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Headless Apostrophe with Docker / Nuxt / Nginx

This project is a demonstration of using Apostrophe in headless mode, adding Nuxt for the frontend, and Nginx as reverse-proxy.

Without Docker


Having npm and node and mongodb installed on the machine (see this documentation if not installed), run npm run install-app.


Go to http://localhost:1337/cms to access the backend and http://localhost:3333 for the frontend.

With Docker


Having docker installed, run make.


Run make for the development environment, make prod for the production environment. Go to http://localhost/cms to access the backend and http://localhost for the frontend.

Other Docker commands

Run docker-compose up for production in Docker or make prod.

docker-compose ps for running instances.
docker-compose stop
docker-compose build to rebuild image
docker run -ti apos-nuxt-demo_demo-demo-backend sh to log into the container

Save database: docker run --rm --link demo-db:mongo --net apos-nuxt-demo_default -v $(pwd)/server/data/db:/backup mongo bash -c 'mongodump --out /backup --host mongo:27018 --db network'

Drop database: docker exec network-db mongo --port 27018 --eval "db.getSiblingDB('apos-nuxt-demo').dropDatabase()";

Restore in container: 'docker run --rm --link demo-db:mongo --net apos-nuxt-demo_default -v $(pwd)/server/data/db:/backup mongo mongorestore /backup --host mongo:27018'


docker-compose exec demo-backend node app fixtures:all

Clear Docker logs

dev: docker run -it --rm --privileged --pid=host apos-nuxt-demo_demo-backend nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i -- sh -c 'truncate -s 0 /var/lib/docker/containers//-json.log'


You can access Nginx logs by going to /reverse-proxy/logs.


We are going to create an online restaurant shop, enabling visitors to register and order food.

Start by cloning this project.

git clone [email protected]:falkodev/apos-nuxt-demo.git //TODO: change url to an apostrophe one when ready

If you have Docker installed, run make.

Otherwise npm run install-app then npm run dev. It will launch both the frontend and the backend. If you wish to separate logs, you can open 2 terminals:

  • cd frontend && npm run dev on the first one
  • cd backend && npm run dev on the second one

For Docker, if you want separated logs, you can too. Stop the current terminal and type make logs-back, open a second terminal and type make logs-front.

When launched, you can access http://localhost:1337/cms (http://localhost/cms if using Docker) for the backend and http://localhost:3333 (http://localhost with Docker) for the frontend should be accessible (ports are not mandatory if you use Docker).

For Docker, you can observe the docker-compose.yml file, describing how the containers are organized. There will be:

  • a demo-db container for the MongoDB image
  • a demo-backend container for Apostrophe, using MongoDB
  • a demo-frontend container for Nuxt, contacting the backend on http://demo-backend:1337/cms
  • a demo-reverse-proxy container for Nginx

The reverse-proxy/local.conf is interesting to understand how requests are dispatched.

listen 80;
server_name localhost;
root /usr/share/nginx/frontend;

location / {
  proxy_pass http://demo-frontend:3333;

location /cms/ {
  proxy_pass http://demo-backend:1337;

Everything on port localhost:80 will be redirected to Nuxt, except for urls pointing to /cms, redirected to Apostrophe.

In its configuration, Apostrophe has a matching prefix:

// in backend/app.js
prefix: '/cms',

This way, with Docker, you can access the frontend on http://localhost and the backend on http://localhost/cms.

We are going to create dishes for our customers. To facilitate this step, fixtures have been created. They will create an admin user on Apostrophe, and documents in the "Products" module. You can go to backend/lib/modules/fixtures/index.js to analyze how Apostrophe fetches and inserts documents into MongoDB.

Here is the schema of the "Products" module (backend/lib/modules/products/index.js):

  name: 'description',
  type: 'string',
  required: true,
  name: 'picture',
  type: 'attachment',
  group: 'images',

By default, Apostrophe adds a title, a slug, a "published" status, and a "trash" status to every piece. In this schema, we add a description and a picture.

