Makes use of TS Node bheind the scenes for compilation and execution. Uses Express for handling REST requests
New functions can be created through the faas-cli like:
faas-cli new hello-world --lang typescript
The basic contract for the functions goes as follows:
- The handler function must be an async default export from the
file - The handler function takes in context and event information and returns a promise of result information
- The context contains relevant evironment variables and secrets that are known to the function
- The event contains the arguments for the function to process
- The result promise could contain a data structure, string message or just null
A base-bones handler that does not care about the context could look like:
import { FnContext, FnEvent, FnResult } from "./types"
export default async function(_: FnContext, event: FnEvent): Promise<FnResult> {
// do something
return null
A handler to create something something based on a dictionary of values could look like:
import { FnContext, FnEvent, FnResult } from "./types"
export default async function(_: FnContext, event: FnEvent): Promise<FnResult> {
const data = event.body
// do something
return null
A handler that needs a password (for a database connect, etc), does something and returns a simple message could look like:
import { Connection } from 'somedb'
import { FnContext, FnEvent, FnResult } from "./types"
export default async function(context: FnContext, event: FnEvent): Promise<FnResult> {
const connection = new Connection({
username: context.secrets.get('username'),
password: context.secrets.get('password')
// do something
return 'ok'