Before making a pull request, please make sure of the following:
The ideas you want to add do not already exist
Your tutorial is correctly placed under the appropriate language/technology
Improvements of the same tutorial are encouraged!
The pull request needs to have a descriptive title
If the language/technology of your idea/tutorial does not exist, feel free to create a new entry in table of contents
Make a separate pull request for each of the tutorial
Use the following format
If your tutorial is a multi-part series, use the following format:
* Title * [Part 1](link_to_part_1) * [Part 2](link_to_part_2)
Check the spelling and grammar
Do the work, write good commit messages, and read the CONTRIBUTING file if there is one
Remove any trailing whitespaces
Links must be pointing straight to the tutorials, no URL shorteners. However, if the URL is too long (more than 80 characters), Google URL Shortener is allowed
Thank you for your suggestions! If you think there is anything to improve with the guidelines, please contact us on Twitter