Various Jeb plugins, including obfuscation restore Tested on newest JEB1 20150810 ##Note: JEB2 has changed a lot in the API, not applicable to JEB2. Current included:
Source Info Restorer. Restore class name from proguarded output.
Deobfuscator. Restore field names from toString method and call statement with string arguments
.class public a
.super VolleyError
.source ""
can be used to restore a to its origin name TimeoutError
e.g. "##### VoDownloadEx2 ##### \nmDownLoadURI : " + this.b + "\n" + "mContentsSize : "
+ this.c + "\n" + "mInstallSize : "
e.g. return "UpdateEntity [info=" + this.a + ", name=" + + ", size=" + this.size + ", type="
+ this.type + ", url=" + this.url + ", version=" + this.version + ", pri=" + this.pri
+ ", md5=" + this.md5 + "]";
Can be used to restore this.b
to this.DownLoadURI
[jebPlugins] use SATA License (Star And Thank Author License), so you have to star this project before using. Read the license carefully.