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File metadata and controls

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react-native-android-video-editor {Readme no update}


This is react-native component for android, to handle video editor like trim video, filter video and thumbnail selection. But this component only use for preview only not prosess video editor (mybe next version). This Component have 5 child component :

  1. VideoPlayer = This Component to play, filter and crop video without controler
  2. VideoPlayerControl = This Component to play, filter and crop video and it have player control like play button, replay button, crop button and seek bar.
  3. VideoTrimmer = This Component to handle trim (start pos and end pos) by default max trim duration is 10min.
  4. VideoImagePreview = This Component to preview video filter in image (you can use it for filter button).
  5. VideoThumbnail = This Component to select thumbnail from video.


Video Trim
Animated VideoTrim
Video Filter
Animated VideoFilter
Video Thumbnail
Animated VideoThumbnail

how to install

For now you can add this component manually to your project, using :

npm install --save

then linking component:

react-native link react-native-android-video-editor

how to use

  1. Video Trimmer
  import {VideoPlayerControl, VideoTrimmer} from 'react-native-android-video-editor'
  export default class trimViewo extends Components{
    state = {
      // src : "/storage/emulated/0/Download/10 MINUTES OF FUNNY CATS.mp4"
      src : "yout video source",    
    _onCropListener = (e) => {
      console.log("IS CROP?"+e)
    _onChangeTrim = (e) =>{
      console.log("START POS : "+e.startPos+" "+"END POS : "+e.endPos)
            ref={ref => this.videoPlayerControlRef = ref}
            startPos = {10000}
            endPos = {60000}
            onCrop = {(e) => this._onCropListener(e)}
            onChange = {(e) => this._onChangeTrim(e)}
  1. Video Filter
  import {VideoPlayerControl, VideoImagePreview} from 'react-native-android-video-editor'
  export default class trimViewo extends Components{
    state = {
      // src : "/storage/emulated/0/Download/10 MINUTES OF FUNNY CATS.mp4"
      src : "yout video source",    
    _onCropListener = (e) => {
      console.log("IS CROP?"+e)
    _onFilter = (filter) =>{
      console.log("FILTER "+filter)
            ref={ref => this.videoPlayerControlRef = ref}
            startPos = {10000}
            endPos = {60000}
            onCrop = {(e) => this._onCropListener(e)}
          <ScrollView horizontal = {true}>
              <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => this._onFilter(0)}>

              <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => this._onFilter(1)}>

              <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => this._onFilter(2)}>

              <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => this._onFilter(3)}>

              <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => this._onFilter(4)}>

              <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => this._onFilter(5)}>
  1. Video Thumbnail
import {VideoPlayer, Video} from 'react-native-android-video-editor'
  export default class trimViewo extends Components{
    state = {
      // src : "/storage/emulated/0/Download/10 MINUTES OF FUNNY CATS.mp4"
      src : "yout video source",
      starPos : 10000,
      endPos : 60000,
    _onSeekPos = (seekPos) =>{
      console.log("SEEK POS "+seekPos) + this.state.starPos)
            ref={ref => this.videoPlayerRef = ref}
            seekTo = {tis.state.starPos}
            style={{width: Dimensions.get('window').width, height: 62}}
            filter = {0}
            startDur = {this.state.starPos}
            endDur = {this.state.endPos}
            onSeekPos = {(e) => this._onSeekPos(e)}


  1. Video Player
Props Type Description
scr String (required) it use to set video path to video player example accepted path "/storage/emulated/0/Download/10 MINUTES OF FUNNY CATS.mp4".
crop boolean it use to set video croped square in center or no, (true = crop / false = no crop).
autoplay boolean it use to set video autolay when it ready, (true = autoplay / false =no autoplay).
filter int it use to set filter to video (choose number between 0 - 19).
seekTo int it use to seek video player at first time (using time in milisecond 1000 = 1sec).
style object it uset to style video player (it have default style width and height).
  1. Video Player Control
Props Type Description
scr String (required) it use to set video path to video player example accepted path "/storage/emulated/0/Download/10 MINUTES OF FUNNY CATS.mp4".
crop boolean it use to set video croped square in center or no, (true = crop / false = no crop).
autoplay boolean it use to set video autolay when it ready, (true = autoplay / false =no autoplay).
filter int it use to set filter to video (choose number between 0 - 19).
style object it use to style video player (it have default style width and height).
startPos int it use to set start position of video (using time in milisecond 1000 = 1sec).
endPos int it use to set end position of video (using time in millisecond 1000 = 1sec).
  1. Video Image Preview
Props Type Description
scr String (required) it use to set video path to video player example accepted path "/storage/emulated/0/Download/10 MINUTES OF FUNNY CATS.mp4".
pos int it use to set posisiton of video, that you want to view (using time in millisecond 1000 = 1sec).
crop boolean it use to set video croped square in center or no, (true = crop / false = no crop).
filter int it use to set filter to video (choose number between 0 - 19).
style object it use to style video player (it have default style width and height).
  1. Video Trimmer
Props Type Description
scr String (required) it use to set video path to video player example accepted path "/storage/emulated/0/Download/10 MINUTES OF FUNNY CATS.mp4".
minDuration int it use to set minimum tim duration (using time in milisecond 1000 = 1sec).
onChange function it use to callback left and right seek position (callback as object {startPos, endPos}).
style object it use to style video player (it have default style width and height).
  1. Video Thumbnail
Props Type Description
scr String (required) it use to set video path to video player example accepted path "/storage/emulated/0/Download/10 MINUTES OF FUNNY CATS.mp4".
filter int it use to set filter to video (choose number between 0 - 19).
startDur int it use to set start position of video (using time in milisecond 1000 = 1sec).
endDur int it use to set end position of video (using time in millisecond 1000 = 1sec).
onSeekPos int it use to callback seek position of thumbnail selec (callback is video position as intger in millisecond).
style object it use to style video player (it have default style width and height).


this method can be called using component ref like this.videoPlayerRef.pause()

  1. VideoPlayer
Method Name Description
pause() it use to pause video
play() it use to play video
crop() it use to crop video as square in the middle
uncrop() it use to uncrop video
filter(int) it use to set filter to video @param int (0 - 19)
seek(int) it use to seek video @param int (time video in milisecond, 1000 = 1sec)
  1. VideoPlayerControl
Method Name Description
pauseVideo() it use to pause video
playVideo() it use to play video
cropVideo() it use to crop video as square in the middle
unCropVideo() it use to uncrop video
filterVideo(int) it use to set filter to video @param int (0 - 19)
setLimit(object) it use to set limit of video @param object {startPos, endPos}

most of this method use as internal method, except setLimit(object).

Video Filter Code

Filter code Filter Name
0 No Effect
1 Black White Effect
2 Brigtness Effect
3 Contrass Effect
4 Cross Process Effect
5 Documentary Effect
6 Duo Tone Effect (Cyan and Blue)
7 Fill Light Effect
8 Gamma Effect
9 GreyScale Effect
10 Hue Effect
11 Invert Color Effect
12 Lamoish Effect
13 Posterize Effect
14 Saturation Effect
15 Sephia Effect
16 Sharpness Effect
17 Temperature Effect
18 Tint Effect (Blue)
19 Vignette Effect

thanks to

  1. Sheraz Ahmad Khilji
  3. Jernej Virag