Hello, I'm glad to see you're interested in contributing to this project.
Some settings you may have already seen in the README.md file, but it doesn't hurt to repeat them here.
TL;DR: In a simple and generic way, you can contribute in this way below:
- Fork this repository;
- Create a branch with your feature: git checkout -b my-feature;
- Commit your changes: git commit -m 'feat: My new feature';
- Push your branch: git push origin my-feature.
- Make a pull request, describing the changes you made and await approval.
- You can also make suggestions by opening an issue, reporting bugs or requesting new features.
Details make all the difference. Especially for attentive souls. For people who seek excellence. I will not treat this project differently.
So let's go!
I ask you to follow the following steps:
- Use the Conventional Commits;
- Use the GitFlow Workflow;
- Follow style guides:
- Don't forget to follow flutter_lints rules.
- Be aware of dart_code_metrics rules.
- Follow good naming principles,
Naming Cheatsheet
, e.g. - Tests:
- It's always beautiful to receive testable code and even more beautiful with tests.
- Make small commits and pull requests, it's easier to review and understand what you did.
- Read the Code of Conduct before contributing (I like this).
- Read recommendations for Contributing to Flutter.
If you found a bug or have a suggestion, feel free to open an issue. But before doing that, please read the following:
- Check if the issue was not reported, you can see in Issues tab;
- Provide a clear and consice description of the issue;
- Include screenshots or related files;
- Indicate the expected behavior in comparison to the current behavior;
- Indicate the steps to reproduce the issue;
- Give suggestions on how we can solve this, it's always nice to have new ideas.
Just seeing your interest in contributing already got me excited.
Know that even giving a star ⭐️ you will already be collaborating with the project.