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Creator: HOWTO Create a Generator

Tako Schotanus edited this page Jul 26, 2019 · 14 revisions

Generators create the code for Cloud projects. In their simplest form they just have a set of template files that get copied to a project under construction. They can also make changes to already existing files. Among the more advanced features is the creation of Resource Descriptors for deployment on Kubernetes/OpenShift.

So let's go through the steps of what it takes to create a Generator:

  1. Choose a name - First we need to choose a name for our new Generator. Let's go with generator-example.
  2. Create a folder - All the Generator's files need to live in a folder with the name of the Generator
$ mkdir creator/src/main/resources/META-INF/catalog/generators/generator-example
  1. Files - Put any files that you want copied in a subfolder called files. Imagine the following folder structure for a very simple Java application:

package example;

import java.util.Objects;

import io.openshift.booster.RouterConsumer;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.rxjava.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.rxjava.ext.web.Router;
import io.vertx.rxjava.ext.web.RoutingContext;
import rx.Completable;

import static io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE;

public class HttpApplication extends RouterConsumer {

  public HttpApplication(Vertx vertx) {

  protected static final String TEMPLATE = "Hello, %s!";

  public void accept(Router router) {

  public Completable start() {
    return Completable.complete();

  private void greeting(RoutingContext rc) {
    String name = Objects.toString(rc.request().getParam("name"), "World");

    JsonObject response = new JsonObject()
      .put("content", String.format(TEMPLATE, name));

      .putHeader(CONTENT_TYPE.toString(), "application/json; charset=utf-8")
If you think that this doesn't seem to be enough to actually build an application you would be right. We will get to that next.
  1. Create metadata - Our Generator also needs an info.json in the root of our folder that contains some important metadata. For our simple example the following would be enough:
  "type": "generator",
  "config": {
    "base": "runtime-vertx",

The interesting part here is the "base": "runtime-vertx" which tells the Creator that before applying this Generator it should actually first apply the Runtime Generator named runtime-vertx. If you were wondering before why there seemed so little code in our example, it's because we can delegate certain tasks to other Generators. In this case runtime-vertx is a Generator that sets up a project to use the Vert.x framework. We'll talk more about Runtime Generators later on.

  1. Register the Generator - Finally we need to register our Generator in the GeneratorInfo list. Just add a item to the end of the list with the exact same name we gave our Generator in the first step. It would look something like this:
enum class GeneratorInfo(val klazz: GeneratorConstructor) {

That's it! That's all there is to creating a simple Generator.

Let's continue to HOWTO Create a Runtime Generator