diff --git a/cb.js b/cb.js
index 029cf0f..39fcaae 100644
--- a/cb.js
+++ b/cb.js
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
* @copy 2022-2024 Intastellar Solutions, International
-const pSBC = (e, t, n, i) => { let o, a, s, l, r, c, d, g = parseInt, u = Math.round, p = "string" == typeof n; return "number" != typeof e || e < -1 || e > 1 || "string" != typeof t || "r" != t[0] && "#" != t[0] || n && !p ? null : (this.pSBCr || (this.pSBCr = e => { let t = e.length, n = {}; if (t > 9) { if ([o, a, s, p] = e = e.split(","), t = e.length, t < 3 || t > 4) return null; n.r = g("a" == o[3] ? o.slice(5) : o.slice(4)), n.g = g(a), n.b = g(s), n.a = p ? parseFloat(p) : -1 } else { if (8 == t || 6 == t || t < 4) return null; t < 6 && (e = "#" + e[1] + e[1] + e[2] + e[2] + e[3] + e[3] + (t > 4 ? e[4] + e[4] : "")), e = g(e.slice(1), 16), 9 == t || 5 == t ? (n.r = e >> 24 & 255, n.g = e >> 16 & 255, n.b = e >> 8 & 255, n.a = u((255 & e) / .255) / 1e3) : (n.r = e >> 16, n.g = e >> 8 & 255, n.b = 255 & e, n.a = -1) } return n }), d = t.length > 9, d = p ? n.length > 9 || "c" == n && !d : d, r = this.pSBCr(t), l = e < 0, c = n && "c" != n ? this.pSBCr(n) : l ? { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: -1 } : { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: -1 }, l = 1 - (e = l ? -1 * e : e), r && c ? (i ? (o = u(l * r.r + e * c.r), a = u(l * r.g + e * c.g), s = u(l * r.b + e * c.b)) : (o = u((l * r.r ** 2 + e * c.r ** 2) ** .5), a = u((l * r.g ** 2 + e * c.g ** 2) ** .5), s = u((l * r.b ** 2 + e * c.b ** 2) ** .5)), p = r.a, c = c.a, r = p >= 0 || c >= 0, p = r ? p < 0 ? c : c < 0 ? p : p * l + c * e : 0, d ? "rgb" + (r ? "a(" : "(") + o + "," + a + "," + s + (r ? "," + u(1e3 * p) / 1e3 : "") + ")" : "#" + (4294967296 + 16777216 * o + 65536 * a + 256 * s + (r ? u(255 * p) : 0)).toString(16).slice(1, r ? void 0 : -2)) : null) }; let message = "", cookieBtn = ""; const banner = document.createElement("inta-consents-settings-btn"), bannerContent = document.createElement("button"), intastellarLogo = "https://www.intastellarsolutions.com/assets/logos/intastellar-logo-new-white.svg", moreSettings = document.createElement("inta-consents-banner"), moreSettingsContent = document.createElement("section"), moreintHeader = document.createElement("intheader"), moreContentText = document.createElement("section"), moreFooter = document.createElement("footer"), intaconsents = document.createElement("intastellarconsents"), pluginSource = void 0 === findScriptParameter("utm_source") ? "Intastellar+Solutions+Cookiebanner" : findScriptParameter("utm_source"); window.platform = void 0 === findScriptParameter("utm_source") ? 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"" : window?.INTA?.settings.arrange; function setIntastellarPartnerDomain() { if (null !== window?.INTA?.settings.partnerDomain && window?.INTA?.settings?.partnerDomain?.length > 0) { const e = document.createElement("iframe"); e.src = "/cookieSharingIframe.html", e.id = "intastellarCrossSiteCheck", e.style.display = "none", e.style.position = "absolute", e.style.top = "-100%", e.style.left = "-100%" } } "ltr" == arrange && (bannerContent.classList.add("intastellarCookie-settingsContainer--otherSide"), cookieSettings.classList.add("intastellarCookie-settings__container--otherSide")); const messages = { danish: "Ved at acceptere alle cookies understøtter du " + document.domain + " med at udvikle en bedre løsning til dig.
Vælg om du vil tillade kun de nødvendige cookies eller om du vil tillade alle cookies.", german: "Wenn Sie auf akzeptieren klicken, unterstützen Sie " + document.domain + " bei der Weiterentwicklung von unserer Webseite.
Wählen Sie zwischen alle Cookies akzeptieren oder Ablehnen.", english: "By accepting all cookies, you support " + document.domain + " in developing a better solution for you.
