diff --git a/modules/Basic_R/Basic_R.Rmd b/modules/Basic_R/Basic_R.Rmd
index 2953c3a1..17052f52 100644
--- a/modules/Basic_R/Basic_R.Rmd
+++ b/modules/Basic_R/Basic_R.Rmd
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ You can think of objects as **nouns** in R.
## Assigning values to objects
-- You can create \textcolor{blue}{objects} within the R environment and from files on your computer
+- You can create objects within the R environment and from files on your computer
- R uses `<-` to create objects (you might also see `=` used, but this is not best practice)
@@ -66,7 +66,11 @@ x + 2
## GUT CHECK: What is an "object"?
-A. Something I can touch B. Something that can be worked with in R C. A software version
+A. Something I can touch
+B. Something that can be worked with in R
+C. A software version
## Objects with text
@@ -152,7 +156,7 @@ name
## Combining objects with `c()`
-Use `c()` to collect/combine single R objects into a \textcolor{blue}{vector} of R objects. It is mostly used for creating vectors of numbers and character strings.
+Use `c()` to collect/combine single R objects into a vector of R objects. It is mostly used for creating vectors of numbers and character strings.
x <- c(1, 4, 6, 8)
@@ -194,7 +198,11 @@ length(x)
## GUT CHECK: What is a "function"?
-A. a number or text B. a button inside RStudio C. code that does something
+A. a number or text
+B. a button inside RStudio
+C. code that does something
## Combining vectors
@@ -241,7 +249,7 @@ class(name2)
- Use the `length()` function to determine number of elements
- `#` for comments or to deactivate a line of code
-\textcolor{red}{Just open up the file to see the questions for lab. More about the file type soon!}
+Just open up the file to see the questions for lab. More about the file type soon!
💻 [Lab](https://daseh.org/modules/Basic_R/lab/Basic_R_Lab.Rmd)
@@ -314,10 +322,10 @@ Like an **adverb**.
For numeric: `seq()`
-- The `from` \textcolor{blue}{argument} says what number to start on.\
-- The `to` \textcolor{blue}{argument} says what number to not go above.\
-- The `by` \textcolor{blue}{argument} says how much to increment by.\
-- The `length.out` \textcolor{blue}{argument} says how long the vector should be overall.
+- The `from` argument says what number to start on.\
+- The `to` argument says what number to not go above.\
+- The `by` argument says how much to increment by.\
+- The `length.out` argument says how long the vector should be overall.
seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.2)
@@ -352,7 +360,7 @@ y
## Installing packages to do more!
-Some functions and data come with R right out of the box ("base R"). We will add more functionality with \textcolor{blue}{packages}. Think of these like "expansion packs" for R.
+Some functions and data come with R right out of the box ("base R"). We will add more functionality with packages. Think of these like "expansion packs" for R.
Must be done **once** for each installation of R (e.g., version 4.2 \>\> 4.3).
@@ -383,13 +391,13 @@ knitr::include_graphics("../../images/lol/install_packages.jpg")
## Summary
- R functions as a calculator
-- Use `<-` to save (assign) values to objects
-- Reassigning allows you to make changes "in place"
-- Use `c()` to **combine** vectors
+- Use `<-` to save (assign) values to objects. Reassigning allows you to make changes "in place".
+- Use `c()` to **combine** into vectors
- `length()`, `class()`, and `str()` tell you information about an object
- The sequence `seq()` function helps you create numeric vectors (`from`,`to`, `by`, and `length.out` arguments)
- The repeat `rep()` function helps you create vectors with the `each` and `times` arguments
- `sample()` makes random vectors
+- `install.packages()` and `library()` install and load packages, respectively.
## Summary