This guide provides an overview of the tool countexex. Further information on how to customize and extend countexex can be found in the Developer manual.
Counterexample Explanation (Countexex) is a tool that allows comprehensible representations of strategies using decision trees. Given a probabilistic and non-deterministic system, modeled as Markov Decision Process (MDP), and a property to be checked via a model checker, we need strategies in order to resolve the non-determinism, indicating which action to take in each state. The strategy might act as a counterexample, providing information on how to reach error states, or could be a synthesized strategy. Due to the nature of the system (probabilistic AND non-deterministic) those strategies easily grow very large and incomprehensible. Countexex implements the approach presented in this paper to reduce the size of strategies and provide a succinct representation using decision tree learning.
The approach is threefold:
Compute liberal, ε-optimal strategy:
We allow multiple, equally good actions to be chosen for each state to give the learning algorithm more freedom. Additionally, we apply a maximal end component (MEC) decomposition on the MDP. If a state is an exit, we only select maximal-external state-action pairs for that state. More information on the definitions can be found here. -
Compute importance of states:
We simulate 10,000 runs on the MDP under the strategy and count how often each state was reached. This importance value determines how frequently the state-action pairs will occur in the training data. Therefore, states that do not lead to a target state get an importance value of zero, thereby reducing the amount of relevant states. -
Learn a decision tree representation of the strategy:
In the last step, we apply a decision tree learning algorithm on the modified strategy. Via tuning parameters, we are able to influence the size of the resulting tree further, in order to obtain a succinct representation.
As countexex is based on the model checker storm, the support is limited to the following operating systems:
- macOS on either x86- or ARM-based CPUs
- Debian 11 and higher
- Ubuntu 20.04 and higher
- Arch Linux
For updates see: Storm.
We have tested the installation on Linux Ubuntu and Fedora.
- Storm dependencies
- mlpack dependencies
- Install the Gurobi solver if you want to use MILP. For Linux systems, you can follow this guide
- example for ubuntu
sudo apt-get install build-essential git cmake libboost-all-dev libcln-dev libgmp-dev libginac-dev automake libglpk-dev libhwloc-dev libz3-dev libxerces-c-dev libeigen3-dev libarmadillo-dev libensmallen-dev libcereal-dev libstb-dev
In the following, use --recursive in order to clone the submodules. Additionally, the project has to be cloned via SSH-URL.
git clone [email protected]:flyingkukri/countexex.git --recursive
cd countexex
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Due to the size of the project the compilation time is long. For a speedup use
if you have multiple cores and at least 8GB of memory.
To enable system debugging, set the STORM_DEVELOPER option to ON. You can achieve this by running ccmake .. and configuring the options presented there.
If you want to use the Gurobi solver that is not shipped with Storm, you need to additionally enable STORM_USE_GUROBI and set the path in GUROBI_ROOT. Thereafter, execute make.
To obtain the latest updates for the submodules at a later point, run:
git submodule update --remote
Check if the installation was successful: The executable countexex is located in the folder PathToCountexex/build/app/, where PathToCountexex refers to the root directory of the project. Execute the following command:
./countexex -h
Now you should be able to see the following help page:
-h [ --help ] Print help message and exit
-v [ --verbose ] Print additional output during the
program execution.
Check task:
-m [ --model ] arg Required argument: Path to model file.
Model has to be in PRISM format: e.g.,
-p [ --propertyMax ] arg Required argument: Specify whether you
want to check Pmax or Pmin. Set the
argument to max or min accordingly.
Configuration arguments:
-c [ --config ] arg Path to a config file where the
following parameters can be specified
in alternative to specifying them via
the command line.
-g [ --minimumGainSplit ] arg (=9.9999999999999995e-08)
Set the minimumGainSplit parameter for
the decision tree learning.
-l [ --minimumLeafSize ] arg (=5) Set the minimumLeafSize parameter for
the decision tree learning.
-d [ --maximumDepth ] arg (=10) Set the maximumDepth parameter for the
decision tree learning.
-i [ --importanceDelta ] arg (=0.001) Set the delta parameter for the
importance calculation.
-s [ --safetyPrec ] arg (=16) Set the precision for the safety
property bound.
-o [ --optimizer ] arg (=smt) Choose the method for computing the
permissive strategy: smt or milp. Note
that for MILP, you need to have Gurobi
Countexex currently only supports file formats generated by PRISM. For more information on how to add support for new file formats, see Developer manual.
Additionally, it is expected that all final states of the model are sink states and no variable is called "action".
Currently only reachability objectives are supported. As for the permissive strategy computation only eventually formulas are allowed, we restrict the properties to the following form:
Pmax=? [ F "goal" ]
Pmin=? [ F "goal" ]
Therefore, the user only has to specify via propertyMax whether Pmax or Pmin should be checked. Additionally, the set of states for which we want to check the reachability has to be labeled as 'goal'. This can be achieved by adding a label, as shown below, at the bottom of the model file:
# model.nm
label "goal" = s=1|s=2;
As the configurable options have default values, they don't need to be specified. In case you want to change them, you have two options:
- Options specified via command line:
./countexex --model "PathToCountexex/examples/cycle.nm" --propertyMax max -l 1 -d 100 -i 0.01
- Options specified via config file: Create a config file and specify the desired parameters:
# config.txt:
minimumGainSplit = 1e-10
minimumLeafSize = 20
importanceDelta = 0.01
Then run:
./countexex --model "PathToCountexex/examples/cycle.nm" --propertyMax max -c "PathToConfig/config.txt"
For more information on the decision tree learning parameters see: mlpack DecisionTree.
ImportanceDelta: we compute for each state an importance value Imp_s, that indicates how often this state is repeated in the training data. However, if Imp_s is below a certain threshold, importanceDelta, we will simply discard this state. Depending on your model structure and set of target states, you might want to change this parameter defaulting to 0.001.
safetyPrec: the permissive strategy computation expects safety properties of the following form:
for propertyMax = max: P >= Pmax [F s]
We therefore need to convert Pmax to a string with a fixed number of decimal places, which is specified by safetyPrec. Depending on the expected value of Pmax you might want to change safetyPrec, e.g., to a higher value for very small values of Pmax.
optimizer: This option allows selecting the computation method for the permissive strategy. In certain cases, when using the SMT method with some models, an error indicating an empty expression list can occur. In such situations, we recommend switching to the MILP method. Note that this switch requires the Gurobi solver to be installed on your system.
The decision tree is stored as a DOT file named within the "build/app/" folder and can be converted to a pdf via the command
dot -Tpdf -o graph.pdf
or visualized e.g., by Graphviz Online
Click here to see a few examples.
Click here for information regarding our code structure.