Select whether you want to allow only the necessary cookies or whether you want to allow all cookies." }, messageWrapStart = "
", settingsMessagesLanguages = { danish: `Du bestemmer over dine data \n Vi og vores samarbejdspartnere bruger teknologier, herunder cookies, til at indsamle oplysninger om dig til forskellige formål, herunder:
\n \n Funktionel \n Statistiske \n Marketing \n \n Ved at trykke på 'Accepter' giver du samtykke til alle disse formål. Du kan også vælge at tilkendegive, hvilke formål du vil give samtykke til ved at benytte checkboksene ud for formålet, og derefter trykke på 'Gem indstillinger'.\n Du kan til enhver tid trække dit samtykke tilbage ved at trykke på det lille ikon nederst i ${"ltr" == window?.INTA?.settings.arrange ? "venstre" : "højre"} hjørne af hjemmesiden.
\n Du kan læse mere om vores brug af cookies og andre teknologier, samt om vores indsamling og behandling af personoplysninger ved at trykke på linket.
\n ${generatePolicyUrl("Vores privat og cookie politik")}\n Intastellar Solutions, International privat politik `, german: `Sie haben die Kontrolle über Ihre Daten \n Wir und unsere Geschäftspartner nutzen Technologien wie Cookies dazu, personenbezogene Informationen für verschiedene Zwecke zu sammeln, darunter:
\n \n Funktionelle \n Statistike \n Werbung \n \n Wenn Sie auf „Akzeptieren“ klicken, erteilen Sie Ihre Einwilligung für alle diese Zwecke. Sie können auch entscheiden, welchen Zwecken Sie zustimmen, indem Sie das Kästchen neben dem Zweck anklicken und auf „Speichern“ klicken.
\n Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen, indem Sie auf das kleine Symbol unten in der ${"ltr" == window?.INTA?.settings.arrange ? "linken" : "rechten"} Ecke klicken.
\n ${generatePolicyUrl("Unsere Datenschutz Erklährung und Cookie politik")}\n Intastellar Solutions, International Datenschutz erklährung `, english: `You´re in control \n We and our business partners uses technologies, including cookies, to collect information about you for various purposes, including:
\n \n Functional \n Statistical \n Advertisement \n \n By clicking 'Accept', you give your consent for all these purposes. You can also choose to specify the purposes you consent to by ticking the checkbox next to the purpose and clicking 'Save settings'.
\n You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the small icon at the bottom ${"ltr" == window?.INTA?.settings.arrange ? "left" : "right"} corner of the website.
\n ${generatePolicyUrl("Our Privacy and cookie Policy")}\n Intastellar Solutions, International privacy policy ` }; null != intastellarCookieLanguage && "da" === intastellarCookieLanguage || "da-DK" === intastellarCookieLanguage ? (settingsMessage = settingsMessagesLanguages.danish, intastellarShowHideDetailsText = "Vis detaljer", message = messageWrapStart + messages.danish + "" + generatePolicyUrl("Vores privat og cookie politik") + `\n ${generateCookieSettingsButton(intastellarSupportedLanguages.danish.saveSettings, "Accepter")}\n ${intastellarShowHideDetailsText} \n `, cookieBtn = generateCookieButtons("Accepter", "Afvis", "Indstillinger"), intastellarCookieButtons.innerHTML = `\n ${generateCookieSettingsButton(intastellarSupportedLanguages.danish.saveSettings, "Accepter")}\n ${intastellarShowHideDetailsText} \n `, moreFooter.innerHTML = `\n \n \n \n \n ID: ${getCookie(int_hideCookieBannerName) ? JSON.parse(decodeIntaConsentsObject(getCookie(int_hideCookieBannerName)?.split(".")[2])).uid : intaConsentsObjectVariable.uid}
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\n \n ', n.appendChild(i), intaconsents.appendChild(n) } else if (!isValidCCPALink() && "ccpa" in window?.INTA?.settings && "true" === window?.INTA?.settings.ccpa.on) throw new IntastellarSolutionsSDK("Please add your valid 'California Consumer Privacy Act' url to the banner. Read more at https://www.intastellarsolutions.com/gdpr-cookiebanner"); cookieSettingsContent.setAttribute("class", "intastellarCookie-settings__content"), -1 == window.location.host.indexOf("intastellarsolutions") && (poweredBy = "Powered by "); let intCookieIconSmallClass = cookieLogo == intCookieIcon ? " intastellarIcon" : "", CompanyLogoName = cookieLogo == intCookieIcon ? "Cookie Icon" : `${document.domain} logo`; function getMeta(e) { for (var t = document.getElementsByTagName("meta"), n = 0; n < t.length; n++)if (t[n].getAttribute("name") === e) return t[n].getAttribute("content"); return "" } function invertColor(e) { var t, n, i, o; return e.match(/^rgb/) ? (t = (e = e.match(/^rgba?