Answer the following questions considering the learning outcomes for
Make sure to record evidence of your processes. You can use code snippets, screenshots or any other material to support your answers.
Do not fill in the feedback section. The Founders and Coders team will update this with feedback on your progress.
- worked on a tutorial using the Wordpress Elementor plugin to understand the basics of creating webpages using Elementor
- refined low fidelity wireframe provided by the product owner, imporving its design to better align with project requirements
- conducted research on typography and colour to ensure accessibility
- enhanced figma prototype by adding interactive actions, such as menu toggles and navigation to visualise functionality
2. Show an example of some of the learning outcomes you have struggled with and/or would like to re-visit.
- improving the usage of frames and groups to make the components responsive and transform smoothly.
[Course Facilitator name]
[What went well]
I understand that this week is more about using the Wordpress platform than building solutions yourself. Good progress. Hopefully we will build some interesting plugins in the future.