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Example: CTF

Robert Fraser edited this page Aug 27, 2019 · 1 revision

This example assumes that you can follow the Basic Deathmatch example. This is not a rigorous tutorial, more just showing some of the ways to use the Minigames functions and round system.

Spawning a Flag at the start of a round

This is a perfect example to use the RoundStart hook. At the very start of the round, this hook is called, and this will allow the flag to be respawned.

-- Reset the flag at the start of a round
hook.Add('RoundStart', 'InitialSpawnFlag', function()

Win Conditions

In this gamemode, winning is triggered manually by a given condition (in this case, scoring a goal) rather than waiting until the very end of the round.

By calling GAMEMODE:EndRound() with the team that wins, the gamemode will consider this as a round win for that given team. In this gamemode, we also add an additional special message for the player that scored the goal.

This is also a good example of awarding stat points to players!

-- Triggered when a goal is scored
function GM:ScoreGoal(team, entity)
    if GetGlobalString('RoundState') != 'InRound' then return end
    local message = nil
    -- Bonus to the person who scores the capture
    if IsValid(GAMEMODE.LastCarrier) then
        GAMEMODE.LastCarrier:AddStatPoints('CTFCaptures', 1)
        message = GAMEMODE.LastCarrier:Nick() .. ' scored the capture'
    -- End the round, counting a win for the given team
    GAMEMODE:EndRound(team, message)
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