On another teminal, run docker-compose exec demo-backend node app fixtures:all if you use Docker, cd backend && node app fixtures:all otherwise.

Now, go to http://localhost:1337/cms/login and enter the following credentials: "admin" as username, "admin" as password.

The Apostrophe admin bar will be displayed.

You can click on "Products" to look at the generated products by the "fixtures" step.

If you reload http://localhost:3333, you will see the products are now displayed.

How does this work?

On the backend, apostrophe-headless has been installed, and the products module has been declared as a headless module with the restApi option, therefore exposing REST routes:

// backend/lib/modules/products/index.js
module.exports = {
  extend: 'apostrophe-pieces',
  name: 'product',
  alias: 'product',
  restApi: true,

This way, products are automatically exposed on /api/v1/products. On the frontend, the index page fetches the products on this route. Nuxt declares pages in the pages folder. index.vue is thus the default page. In the asyncData method in this component, the following GET request is made:

// in frontend/pages/index.vue
const { results } = await $axios.$get('/api/v1/products')

The products are displayed in the component's template part, with a standard v-for loop:

<!-- in frontend/pages/index.vue -->
  <section class="homepage">
    <div class="homepage-products">
      <div v-for="product in products" :key="product._id" class="homepage-products__item">
        <img :src="product.picture._urls['one-third']" />
        <span>{{ product.description }}</span>

You can notice Apostrophe has automatically resized the pictures. We chose to display the "one-third" format here.

Now, if you want to add text on this homepage, you could edit the Vue component, but it is not convenient, as only developers can do it. A better way is let non-developers people edit the content in Apostrophe, and let it be displayed on the frontend.

For that, a page type "homepage" has been configured on the backend:

// in backend/lib/modules/apostrophe-pages/index.js
module.exports = {
  restApi: true,
  apiTemplates: ['front-homepage'],
  types: [
      name: 'front-homepage',
      label: 'Front Homepage',

The apostrophe-pages modules has also the restApi option and defines one page type an Apostrophe editor can create: front-homepage. Also, with apiTemplates: ['front-homepage'] we indicate to expose the rendered template.

Let's create a "front-homepage" page by clicking on "Pages" in the Apostrophe admin bar and "New Page", and then filling the "New Page" form:

The title and slug fields do not really matter. What it is important is the type field: "Front Homepage". Click save, and Apostrophe will redirect you to the new page. Once the Apostrophe admin bar is reduced (or you can click on the Apostrophe logo to reduce it), you will see the a "+" icon.

Click on it and you will see the list of available widgets.

Choose "Rich Text" and start to type text. For example:

To get the same color and background color, play with the style selector in the rich-text toolbar:

Hovering just below the rich text zone, a green bar will appear and you can add another widget. Choose "Link" this time. Here are suggested settings (if you do not use Docker, be sure to type http://localhost:3333/login in the URL field):

And the result, still in Apostrophe:

Now you can go to the frontend and reload the page (http://localhost on Docker, http://localhost:3333 otherwise).

How does this work? In the index.vue component (in frontend/pages/), the asyncData method fetches the pages exposed by Apostrophe, and finds the homepage we created. You can click the "Login" button, it should lead you to the login page.

Now, let's create a user and order food!

Click on "Register" in the frontend bar. Add an email and a password. The registration should be successful. Now click on the "Login" button and enter the credentials you have just used. A welcome message is displayed on success.

How does this work?

