- Introduction INTR
- Get Peers GETP
- Give Peers GIVP
- Ping PING
- Pong PONG
All messages have a 4-byte length prefix, a 4-byte ascii-printable ID prefix, and the message body. The 4-byte length prefix is equal to the length of the message body plus 4 for the ID prefix.
All array fields are marked with [] and implicitly include a 4-byte unsigned integer prefix.
Mirror uint32
Port uint16
Version uint32
Introduction messages are exchanged when two clients connect. If no Introduction message is received in 30 seconds, the client terminates the connection, and that peer is banned for 1 hour. The first message sent in a connection must be INTR. A peer is banned for 8 hours if they violate that rule.
Mirror is a random number generated by a client when started. In combination with the IP address of the client, it is used to detect both self connections and duplicate connections. If a self-connection is detected, the client terminates the connection and that peer is banned for 1 hour.
Port identifies the connection's listen port, which should be exchanged with other peers.
At the moment, any clients with mismatched versions immediately disconnect.
A maximum of 1 outgoing connection and 3 total connections are allowed per base IP. This allows multiple nodes from the same subnet to connect to another node but prevent them from saturating the latter node's resources.
A client sends GETP as a request for more peers. The receiving client is expected to respond with GIVP.
Peers []IPAddr
GIVP is sent in response to GETP. IPAddr is a 6 byte struct containing IP address and Port in their integer representations.
When a client receives this message, it adds or updates peers in its peerlist.
PING is sent when a client hasn't sent a message to one of its connections in over 30 minutes. If a client hasn't sent a message in over 90 minutes, the remote side terminates the connection. It is up to the idling client to send the ping and prevent disconnection.
ID: Pong
PONG is sent in reply to PING.