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Dynamic Policies
Query policies](https://github.com/frenetic-lang/pyretic/wiki/Query-Policies) are often used to drive changes to other dynamic policies. These dynamic policies have behavior (defined by self.policy ) that changes over time, according to the programmer's specification. For example, the routine round_robin takes the first packet from a new client (source IP address) and updates the policy's behavior (by assigning self.policy to a new value) so all future packets from this source are assigned to the next server in the sequence (by rewriting the destination IP address); packets from all other clients are treated as before. After updating the policy, round_robin also moves the "currently up" server to the next server in the list.
def round_robin(self,pkt):
self.policy = if_(match(srcip=pkt['srcip']),
self.client += 1
self.server = self.servers[self.client % m]
The programmer creates a new ``round-robin load balancer'' dynamic policy class rrlb by subclassing DynamicPolicy and providing an initialization method that registers round_robin as a callback routine:
class rrlb(DynamicPolicy):
def __init__(self,s,servers):
self.switch = s
self.servers = servers
self.policy = match(dstport=80) >> Q
def round_robin(self,pkt):
Note that here the query Q is defined as in the previous subsection; the only difference is that the the programmer registers round_robin as the callback, instead of printer. The programmer then creates a new instance of rrlb (say one running on switch 3 and sending requests to server replicas at and in the standard way
servers = [IP(''),IP('')]
rrlb_on_switch3 = rrlb(3,servers)
producing a policy that can be used in exactly the same ways as any other. For example, to compose server load balancing with routing, we might write the following. rrlb_on_switch3 >> route