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Use the gettext (po) translation format to provide translations for your Ember app.

Parse gettext messages from .hbs, .js and .ts files and generate .pot and .po files from it.

These can then be translated via a translation tool of your choice, and then converted into .json files which can be deployed with your application.


  • Ember CLI v2.13 or above
  • Node.js v14 or above


ember install @ember-gettext/gettext-parser



You can extract translations with ember gettext:extract. Use ember help gettext:extract to see all available options.

By default, it will extract all filed from ./app, as well as all ./addon and ./app files from any installed addon that has ember-l10n as a dependency.

You can use these configuration options:

# Use different or multiple input directories
--input-dirs ./app --input-dirs ./other-folder

# Only include files matching the given patterns.
--include-patterns templates/landing --include-patterns templates/welcome

# Exclude files matching the given patterns
--exclude-patterns mirage --exclude-patterns fixtures

# Do not extract from these addons
--skip-dependencies styleguide-addon --skip-dependencies test-addon

# Use this as the locale of messageIds (defaults to en)
--locale de

# If enabled, new and obsolete terms will be printed to the console


You can convert translated .po files with ember gettext:convert. Use ember help gettext:convert to see all available options.

It will look for a file named <locale>.po in your ./translations directory and convert it into <locale>.json in the output directory (default: app/locales/<locale>.json).

For example, if you receive a German translation of your app, you should save this file under ./translations/de.po. Then, you would run ember gettext:convert --locale=de, which will generate the file ./app/locales/de.json which can be used by ember-l10n.

Alternatively, you can also leave the --locale away, to convert all locale.po files.

Available options:

# Use different input directory
--input-dir ./translations

# Use different output directory
--output-dir ./app/locales

# Convert this locale (or all, if empty)
--locale de

# Convert this specific file (provide full path, takes precedence over input-dir)
--input-file ./my-path/file.po

# Generate/update the locale map. Set to false to skip this step
--generate-map false

Generate map

You can manually generate the map for locale imports with ember gettext:generate-map. This takes a single optional argument:

# Generate for this directory
--locale-dir ./app/loclaes

By default, this will be run whenever you convert a file, but you can also run it manually.