With the underlying program you can store standard shell commands and remote transfers of files that are executed in the order in which they are defined.
It is possible to set the order of execution groups and their dependencies. (FIFO by default, LIFO or in mix by configuration)
Goal: Automatically configure multiple servers and make this transferable to future, new ones, Servers that follow the same setup/ basic configuration and installation.
It can also be used as HACK-PLACE to store jobs per server which can be once required remotely.
Project related 'dummy'
sources for use as templates for/ as your own project.
Don't clone this project. Just download it, install dependencies and start configuring your server/node configs and/or your config dependencies.
This is your project base and you may commit the sources to your private repository.
Take care not publishing passwords or private keys!!!
After installation watch out for the application documentation 'cluster-queue - core
in ./vendor/cluster-queue/core/README.md
To use the application, dependencies must be installed.
Variant A:
# A new project in 'your-workspace/newproject':
cd ..../newproject
/path/to/composer.phar create-project cluster-queue/dummy ./
Variant B:
[Download](https://github.com/cluster-queue/dummy/releases) and extract.
cd ./
php /path/to/composer.phar install
# If not executable or bin not available:
php /path/to/composer.phar run post-install-cmd
chmod +x ./php-cluster-queue
All variants:
# Start:
# ./php-cluster-queue
# A first idea gives you:
./php-cluster-queue --config=dummy --action=defaults
# or
./php-cluster-queue --config=dummy --action=configs
Composer (composer.phar)? "A Dependency Manager for PHP" Homepage, Download](https://getcomposer.org/download).
php >= 7.3, 7.4, 8.0 ...
bash | zsh