A night light that lights up your toilette when you enter your restroom. Inspired by IllumiBowl.
- 1 ATTiny85
- 1 LDR Sensor
- 1 PIR Sensor
- 1 Push button
- 1 Timpot (10k)
- 2 100R Resistor
- 2 150R Resistor
- 2 N-Type Mosfet (2N7000)
- 1 L78L33 Voltage Regulator
- 1 0.1µ Capacitor
- 1 0.33µ Capacitor
The schematics and prototyping are using an ATTiny85 as microcontroller for the final product, but it can be easily exchanged for an Arduino board for tests.
- Hook up the PIR
- Wire it up in a perfboard
- Power source
- Make a housing for the product
- Install on a toilette