Google Cloud offers machine types based on Intel, AMD and ARM processors. ARM architecture is supported by FortiGate since version 7.2.4 and can be deployed using this module.
NOTE: make sure T2A family machine types are available in your region
Deploying an ARM-based instance requires
- boot image supporting ARM architecture
- machine type from T2A family
- using GVNIC network driver (VIRTIO is not supported by T2A machine type family)
Above requirements can be configured by passing the following variables to the module:
image_family = "fortigate-arm64-72-payg"
machine_type = "t2a-standard-4"
nic_type = "GVNIC"
or when it's desired to deploy a particular version instead of the latest one:
image_name = "fortinet-fgt-arm64-724-20230216-001-w-license"
machine_type = "t2a-standard-4"
nic_type = "GVNIC"