- Author: @Deuce#8801 on Discord
- Version: 0.7
- Foundry VTT Compatibility: 0.4.0+
- System Compatibility (If applicable): dn5e.
- Module Requirement(s): none.
- Module Conflicts: none that I know of.
- Translation Support: english only, no i18n support.
- http://kpogl.wikidot.com/
- http://kpogl.wdfiles.com/local--files/home:home/module.json
- http://kpogl.wdfiles.com/local--files/home:home/koboldpressogl.zip
This module adds Kobold Press OGL content sourced from the KPOGL wiki. Currently there are two compendiums, one with over 800 monsters and the other with over 500 spells.