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Release Notes for SCS Release 1

(Release Date: 2021-09-29)


Main goals for Release 1 (R1) was the strengthening of our CI test coverage and integration, the operational tooling (metrics collection, dashboards, logging), latest versions of upstream software (OpenStack Wallaby, Kubernetes-1.21.5), support for Bare Metal service, progress on user federation for clouds, and progress on the integration of the container layer with k8s Cluster API (now in version 0.4.x).

CI framework


For our internal development workflows we are planning to switch from GitHub Actions to Zuul-CI (mostly). The infrastructure itself is already available, yet most of the repositories in the SovereignCloudStack organisation have not switched over. Reasons for switching include cross-dependencies, scalability and costs. Reasons for using Zuul-CI include the close connection to the OpenStack project and the enormous flexibility in comparison to other similar tools. On top of that you have also gating instead of only CI. A quick example for a Zuul-CI operated repository can be found here:

Metrics collection and dashboards

Prometheus exporters and Grafana dashboards

We provide generic configuration examples and blueprints for prometheus rules and grafana dashboards. The examples need to be understood and adapted to the particular needs of your environment. You can find the examples at

With R2 we plan to implement a basic set of these alerts and dashboards in the testbed deployment in order to make them even easier consumable for new users. Feel free to give feedback on the examples and contribute your own generic examples.

We're working on bringing a basic set of prometheus exporters to the OpenStack-kolla upstream community.

As part of our effort to add more monitoring tooling, we're integrating further prometheus exporters such as libvirt and ovn. Integration is targeted for R2.

More detailed information on monitoring topics will be continously provided in the corresponding design document.


We have made some progress with openstack-health-monitor since R0, but we have not yet created ready-to-be-used influx data collection and the grafana dashboard. While the black box monitoring is perceived as very useful, the script certainly has reached a complexity that is not handled well with bash scripting and makes it a difficult to maintain and even to use tool, so the usefulness of shipping it with SCS to make it available for Ops teams to monitor has been questioned. Instead an expectation has been expressed that the SCS uses this to monitor all SCS partner clouds and provides some transparency this way to the public -- and detailed statistics via e.g. a prometheus exporter to the respective cloud provider. This is currently under consideration.


Central logging

OSISM now enables kolla-ansible centralized logging by default. The default rules need to be further refined to suit your needs. We plan to implement a more generic set of rules for R2.


OIDC support via keycloak

Logging in to Horizon by authenticating with OIDC via Keycloak is now possible. For details see the testbed documentation.

non-TLS restrictions (testbed)

Only TLS secured deployments get full support. Without TLS, certain browsers won't be able to log in. For deatils see the testbed documentation

Known Issue with OIDC Logout

Clicking Sign Out on the Horizon dashboard doesn't perform a proper OIDC logout. This is documented in osism testbed, with some Keycloak settings that can be relevant for alleviating the issue, but in Release 1 there is no solution for this yet.

Bare Metal Service

The ironic Bare Metal service can be deployed with the SCS (OSISM) installation. For it to get full test coverage, a virtual BMC solution has been created, so bare metal can be validated in our testbed setup just as nicely as the other components. While most pieces are ready, the final integration steps are still work-in-progress and will happen after R1.

Container Layer

Overview and Goals for R1

The container layer on SCS is implemented as a Self-Service, leveraging the Kubernetes cluster API technology. This was provided as a technical preview from the SCS k8s-cluster-api-provider repository for R0 back in July.

The focus for R1 was to make it ready for production, so DevOps teams can use this to create and manage their k8s clusters in self-service for development, testing, deployment and production.

To achieve this, a lot of work has been invested, updating the cluster API to 0.4 along the way, fixing snapshot classes, enabling optional metrics and ingress services, using application credentials and much improved management scripts. The sonobuoy test automation has been included and successfully used to validate the created clusters. Real-world testing has happened though the Gaia-X Hackathon #1, where clusters were provided on the fly for the various work streams.

The detailed list of changes for R1 is covered in the k8s capi provider Release Notes.

Still in technical preview, but very promising are the helm charts based k8s cluster management templates also documented there.

Beyond CAPI

Some of our partners are using Gardener as a layer to manage large fleets of (optionally cross-cloud) k8s clusters. While there is a bit of overlap in functionality, they do happily coexist and our partner is actually using k8s capi to bootstrap clusters on SCS clouds for Gardener management.


As of this writing, the list of SCS defined standards still comprises two standards:

As before, we continue to rely on OpenStack and CNCF defined standards in addition to this -- the k8s clusters need to pass the conformance tests with sonobuoy and the OpenStack environment the OpenStack powered guidelines (with refstack).

There is a discussion on a glossary, detailing what we expect from regions, availability zones etc. Some major parts of it still need to be agreed before a useful doc can be published -- this will happen in due time and is expected before R2.

SBOM and Links

We stand on the shoulders of giants: Without all the great work from many open source communities, we would not get anywhere.

We are working on automation to create a complete list for all the software that is used and deployed with SCS, so we have a complete Software Bill of Materials (SBoM). The reason this is non-trivial is that we are not aggregating it all ourselves, but rely on pre-integrated pieces, such as Linux distributions, OpenStack, CNCF projects etc. The good news is that these projects are diligent in their work, making sure we don't need to be too worried about security risks or legal risks introduced this way. Nevertheless, the goal of creating a complete graph remains.

We have started to put SPDX license identifiers into the SCS produced code, so we make it easier for downstream consumers of our software to automate the license compliance checks when assembling an SBoM.

For R1, some of the major projects we build on have had releases that we incorporated and whose release notes we want to link here for convenience:

Release tagging

See Release Numbering scheme -- unchanged from R0. We have added the tag v2.0.0 to the relevant repositories to designate the SCS_RELEASE_R1.

List of known issues & restrictions in R1