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Daniel Baetz edited this page Jun 19, 2019 · 28 revisions


A TCP/UDP-Client base.

public abstract class Exomia.Network.ClientBase
    : IClient, IDisposable


Type Name Summary
Socket _clientSocket The client socket.
Byte _state The state.


Type Name Summary
Int32 Port Port.
String ServerAddress ServerAddress.


Type Name Summary
DisconnectedHandler Disconnected called than the client is Disconnected.
Action<PingPacket> Ping called than a ping is received.


Type Name Summary
void AddCommand(UInt32 commandid, DeserializePacketHandler<Object> deserialize) add a command.
void AddDataReceivedCallback(UInt32 commandid, DataReceivedHandler callback) add a data received callback.
SendError BeginSendData(UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length, UInt32 responseID) Begins send data.
Boolean Connect(IPAddress[] ipAddresses, Int32 port, Int32 timeout = 10) try's to connect the client to a server.
Boolean Connect(String serverAddress, Int32 port, Int32 timeout = 10) try's to connect the client to a server.
void DeserializeData(UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length, UInt32 responseid) Deserialize data.
void Disconnect() call to disconnect from a server.
void Disconnect(DisconnectReason reason) call to disconnect from a server.
void Dispose()
void Finalize() ClientBase destructor.
void OnDispose(Boolean disposing) OnDispose.
void ReceiveAsync() Receive asynchronous.
void RemoveCommand(UInt32 commandid) remove a command.
void RemoveDataReceivedCallback(UInt32 commandid, DataReceivedHandler callback) remove a data received callback.
SendError Send(UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length) send data to the server.
SendError Send(UInt32 commandid, ISerializable serializable) send data to the server.
SendError Send(UInt32 commandid, T& data) send data to the server.
SendError SendPing() send a ping command to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length, DeserializePacketHandler<TResult> deserialize) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length, TimeSpan timeout) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length, DeserializePacketHandler<TResult> deserialize, TimeSpan timeout) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, ISerializable serializable) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, ISerializable serializable, DeserializePacketHandler<TResult> deserialize) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, ISerializable serializable, TimeSpan timeout) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, ISerializable serializable, DeserializePacketHandler<TResult> deserialize, TimeSpan timeout) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, T& data) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, T& data, DeserializePacketHandler<TResult> deserialize) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, T& data, TimeSpan timeout) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, T& data, DeserializePacketHandler<TResult> deserialize, TimeSpan timeout) send data to the server.
Task<Response<PingPacket>> SendRPing() send a ping command to the server.
Boolean TryCreateSocket(Socket& socket) Attempts to create socket.

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
Byte RECEIVE_FLAG The receive flag.
Byte SEND_FLAG The send flag.



public static class Exomia.Network.CommandID

Static Fields

Type Name Summary


Values that represent CompressionMode. MASK 0b00111000.

public enum Exomia.Network.CompressionMode
    : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Value Name Summary
0 None None
32 Lz4 LZ4


can be used to determine if a client has disconnected properly.

public enum Exomia.Network.DisconnectReason
    : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Value Name Summary
0 Unspecified Unspecified/Unknown Reason
1 Graceful Graceful
2 Aborted Aborted
3 Error Error


Values that represent EncryptionMode. MASK 0b00000111.

public enum Exomia.Network.EncryptionMode
    : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Value Name Summary
0 None None
4 End2End End2End


IClient interface.

public interface Exomia.Network.IClient
    : IDisposable


Type Name Summary
Boolean Connect(String serverAddress, Int32 port, Int32 timeout = 10) try's to connect the client to a server.
Boolean Connect(IPAddress[] ipAddresses, Int32 port, Int32 timeout = 10) try's to connect the client to a server.
void Disconnect() call to disconnect from a server.
SendError Send(UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length) send data to the server.
SendError Send(UInt32 commandid, ISerializable serializable) send data to the server.
SendError Send(UInt32 commandid, T& data) send data to the server.
SendError SendPing() send a ping command to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length, DeserializePacketHandler<TResult> deserialize) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length, TimeSpan timeout) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length, DeserializePacketHandler<TResult> deserialize, TimeSpan timeout) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, ISerializable serializable) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, ISerializable serializable, DeserializePacketHandler<TResult> deserialize) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, ISerializable serializable, TimeSpan timeout) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, ISerializable serializable, DeserializePacketHandler<TResult> deserialize, TimeSpan timeout) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, T& data) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, T& data, DeserializePacketHandler<TResult> deserialize) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, T& data, TimeSpan timeout) send data to the server.
Task<Response<TResult>> SendR(UInt32 commandid, T& data, DeserializePacketHandler<TResult> deserialize, TimeSpan timeout) send data to the server.
Task<Response<PingPacket>> SendRPing() send a ping command to the server.


