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File metadata and controls

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The MongoDB Bundle is a Symfony Bundle that integrates the official mongodb/mongo-php-library driver library with your Symfony app.

It builds up for you instances of MongoDB\Database as Symfony services using the configuration you provide to it.


The MongoDB Bundle supports Symfony 3.4, Symfony 4.3 and above, and Symfony 5.x.

To use the profiler feature, you should have symfony/web-profiler-bundle.


Make your project require this bundle with composer.

composer require facile-it/mongodb-bundle

With Symfony Flex

If your project uses Symfony Flex, then it will also use the recipe for enabling the bundle and installing a default configuration.

Without Symfony Flex

If you don't have Symfony Flex installed, then you need to manually register the bundle in the AppKernel class.

// app/AppKernel.php
class AppKernel extends Kernel {

    public function registerBundles()
        return [
            // ...
            new Facile\MongoDbBundle\FacileMongoDbBundle(),

Eventually, you will need to configure it.


Here is the configuration reference:


  data_collection: true # set to false to disable data collection

  # clients section, here you can define connection to different servers or with different credentials

    foo_client_name: # choose your client name
      uri: 'mongodb://host1:3062,host2' # default null (will use hosts to build connection URI)
      hosts: # required if uri is not set - will compose your connection URI (mongodb://host1:3062,host2:27017)
        - { host: host1, port: 3062 } # this 
        - { host: host2 }
      username: 'what-a-secret'
      password: 'what-a-secret'
      authSource: '' # the database name with the user’s credentials
      replicaSet: '' # default null (no replica) (experimental)
      ssl: false
      connectTimeoutMS: 3000 # default null (no timeout)
      readPreference: primaryPreferred # see for info

    other_client: ~ # same as upper configuration

  # connections section, these represents your Database object reference

      client_name: foo_client_name # Required - your client name in clients section
      database_name: 'foo_db' # Required

      client_name: ~
      database_name: ~

      client_name: ~
      database_name: ~

  # Service reference to provide driver options - see example below
  driverOptions: 'App\Services\DriverOptionsProvider' # default null

Driver options

You might need to specify some driver options for constructing the MongoDB\Client. Read the reference for a complete explanation of all the available options.

Implement DriverOptionsInterface and declare the class as a Symfony service.

namespace App\Services;

use Facile\MongoDbBundle\Services\DriverOptions\DriverOptionsInterface;

final class MyCustomDriverOptionsProvider implements DriverOptionsInterface
    /** @var string */
    private $cafile;
    public function __construct(string $cafile) {
        $this->cafile = $cafile;

    public function buildDriverOptions(array $clientConfiguration) : array {
        return [
            'allow_invalid_hostname' => false,
            'context' => ['cafile' => $this->cafile] // This option is deprecated, but let me use that as an example.
# config/services.yaml
    $cafile: 'example/route/file.crt'

Then use its service id as value of driverOptions in the bundle configuration.

# config/packages/facile_it_mongodb.yaml
  driverOptions: 'App\Services\MyCustomDriverOptionsProvider'
  # ...

Database as a Service

You can directly access to the MongoDB\Database with these services:

$this->get('mongo.connection'); // Default connection (first declared)
$this->get('mongo.connection.{connectionName}'); // [test_db, other_db, test_db_2] for example

To manipulate the database, please read the official documentation.

Query Profiling

On dev environment all queries executed by the library MongoDB\Collection class are profiled and showed inside the Symfony web profiler.

Profiler Toolbar

Profiler Panel


This bundle supports doctrine style fixtures.

To create one, define a class implementing the MongoFixtureInterface interface. Probably you would like to access to the service container: make sure the class extends AbstractContainerAwareFixture.

namespace Path\To\Fixtures;

use Facile\MongoDbBundle\Fixtures\AbstractContainerAwareFixture;
use Facile\MongoDbBundle\Fixtures\MongoFixtureInterface;
use MongoDB\Collection;

final class Fixture extends AbstractContainerAwareFixture implements MongoFixtureInterface
    public function loadData(): void {
         /** @var Collection $collection */
        $collection = $this->getContainer()

            'title' => 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb',
            'directedBy' => 'Stanley Kubrick',
            'releaseDate' => new \MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime(new \DateTime('1964-01-29 00:00:00')),

    public function loadIndexes(): void {
        /** @var Collection $collection */
        $collection = $this->getContainer()

        $collection->createIndex(['releaseDate' => 1]);

    public function collection(): string {
        return 'movies';

Then, load it with the following Symfony command.

mongodb:fixtures:load [--connection <connection-name>] <path/to/the/fixtures>

Other Commands

To drop the database:

mongodb:database:drop [--connection <connection-name>]

To drop a collection:

mongodb:collection:drop [--connection <connection-name>] <collection_name>


You might have a fixture that requires the data loaded by another one. In this case, the loading order is crucial.

Since 0.6.6 it's possible to specify the order by which the fixtures are loaded.

Make sure they implement OrderedFixtureInterface. The lower the value returned by getOrder the higher will be the loading priority.

namespace Path\To\Fixtures;

use Facile\MongoDbBundle\Fixtures\AbstractContainerAwareFixture;
use Facile\MongoDbBundle\Fixtures\MongoFixtureInterface;
use Facile\MongoDbBundle\Fixtures\OrderedFixtureInterface;

final class FixtureA extends AbstractContainerAwareFixture implements MongoFixtureInterface, OrderedFixtureInterface
    public function getOrder() : int {
        return 0;

    public function collection(): string {
        return 'collection_a';
    public function loadData(): void { /* ... */ }
    public function loadIndexes(): void { /* ... */ }

final class FixtureB extends AbstractContainerAwareFixture implements MongoFixtureInterface, OrderedFixtureInterface
    public function getOrder() : int {
        return 1;

    public function collection(): string {
        return 'collection_b';

    public function loadData(): void { /* ... */ }
    public function loadIndexes(): void { /* ... */ }