\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?))?\)$/))[1], n = e[2], i = e[3]) : (t = (e = +("0x" + e.slice(1).replace(e.length < 5 && /./g, "$&$&"))) >> 16, n = e >> 8 & 255, i = 255 & e), (o = Math.sqrt(t * t * .299 + n * n * .587 + i * i * .114)) >= 0 && 165 > o ? "#fff" : "#000" } function listCookies() { for (var e = document.cookie.split(";"), t = "", n = 1; n <= e.length; n++)t += n + " " + e[n - 1] + "\n"; return t } function allStorage() { for (var e = [], t = Object.keys(localStorage), n = t.length; n--;)e.push(getCookie(t[n])); return e } function listAllCookies(e) { return e.map((e => { const t = e.vendor; return null != intastellarCookieLanguage && "da" === intastellarCookieLanguage || "da-DK" === intastellarCookieLanguage ? `\n \n \n Udbyder \n ${t}
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\n ${null === e.vendor_privacy || null == e.vendor_privacy ? generatePolicyUrl("Privatslivs politik") : `Privatslivs politik `}
\n Domæne \n ${e.domains.map((e => { if (null != e) return `\n \n ${e}
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\n Datenschutzerklährung
\n ${null === e.vendor_privacy || null == e.vendor_privacy ? generatePolicyUrl("Datenschutzerklährung") : `Datenschutzerklährung `}\n Domain \n ${e.domains.map((e => { if (null != e) return `\n ${e}
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\n Privacy policy
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\n Privat Politik
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\ No newline at end of file
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(n.r = e >> 24 & 255, n.g = e >> 16 & 255, n.b = e >> 8 & 255, n.a = u((255 & e) / .255) / 1e3) : (n.r = e >> 16, n.g = e >> 8 & 255, n.b = 255 & e, n.a = -1) } return n }), d = t.length > 9, d = p ? n.length > 9 || "c" == n && !d : d, r = this.pSBCr(t), l = e < 0, c = n && "c" != n ? this.pSBCr(n) : l ? { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: -1 } : { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: -1 }, l = 1 - (e = l ? -1 * e : e), r && c ? (i ? (o = u(l * r.r + e * c.r), a = u(l * r.g + e * c.g), s = u(l * r.b + e * c.b)) : (o = u((l * r.r ** 2 + e * c.r ** 2) ** .5), a = u((l * r.g ** 2 + e * c.g ** 2) ** .5), s = u((l * r.b ** 2 + e * c.b ** 2) ** .5)), p = r.a, c = c.a, r = p >= 0 || c >= 0, p = r ? p < 0 ? c : c < 0 ? p : p * l + c * e : 0, d ? "rgb" + (r ? "a(" : "(") + o + "," + a + "," + s + (r ? "," + u(1e3 * p) / 1e3 : "") + ")" : "#" + (4294967296 + 16777216 * o + 65536 * a + 256 * s + (r ? u(255 * p) : 0)).toString(16).slice(1, r ? void 0 : -2)) : null) }; let message = "", cookieBtn = ""; const banner = document.createElement("inta-consents-settings-btn"), bannerContent = document.createElement("button"), intastellarLogo = "https://www.intastellarsolutions.com/assets/logos/intastellar-logo-new-white.svg", moreSettings = document.createElement("inta-consents-banner"), moreSettingsContent = document.createElement("section"), moreintHeader = document.createElement("intheader"), moreContentText = document.createElement("section"), moreFooter = document.createElement("footer"), intaconsents = document.createElement("intastellarconsents"), pluginSource = void 0 === findScriptParameter("utm_source") ? "Intastellar+Solutions+Cookiebanner" : findScriptParameter("utm_source"); window.platform = void 0 === findScriptParameter("utm_source") ? 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"" : window?.INTA?.settings.arrange; function setIntastellarPartnerDomain() { if (null !== window?.INTA?.settings.partnerDomain && window?.INTA?.settings?.partnerDomain?.length > 0) { const e = document.createElement("iframe"); e.src = "/cookieSharingIframe.html", e.id = "intastellarCrossSiteCheck", e.style.display = "none", e.style.position = "absolute", e.style.top = "-100%", e.style.left = "-100%" } } "ltr" == arrange && (bannerContent.classList.add("intastellarCookie-settingsContainer--otherSide"), cookieSettings.classList.add("intastellarCookie-settings__container--otherSide")); const messages = { danish: "Ved at acceptere alle cookies understøtter du " + document.domain + " med at udvikle en bedre løsning til dig.Vælg om du vil tillade kun de nødvendige cookies eller om du vil tillade alle cookies.", german: "Wenn Sie auf akzeptieren klicken, unterstützen Sie " + document.domain + " bei der Weiterentwicklung von unserer Webseite.