Packet readonly struct.

public struct Exomia.Network.Packet


Type Name Summary
Byte[] Buffer Buffer.
Int32 Length Length.
Int32 Offset Offset.


A response.

public struct Exomia.Network.Response<TResult>


Type Name Summary
TResult Result Result.
SendError SendError SendError.


Values that represent SendError.

public enum Exomia.Network.SendError
    : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Value Name Summary
0 None No error, all good
1 Socket A socket exception is occured
2 Disposed The socket was disposed
3 Invalid The SEND_FLAG is not set
4 Unknown Unknown error occured

ServerBase<T, TServerClient>

A server base.

public abstract class Exomia.Network.ServerBase<T, TServerClient>
    : IServer<T>, IDisposable


Type Name Summary
Dictionary<T, TServerClient> _clients Dictionary{T, TServerClient}
Socket _listener The listener.
Int32 _port The port.
Byte _state The state.


Type Name Summary
Int32 Port Port.


Type Name Summary
ClientActionHandler<T> ClientConnected called than a client is connected.
ClientDisconnectHandler<T> ClientDisconnected called than a client is disconnected.


Type Name Summary
void AddCommand(UInt32 commandid, DeserializePacketHandler<Object> deserialize) add a command.
void AddDataReceivedCallback(UInt32 commandid, ClientDataReceivedHandler<T, TServerClient> callback) add a data received callback.
Boolean CreateServerClient(T arg0, TServerClient& serverClient) Create a new ServerClient than a client connects.
void DeserializeData(T arg0, UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length, UInt32 responseid) Deserialize data.
void Dispose()
void Finalize() ServerBase destructor.
void InvokeClientDisconnect(T arg0, DisconnectReason reason) Executes the client disconnect on a different thread, and waits for the result.
void ListenAsync() Listen asynchronous.
void OnAfterClientDisconnect(T arg0) called after Exomia.Network.ServerBase2.InvokeClientDisconnect(0,Exomia.Network.DisconnectReason).
void OnClientConnected(T arg0) called than a new client is connected.
void OnClientDisconnected(T arg0, DisconnectReason reason) called then the client is connected.
void OnDispose(Boolean disposing) OnDispose.
Boolean OnRun(Int32 port, Socket& listener) Executes the run action.
Boolean RemoveCommand(UInt32 commandid) remove a command.
void RemoveDataReceivedCallback(UInt32 commandid, ClientDataReceivedHandler<T, TServerClient> callback) remove a data received callback.
Boolean Run(Int32 port)
SendError SendTo(T arg0, UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length, UInt32 responseid)
SendError SendTo(T arg0, UInt32 commandid, ISerializable serializable, UInt32 responseid)
SendError SendTo(T arg0, UInt32 commandid, T1& data, UInt32 responseid)
void SendToAll(UInt32 commandid, Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length)
void SendToAll(UInt32 commandid, T1& data)
void SendToAll(UInt32 commandid, ISerializable serializable)

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
Int32 CLOSE_TIMEOUT The close timeout.
Byte RECEIVE_FLAG The receive flag.
Byte SEND_FLAG The send flag.


ServerClientBase{T} class.

public abstract class Exomia.Network.ServerClientBase<T>


Type Name Summary
T _arg0 Socket


Type Name Summary
EndPoint EndPoint EndPoint.
IPAddress IPAddress IPAddress.
DateTime LastReceivedPacketTimeStamp LastReceivedPacketTimeStamp.


Type Name Summary
void SetLastReceivedPacketTimeStamp() Sets last received packet time stamp.