Edit frontend/components/Register.vue. You can observe that the component calls /modules/apostrophe-users/register when submitting the form. On the backend, the apostrophe-users module in backend/lib/modules/apostrophe-users/index.js has a custom route:

self.route('post', 'register', async (req, res) => { ... }

where it creates a new user. This user can log in because:

  • in frontend/nuxt.config.js, there is a Nuxt plugin for authentication, indicating which route to use for the login
auth: {
  plugins: ['~/plugins/auth.js'],
  rewriteRedirects: true,
  fullPathRedirect: true,
  watchLoggedIn: false,
  strategies: {
    local: {
      endpoints: {
        login: { url: '/api/v1/login', method: 'post', propertyName: 'bearer' },
        logout: { url: '/api/v1/logout', method: 'post' },
        user: false,
  • and in frontend/components/Login.vue, the component uses this plugin to trigger the login action
const response = await this.$auth.loginWith('local', {
  data: {
    password: this.password,

Apostrophe replies to this action by checking the password with its saved hash and sends back a bearer token.

Still in backend/lib/modules/apostrophe-users/index.js, you can pay attention to the other custom routes, especially this one:

self.route('get', 'user', async (req, res) => { ... })

used during the login process in frontend/components/Login.vue:

const aposUser = await this.$axios.$get('/modules/apostrophe-users/user', {})

This backend custom route receives a request with a bearer token (generated when the user sends his credentials). Apostrophe recognizes it is a legitimate request because it compares this token to the tokens kept in its database. Then, it sends back the _id of the current user. This way, later, when the user will order, it will be identified by its ID.

To order food, we need a dedicated module. Create a new folder under backend/lib/modules and name it orders. Create an index.js file in it with this content:

module.exports = {
  extend: 'apostrophe-pieces',
  name: 'order',
  alias: 'order',
  restApi: true,
  addFields: [
      name: 'date',
      type: 'date',
      required: true,
      name: '_products',
      type: 'joinByArray',
      required: true,
      relationship: [
          name: 'quantity',
          label: 'Quantity',
          type: 'integer',
      name: '_customer',
      type: 'joinByOne',
      withType: 'apostrophe-user',
      required: true,
  arrangeFields: [
      name: 'basics',
      label: 'Basics',
      fields: ['title', 'date', '_products', '_customer', 'published'],
  removeFields: ['slug', 'tags'],

In this module, there are 2 joins: one for dishes (_products), one for the customer who ordered them (_customer). You can add multiple dishes to an order because it is a joinByArray but only one customer through joinByOne.

Again, this module is RESTified because of the restApi parameter.

Activate this module by adding it to backend/app.js:

module.exports = require('apostrophe')({
  modules: {
    products: {},
    orders: {},

Now, when http://localhost/cms (or http://localhost:1337/cms if not using Docker) is reloaded, there is a new "Orders" item in the admin bar:

When a customer will create an order, his apostrophe-user account will be used to authenticate the call in the backend. The users registered from the frontend are automatically part of the customer users group (see the register route in backend/lib/modules/apostrophe-users/index.js we mentioned earlier). Currently, this group has no permission.

Add the edit-order permission to this group in backend/lib/modules/apostrophe-users/index.js:

module.exports = {
  groups: [
      title: 'customer',
      permissions: ['edit-order'],

Apostrophe has default permissions. When a admin-name-of-the-module permission is added to a group of users, they can manage all documents relative to this module. However, the edit-name-of-the-module permission restricts modifications to the documents they created individually. This is exactly what we need. In our case, a customer will only manage its own orders.

Let's create a Vue component to add orders in the frontend.

Start by creating a state order and a mutation in frontend/store/index.js:

import Vue from 'vue'

export const state = () => ({
  order: {},

export const mutations = {
  addToOrder(state, payload) {
    Vue.set(state.order, payload.slug, {
      quantity: state.order[payload.slug] ? state.order[payload.slug].quantity + 1 : 1,

Here, we declare an empty order and each time addToOrder is called, it adds a new dish to the order. If this is not familiar to you, consult the Vuex documentation, the state manager from Vue.

