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Building the Pyretic VM

coxjacob edited this page Jun 2, 2015 · 28 revisions

Instructions for creating a Pyretic VM from the Mininet VM using VirualBox

  1. Download the official Mininet VM (instructions tested using mininet-2.1.0p2-140718-ubuntu-14.04-server amd64 and i386 images)

  2. Follow instructions at through "Log in into VM"

  3. Install Python dependencies

      $ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip python-netaddr screen hping3 ml-lpt graphviz ruby1.9.1-dev libboost-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-program-options-dev libevent-dev automake libtool flex bison pkg-config g++ libssl-dev python-all python-all-dev python-all-dbg
      $ sudo pip install networkx bitarray netaddr ipaddr pytest ipdb sphinx pyparsing==1.5.7 yappi
      $ sudo gem install jekyll
  4. Patch asynchat Python dependency (addresses some, but not all, of the bugs in this library)

      $ wget
      $ sudo mv /usr/lib/python2.7/
      $ sudo chown root:root /usr/lib/python2.7/ 
  5. Install git subtree

      $ git clone
      $ pushd git/contrib/subtree/
      $ make
      $ mv git-subtree
      $ sudo install -m 755 git-subtree /usr/lib/git-core
      $ popd
      $ rm -rf git
  6. Clone the pyretic repository to your home directory

      $ cd ~   
      $ git clone
  7. Setup your environment variables EITHER by adding the following lines to end of .profile:

      export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/pyretic:$HOME/pox   
      export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/pyretic:$HOME/mininet:$HOME/pox

OR by replacing your .profile

     $ rm .profile
     $ wget         
     $ chmod g-w .profile         
  1. add my helpful .screenrc

      $ wget
  2. Prepare VM for export

      $ sudo cat /dev/zero > zero.fill; sudo sync; sleep 1; sudo sync; sudo rm -f zero.fill; sudo shutdown -h now
      NOTE: The above command will be interrupted when disk is full, the following output will be displayed: cat: write error: No space left on the device. 
  3. Export as an ovf

SSH Interface Setup (for VirtualBox)

  1. Import OVF

  2. Boot

  3. Append

     # The host-only network interface
     auto eth1
     iface eth1 inet dhcp

to /etc/network/interfaces In some instances, VirtualBox might not name the interfaces starting from eth0, eth1, ... (instead, it appends a higher number after eth for the first interface). You can check this through ifconfig -a, and add the corresponding interface entry above.

  1. Reboot

     $ sudo reboot
  2. Continue with "SSH into VM"

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