Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | The name for the snippet. | [optional] |
type | String | The location in generated VCL where the snippet should be placed. | [optional] |
content | String | The VCL code that specifies exactly what the snippet does. | [optional] |
priority | String | Priority determines execution order. Lower numbers execute first. | [optional][default to '100'] |
dynamic | Float | Sets the snippet version. | [optional] |
created_at | Time | Date and time in ISO 8601 format. | [optional][readonly] |
deleted_at | Time | Date and time in ISO 8601 format. | [optional][readonly] |
updated_at | Time | Date and time in ISO 8601 format. | [optional][readonly] |
service_id | String | [optional][readonly] | |
version | String | String representing the number identifying a version of the service. | [optional][readonly] |
id | String | [optional][readonly] |