out a full AST-based tagger in C#, which has allowed us to do things like detect recursion or bit shifting. We've set things up so other tracks can do the same for their languages, but its a lot of work, and we've determined that actually it may be unnecessary. Instead we think that we can use machine learning to achieve tagging with good enough results. We've fine-tuned a model that can determine the correct tags for C# from the examples with a high success rate. It's also doing reasonably well in an untrained state for other languages. We think that with only a few examples per language, we can potentially get some quite good results, and that we can then refine things further as we go.
I released a new video on the Insiders page that talks through this in more detail.
We're going to be adding a fully-fledged UI in the coming weeks that allow maintainers and mentors to tag solutions and create training sets for the neural networks, but to start with, we're hoping you would be willing to manually tag 20 solutions for this track. In this post we'll add 20 comments, each with a student's solution, and the tags our model has generated. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to edit the tags on each issue, removing any incorrect ones, and add any that are missing. In order to build one model that performs well across languages, it's best if you stick as closely as possible to the C# tags as you can. Those are listed here. If you want to add extra tags, that's totally fine, but please don't arbitrarily reword existing tags, even if you don't like what Erik's chosen, as it'll just make it less likely that your language gets the correct tags assigned by the neural network.
To summarise - there are two paths forward for this issue:
If you tell us you're not able/wanting to help or there's no comment added, we'll automatically crowd-source this in a week or so.
Finally, if you have questions or want to discuss things, it would be best done on the forum, so the knowledge can be shared across all maintainers in all tracks.
Thanks for your help! 💙
Note: Meta discussion on the forum
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