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Fishjam Room Manager


  • Docker Compose (tested on Colima)
  • Node (tested on v18.18.0)

Running (in dev mode)

EXTERNAL_IP=`ifconfig | grep 192.168 | cut -d ' ' -f 2`  FISHJAM_VERSION=edge docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up
yarn start

Generate openapi.yaml

yarn gen:openapi

How does it work?

Fishjam Room Manager serves the purpose of a simple backend that allows users to create and/or join Fishjam rooms. Users must provide a room name and their username to obtain an authentication token that allows them to connect to a Fishjam instance. Room Manager manages the room names and user names by itself by keeping the mappings in memory.

As of now, it exposes 3 endpoints.


Simple as that - send a plain GET request and receive an auth token. Room Manager will search its memory for the username for the requested room and return a token. Otherwise, it will create a new one.


Exposes a webhook endpoint to allow the Fishjam instance to send notifications to the Room Manager.