You can copy your data to Surfdrive, UvA Research Drive, or SURF Research Drive by zipping your data and using drag and drop to transfer the data. Then, use the share icon to share your data with a password and set it to have no expiration time. Use the "Copy to Clipboard" option to obtain the link. You will receive a link similar to
. The last element, e.g., IS00bWerWu3MDJS
, represents your username. Utilize this username along with the password you specified when sharing this folder, as shown in the signature below, to download your data.
curl -u username:password surf_public_link -o your_output_file
Public link
- The Surfdrive:
- The UvA Research Drive:
- The SURF Research Drive:
For the example provided above, here is the code to download the data using curl and then unzip the data. The entire process of obtaining the data and unzipping it took less than 2 minutes for 2.2GB of data. When using with the Google Colab, remember to prefix each command with the ! sign.
curl -u "IS00bWerWu3MDJS:password" "" -o mot
unzip mot -d mot_data > /dev/null 2>&1
There is some information on SURF wiki for Research Drive, SURF wiki for SURFdrive or older one on surfnet for SURFdrive, but I found it unclear.
The data can be dragged and dropped. Alternatively, you can copy your data using other methods:
The below option is for sharing single file. It can be a zip file.
Share the file with "Share/Share/Anyone with the link". Then "Share/Copy Link". You get the url like this:
. Use id_to_copy
in gdown
! pip install -U gdown requests
! gdown id_to_copy --output /content/
The other option is to mount the whole Google drive (not recommanded):
from google.colab import drive
!cp /content/test.yaml "/content/drive/MyDrive"
N.B. You can only copy data via Crunchomics machine. Port 22 is closed on Snellius.
# copy from Crunchomics to Snellius
scp -r test.txt [email protected]:/home/username/test.txt
rsync -avz --progress test.txt [email protected]:/home/username/test.txt
# copy from Snellius to Crunchomics
scp -r [email protected]:/home/username/test.txt .
rsync -avz --progress [email protected]:/home/username/test.txt .
In Snellius, generate ssh key and add it to SRC. Then create the environment in SRC. In Snellius, you can for example ssh, rsync and scp to this machine. If you have created a Jupyter notebook, the ip address can be found in the "Workspace" under "Details" of this Jupyter notebook.
This option doesn't work for Crunchomics. Example:
ssh [email protected]
scp [email protected]:/home/fkariminej/test.txt .