Import the mutation in frontend/pages/index.vue and add it to the methods used in this component:

  import { mapMutations } from 'vuex'
  import LoginModal from '~/components/LoginModal'

  export default {
    components: {

    async asyncData({ $axios }) {

    methods: {
      add(product) {

Still in this file, add 2 elements to the template part, under the img tag:

<v-btn v-if="$store.state.auth && $store.state.auth.loggedIn" color="primary" class="white-text" @click="add(product)">Order</v-btn>
<LoginModal v-else classes="primary white-text" :block="true" :redirect-to="$route.fullPath" label="Order" />

The template should look like this:

  <section class="homepage">
    <!-- eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-v-html -->
    <div v-html="content"></div>
    <div class="homepage-products">
      <div v-for="product in products" :key="product._id" class="homepage-products__item">
        <img :src="product.picture._urls['one-third']" />
        <v-btn v-if="$store.state.auth && $store.state.auth.loggedIn" color="primary" class="white-text" @click="add(product)">Order</v-btn>
        <LoginModal v-else classes="primary white-text" :block="true" :redirect-to="$route.fullPath" label="Order" />
        <span>{{ product.description }}</span>

When logged in, the user sees an "Order" button under every dish on the homepage. When it clicks on it, it triggers the Vuex mutation addToOrder.

Add a badge next to "My Order", in the top bar. Go to frontend/components/Nav.vue, look for the words "My Order" in the template and replace the line by the following:

<v-btn text to="/order" nuxt><v-badge color="green" :content="counter">My Order</v-badge></v-btn>

then modify the computed part in <script> this way:

computed: {
  ...mapState(['auth', 'order']),
  counter() {
    if (!Object.values(this.order).length) {
      return '0'
    return Object.values(this.order).reduce((acc, cur) => (acc += cur.quantity), 0)

Also, add a scss rule to <style> to render the badge correctly:

.v-badge__badge {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  padding: 0;

The whole Nav.vue component is the following:

  <v-app-bar app hide-on-scroll flat>
    <!-- small mobile screens only -->
    <template v-if="$vuetify.breakpoint.xsOnly">
      <v-menu offset-y>
        <template #activator="{ on }">
          <v-app-bar-nav-icon v-on="on" />
            <v-btn class="v-btn--mobile v-btn--home" text to="/" nuxt block> Home </v-btn>

    <!-- large smartphones, tablets and desktop view -->
    <template v-else>
        <v-btn class="v-btn--home" text to="/" nuxt> Home </v-btn>

    <v-spacer />

      <template v-if="auth.loggedIn">
        <v-btn text to="/order" nuxt>
          <v-badge color="green" :content="counter">My Order</v-badge>
        <v-btn text @click="logout">Logout</v-btn>
      <template v-else>
        <RegisterModal />
        <LoginModal :redirect-to="$route.fullPath" />

import { mapState } from 'vuex'
import LoginModal from '~/components/LoginModal'
import RegisterModal from '~/components/RegisterModal'

export default {
  components: {

  computed: {
    ...mapState(['auth', 'order']),
    counter() {
      if (!Object.values(this.order).length) {
        return '0'
      return Object.values(this.order).reduce((acc, cur) => (acc += cur.quantity), 0)

  methods: {
    logout() {

<style lang="scss">
.v-btn--mobile:hover {
  height: 100%;
.v-btn--home::before {
  opacity: 0 !important;
.v-toolbar__content {
  padding: 0 !important;
.v-badge__badge {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  padding: 0;

You should see the badge now (be sure to be logged in).

As the state is updated through the mutation addToOrder, components that listen to the order state are aware of the change. This updates the badge next to "My Order", in the top bar.

Order several dishes to see the badge increasing the number.

That would be nice to have the list of dishes we put in this order. For that, create a page by adding order.vue file in frontend/pages. Nuxt is smart enough to understand it has to update its internal router and add a route when a file is added into pages. By adding an order Vue component, it will automatically create the /order route.

