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Earth Rovers SDK v4.4


In order to use or run this SDK you need to have an account registered with Frodobots. This is meant for research purposes, if you are interested please reach us here: Frodobots Discord

  • Python 3.9 or higher
  • Frodobots API key
  • Google Chrome installed

Getting Started

  1. Write once your .env variables provided by Frodobots team your SDK API key and the name of the bot you've got.
# Default value is MAP_ZOOM_LEVEL=18
  1. Install the SDK
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the SDK
hypercorn main:app --reload
  1. Now you can check the live streaming of the bot in the following URL: http://localhost:8000


This SDK is meant to control the bot and at the same time monitor its status. The SDK has the following open endpoints:

POST /control

With this endpoint you can send linear and angular values to move the bot. The values are between -1 and 1.

curl --location 'http://localhost:8000/control' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "command": { "linear": 1, "angular": 1 }

Example response:

    "message": "Command sent successfully"

GET /data

With this endpoint you can retrieve the latest data from the bot. (e.g. battery level, position, etc.)

curl --location 'http://localhost:8000/data'

Example Response:

    "battery": 100,
    "signal_level": 5,
    "orientation": 128,
    "lamp": 0,
    "speed": 0,
    "gps_signal": 31.25,
    "latitude": 22.753774642944336,
    "longitude": 114.09095001220703,
    "vibration": 0.31,
    "timestamp": 1724189733.208559,
    "accels": [
    "gyros": [
    "mags": [

    "rpms": [

GET /screenshot

With this endpoint you can retrieve the latest emitted frame and timestamp from the bot. The frame is a base64 encoded image. And the timestamp is the time when the frame was emitted (Unix Epoch UTC timestamp). Inside the folder screenshots/ you can find the images.

This endpoint accepts a list of view types as a query parameter (view_types). Valid view types are rear, map, and front. If no view types are provided, it will return all three by default.

curl --location 'http://localhost:8000/screenshot?view_types=rear,map,front'

Example Response:

    "front_frame": "base64_encoded_image",
    "rear_frame": "base64_encoded_image",
    "map_frame": "base64_encoded_image",
    "timestamp": 1724189733.208559
curl --location 'http://localhost:8000/screenshot?view_types=rear'

Example Response:

    "rear_video_frame": "base64_encoded_image",
    "timestamp": 1724189733.208559

Missions API

In order to start a mission you need to call the /start-mission endpoint. This endpoint will let you know if the bot is available or not for the mission.

To enable the missions API you need to set the MISSION_SLUG environment variable to the slug of the mission you want to start.


If you just want to experiment with the bot without starting a mission you need to remove the MISSION_SLUG environment variable.

Note: Bots that are controlled by other players are not available for missions.

POST /start-mission

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8000/start-mission'

Successful Response (Code: 200)

    "message": "Mission started successfully"

Unsuccessful Response (Code: 400)

    "detail": "Bot unavailable for SDK"

POST /checkpoints-list

With this endpoint you can retrieve the list of checkpoints for the mission. And the latest checkpoint that was scanned by the bot. If you scan the first checkpoint, the latest_scanned_checkpoint will be 1. If you scan the last checkpoint, the latest_scanned_checkpoint will be the highest sequence number and the mission will be completed.

curl --location 'http://localhost:8000/checkpoints-list'

Example Response:

    "checkpoints_list": [
            "id": 4818,
            "sequence": 1,
            "latitude": "30.48243713",
            "longitude": "114.3026428"
            "id": 4819,
            "sequence": 2,
            "latitude": "30.48268318",
            "longitude": "114.3026047"
            "id": 4820,
            "sequence": 3,
            "latitude": "30.48243713",
            "longitude": "114.3026428"
    "latest_scanned_checkpoint": 0

POST /checkpoint-reached

With this endpoint you can send the checkpoint that was scanned by the bot.

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8000/checkpoint-reached' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{}'

Successful Response (Code: 200)

    "message": "Checkpoint reached successfully",
    "next_checkpoint_sequence": 2

Unsuccessful Response (Code: 400)

    "detail": {
        "error": "Bot is not within XX meters from the checkpoint",
        "proximate_distance_to_checkpoint": 16.87

POST /end-mission

With this endpoint you can force the mission to end in case you face some errors. Note that once you run this endpoint, the bot will be disconnected and will be available again for other players to use.

In case you get stucked and don't want to lose your progress, you can use the /start-mission endpoint to refresh it.

⚠️ This endpoint should only be used in case of emergency. If you run this endpoint you will lose all your progress during the mission.

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8000/end-mission'

Example Response:

    "message": "Mission ended successfully"

GET /missions-history

With this endpoint you can retrieve the missions history of the bot you've been riding.

curl --location 'http://localhost:8000/missions-history'

Example Response:

    "mission_rides": [
            "id": 86855,
            "mission_slug": "mission-1",
            "success": true,
            "latest_scanned_checkpoint": 3,
            "status": "active",
            "start_time": "2024-09-02T07:38:46.755Z",
            "end_time": "2024-09-02T07:45:46.755Z"
        // ...

Latest updates

  • v.4.4: Minor Bugfixes. Spectate Rides.
  • v.4.3: Missions history and more information on checkpoint reached. Improved /data RTM messages
  • v.4.2: Updated
  • v.4.1: End mission.
  • v.4.0: Added the ability to start a mission. Improved screenshots timings. Timestamps accuracy improved.
  • v3.3: Improved control speed.
  • v3.2: Added the ability to control the zoom level of the map.
  • v3.1: Ability to retrieve rear camera frame and map screenshot. Bug fixes.


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