This project is a Warehouse Managment System in Java, with a beautiful GUI in JavaFX, capable of managing an robot automated warehouse with multiple different users at the same time - using an online database. Additionally we built a Web App capable of requesting Orders to the warehouse coded in JavaScript. Like in previous Java projects we made a terminal shell (now its used more as a development tool to quickly test queries and debug) that is generated automatically from the model source code using abstraction and reflections.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Start by filling out the environment variables defined in the .env
file. Use
the .env.sample
as a starting point.
After this, you must fill in the fields correctly and export them in your environment. Checkout direnv for your shell and EnvFile for IntelliJ.
The following software is required to be installed on your system:
Start a server instance.
Start a client instance.
Run the project.
Build the project.
Run the tests.
Format the code accordingly to common guide lines.
Lint your code with checkstyle.
Generate the documentation.
Clean the repository.
If you want to setup the required databases using docker containers you can easily do it with docker-compose.
Create and start the containers.
docker-compose up
Start the previously created containers.
docker-compose start
Stop the containers.
docker-compose stop
Destroy the containers created.
docker-compose down
Deploy the application.
Filipe Felício | Henrique Ribeiro | Luís Araújo | Paulo Barros | Ruben Adao |