Wählen Sie zwischen alle Cookies akzeptieren oder Ablehnen.", english: "By accepting all cookies, you support " + document.domain + " in developing a better solution for you.
Select whether you want to allow only the necessary cookies or whether you want to allow all cookies." }, messageWrapStart = "
", settingsMessagesLanguages = { danish: `Du bestemmer over dine data \n Vi og vores samarbejdspartnere bruger teknologier, herunder cookies, til at indsamle oplysninger om dig til forskellige formål, herunder:
\n \n Funktionel \n Statistiske \n Marketing \n \n Ved at trykke på 'Accepter' giver du samtykke til alle disse formål. Du kan også vælge at tilkendegive, hvilke formål du vil give samtykke til ved at benytte checkboksene ud for formålet, og derefter trykke på 'Gem indstillinger'.\n Du kan til enhver tid trække dit samtykke tilbage ved at trykke på det lille ikon nederst i ${"ltr" == window?.INTA?.settings.arrange ? "venstre" : "højre"} hjørne af hjemmesiden.
\n Du kan læse mere om vores brug af cookies og andre teknologier, samt om vores indsamling og behandling af personoplysninger ved at trykke på linket.
\n ${generatePolicyUrl("Vores privat og cookie politik")}\n Intastellar Solutions, International privat politik `, german: `Sie haben die Kontrolle über Ihre Daten \n Wir und unsere Geschäftspartner nutzen Technologien wie Cookies dazu, personenbezogene Informationen für verschiedene Zwecke zu sammeln, darunter:
\n \n Funktionelle \n Statistike \n Werbung \n \n Wenn Sie auf „Akzeptieren“ klicken, erteilen Sie Ihre Einwilligung für alle diese Zwecke. Sie können auch entscheiden, welchen Zwecken Sie zustimmen, indem Sie das Kästchen neben dem Zweck anklicken und auf „Speichern“ klicken.
\n Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen, indem Sie auf das kleine Symbol unten in der ${"ltr" == window?.INTA?.settings.arrange ? "linken" : "rechten"} Ecke klicken.
\n ${generatePolicyUrl("Unsere Datenschutz Erklährung und Cookie politik")}\n Intastellar Solutions, International Datenschutz erklährung `, english: `You´re in control \n We and our business partners uses technologies, including cookies, to collect information about you for various purposes, including:
\n \n Functional \n Statistical \n Advertisement \n \n By clicking 'Accept', you give your consent for all these purposes. You can also choose to specify the purposes you consent to by ticking the checkbox next to the purpose and clicking 'Save settings'.
\n You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the small icon at the bottom ${"ltr" == window?.INTA?.settings.arrange ? "left" : "right"} corner of the website.
\n ${generatePolicyUrl("Our Privacy and cookie Policy")}\n Intastellar Solutions, International privacy policy ` }; null != intastellarCookieLanguage && "da" === intastellarCookieLanguage || "da-DK" === intastellarCookieLanguage ? (settingsMessage = settingsMessagesLanguages.danish, intastellarShowHideDetailsText = "Vis detaljer", message = messageWrapStart + messages.danish + "" + generatePolicyUrl("Vores privat og cookie politik") + `\n ${generateCookieSettingsButton(intastellarSupportedLanguages.danish.saveSettings, "Accepter")}\n ${intastellarShowHideDetailsText} \n `, cookieBtn = generateCookieButtons("Accepter", "Afvis", "Indstillinger"), intastellarCookieButtons.innerHTML = `\n ${generateCookieSettingsButton(intastellarSupportedLanguages.danish.saveSettings, "Accepter")}\n ${intastellarShowHideDetailsText} \n `, moreFooter.innerHTML = `\n \n \n \n \n ID: ${getCookie(int_hideCookieBannerName) ? JSON.parse(decodeIntaConsentsObject(getCookie(int_hideCookieBannerName)?.split(".")[2])).uid : intaConsentsObjectVariable.uid}
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\n Domæne \n ${e.domains.map((e => { if (null != e) return `\n \n ${e}
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\n Datenschutzerklährung
\n ${null === e.vendor_privacy || null == e.vendor_privacy ? generatePolicyUrl("Datenschutzerklährung") : `Datenschutzerklährung `}\n Domain \n ${e.domains.map((e => { if (null != e) return `\n ${e}
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\n Privacy policy
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 8652df7..9c8fa23 100644
--- a/dev/cb.dev.js
+++ b/dev/cb.dev.js
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