This project represents the application developed during the Postgraduate of Software Architecture, FIAP - SOAT 7 - Group 41. Its purpose is to serve a local food (like a restaurant) application, with initial controllers to serve routes to manage products, customers and orders.
This project runs on Java 21 and Docker. Locally, you can run whatever JDK implementation you prefer. You should also install
docker compose to run the project with all the dependencies.
Since we are using gradlew, you don't need to install Gradle. The project will download the necessary dependencies for you.
Follow the steps below to run the project in your terminal:
./gradlew clean build
./gradlew :infrastructure:bootRun
There is no special configuration needed. But keep in mind that the lifecycle of the application is managed by the infrastructure
module. So to run the application, you should run the infrastructure
In practice, this is the Main class:
The easiest way to run the project is by using Docker. The docker-compose.yml
file is already configured to run the
application with all the dependencies.
Just run the following command:
docker-compose up --build
To create a postgres database locally for testing purpose, you can run the following command:
docker run --name postgres-burger-store -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=burger-user -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=burger-password -e POSTGRES_DB=burger-store -d postgres:16.3
The Open API 3 documentation is available at v3/api-docs
and the Swagger interface at the /swagger-ui.html
curl http://localhost:8080/v3/api-docs
We are using the Spring Boot Actuator
to provide health checks for the application. The health checks are available at the /actuator/health
curl http://localhost:8080/actuator/health
Note: Once we add the database, we will have to add a custom health check to check the database connection.