Read the Sessions 1 and 2 of Hogg and Foreman-Mackey 2017.
Remember to include a, in markdown format, that states how your team worked: who you worked with and what you contributed specifically. Remember captions!!
follow the instructions in the notebook MWrotCurve_instructions.ipynb. You are reproducing the work in The goal is to assess whether different treatment of uncertainties leads to different conclusions about the presence of dark matter in a galaxy based on the rotational curves of the stars within
The uncertainties in the original paper are treated as described in this paragraph
Problem on MCMC and estimation of uncertainties (TBD)
Problem 2 in Hogg and Foreman-Mackey 2017. Most of the stuff you need to do it is in the Pi lab we did in class (e.g. the "isin" function is the same scheme you will use to reject proposals)