Copy the code below and paste it into order.vue:

    <v-list two-line>
      <v-list-item-group multiple>
        <template v-for="(item, index) in Object.values(order)">
          <v-list-item :key="item.title">
              <v-list-item-title v-text="item.title"></v-list-item-title>

              <v-list-item-subtitle class="text--primary" v-text="item.description"></v-list-item-subtitle>

            <div class="order-list">
                @input="changeQuantity($event, item)"
              <div class="order-actions">
                <v-btn icon @click="add(item)"><v-icon>add</v-icon></v-btn>
                <v-btn icon @click="remove(item)"><v-icon>remove</v-icon></v-btn>

          <v-divider v-if="index < Object.values(order).length - 1" :key="index"></v-divider>
      <v-btn v-if="Object.values(order).length" block color="primary" :loading="loading" @click="proceed">

import { mapActions, mapMutations, mapState } from 'vuex'

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      loading: false,

  head: {
    titleTemplate: '%s - My Order',

  computed: {
    ...mapState(['auth', 'order']),

  methods: {
    ...mapActions('snackbar', ['displaySnack']),
    ...mapMutations(['addToOrder', 'removeFromOrder', 'updateQuantity', 'emptyOrder']),
    changeQuantity(quantity, item) {
      this.updateQuantity({ ...item, quantity })
    add(product) {
    remove(product) {
    async proceed() {
      this.loading = true
      try {
        const date =
        const arr = Object.values(this.order)
        await this.$'/api/v1/orders', {
          title: `${} - ${date}`,
          customerId: this.auth.user._id,
          productsIds: => product._id),
          productsRelationships: arr.reduce((acc, cur) => ({ ...acc, [cur._id]: { quantity: cur.quantity } }), {}),

        this.loading = false
        this.displaySnack({ message: 'Order received. It will be ready soon.' })
      } catch (error) {
        this.loading = false
        this.displaySnack({ message: 'Something went wrong', color: 'error' })

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.order-list {
  display: flex;
  position: relative;
  top: 20px;

.order-quantity {
  width: 50px;
  margin-right: 40px;

.order-actions {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

.v-card__actions {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 100%;
  padding: 0;

  .v-btn {
    padding: 0;

We used three additionals mutations in this component. Add them to frontend/store/index.js:

export const mutations = {
  addToOrder(state, payload) {
  updateQuantity(state, payload) {
    state.order[payload.slug].quantity = payload.quantity
  removeFromOrder(state, payload) {
    if (state.order[payload.slug].quantity > 0) {
  emptyOrder(state) {
    state.order = {}

The order page is ready. Order food in the homepage, click multiple times on an "Order" button to add the same dish several times. Now, click in "My Order" in the top bar, you are being redirected to "/order" and will see a page similar to this:

You can adjust the quantities here too. Then, click on "Proceed". It will generate a POST request and contact the backend REST API. Apostrophe will handle that and create the corresponding order. You can go the backend and check that by clicking on the "Orders" button in the Apostrophe admin bar on http://localhost/cms (or http://localhost:1337/cms).

You can even click on the "Relationship" button on a joined product, and see the right quantity was sent.

This happened thanks to the "relationship" field in Apostrophe. In the frontend call, there was this:

productsRelationships: arr.reduce((acc, cur) => ({ ...acc, [cur._id]: { quantity: cur.quantity } }), {}),

indicating to add an object productsRelationships to the new order. Apostrophe understands this as a property of the joined field _products as specified in the backend/order/index.js schema:

  name: '_products',
  type: 'joinByArray',
  required: true,
  relationship: [
      name: 'quantity',
      label: 'Quantity',
      type: 'integer',

The restaurant has all it needs to handle orders from their online customers. This tutorial had the ambition to demonstrate how nicely Apostrophe can interact with frontend frameworks such as Vue/Nuxt in a Docker environment. We stop here to keep it simple.

You can access the full version here.

We could have added email notifications, online payments and many options available in the numerous plugins available in the Apostrophe world. You can discover more by browsing the online documentation, exploring plugins to extend our open-source CMS or by joining our vibrant community.