ferret -nodisplay
yes? show axis/all
yes? LET uwnd_of_interest = uwnd[T=15-jan-1983:15-jan-1991]
yes? PLOT/X=180/Y=40 uwnd_of_interest
yes? LET uwnd_climatology = uwnd_of_interest[GT=month_reg@MOD]
yes? PLOT/X=180/Y=40/OVERLAY uwnd_climatology[T=15-jan-1983:15-jan-1991]
yes? set window /quality=high /aspect=0.5:axis 1 !0.5 is the y length
1. vi .bashrc
2. add this line: export FER_DATA="/home/enhuil/ferret ./"
3. Download mapnc file and put it in /home/enhuil/ferret.
map nc canbe download here
Usage : GO box xlo xhi ylo yhi [pen_number]
yes? use coads_climatology
yes? fill/x=100:300/y=-50:50/l=1 sst ! base plot
yes? go box 180,220,-10,10,7 ! red thick rectangle
yes? go box 170,230,-15,15,9 ! green thick rectangle
LET runoff2 = IF runoff GT 0.4e-4 THEN 0.4e-4 else runoff
yes? LET uwnd_climatology = uwnd_of_interest[GT=month_reg@MOD]
yes? PLOT/X=180/Y=40/OVERLAY uwnd_climatology[T=15-jan-1983:15-jan-1991]
! Subtract to get the anomaly
! Regrid the anomaly back to the original time axis using @asn to guarantee
! success (Subtle interpolation errors may occur on irregular time axes
! if the @asn regridding isn't done.)
yes? LET uwnd_anomaly = uwnd - uwnd_climatology[gt=uwnd@asn]
yes? PLOT/X=180/Y=40/T=15-jan-1983:15-jan-1991 uwnd_anomaly
yes? use my_current_data
yes? plot/X=180/Y=40 U
yes? LET U_climatology = U[GT=month_reg@MOD]
yes? PLOT/X=180/Y=40/OVERLAY U_climatology
**ERROR: regridding: only @ASN, @LIN, or @NRST regridding between calendar types: NOLEAP, GREGORIAN
yes? say `U,return=calendar`
! Define the climatology accordingly,
yes? LET U_climatology = U[GT=month_noleap@MOD]
yes? PLOT/X=180/Y=40/OVERLAY U_climatology
cancel data/all
cancel region/all
cancel memory/all
cancel variable/all
set memory/size=999
use tws_coldwave.nc
set data newreal_avg_000.mc
file/var="slon,slat" "/scratch/gpfs2/GEOCLIM/LRGROUP/Liao/Evaluation/ferret/reg_section_redsea.txt"
set win 1
let salt_s=samplexy(salt,slon,slat)
let xpoints = {-42.2090,-41.7973,-41.3856}
let ypoints = {62.3584, 62.1288,61.8992}
let xs=45+i[i=1:100]*(105-45)/100
let ys=-15+i[i=1:100]*(8+15)/100
let mertrans = v[x=x1:x2@DIN,y=y1,z=0:zmax@DIN]
let zontrans = u[y=y1:y2@DIN,x=x2,z=0:zmax@DIN]
The @DIN operator is the definite integral. So, if your section extends from (x1,y1) to (x2, y2), the transport you want is mertrans + zontrans or mertrans - zontrans or depending on the orientation of your section.
This calculation assumes that both meridional and zonal sections are in the ocean and that the sea level change within the triangle (x1,y1)(x2,y1)(x2,y2) is negligible. You would get somewhat inaccurate results if your vertical or horizontal gridspacing is uneven and you don't provide the positions of the edges of the gridcells. cited from here: https://www.pmel.noaa.gov/maillists/tmap/ferret_users/fu_2011/msg00504.html
fill/title=0.5degree/lev=(0)(-10)(-20)(-50)(-100)(-200)(-500)(-1000)(-2000)(-3000)(-4000)(-5000)(-6000)(-7000)/pal=land_sea -1*depth_ocean[x=30:136,y=-30:30];go fland
repeat/j=164:470:40 plot/ov/vs/line/col=1/nolab geolon,geolat
repeat/i=1:720:40 plot/ov/vs/line/col=1/nolab geolon,geolat
You also could use the corner grid to plot the grid: geolon_c and geolat_c
let xlon={43,61,61}
let ylat={10.7,17,26}
plot/vs/over/line xlon,ylat