diff --git a/src/FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB/TableContext.fs b/src/FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB/TableContext.fs
index f2edd02..7bbb783 100644
--- a/src/FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB/TableContext.fs
+++ b/src/FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB/TableContext.fs
@@ -230,15 +230,6 @@ type private LimitType =
static member AllOrCount(l: int option) = l |> Option.map Count |> Option.defaultValue All
static member DefaultOrCount(l: int option) = l |> Option.map Count |> Option.defaultValue Default
-/// Helpers for working with TransactWriteItemsRequest
-module TransactWriteItemsRequest =
- /// Exception filter to identify whether a TransactWriteItems call has failed due to
- /// one or more of the supplied precondition checks failing.
- let (|TransactionCanceledConditionalCheckFailed|_|): exn -> unit option =
- function
- | :? TransactionCanceledException as e when e.CancellationReasons.Exists(fun x -> x.Code = "ConditionalCheckFailed") -> Some()
- | _ -> None
/// Helpers for identifying Failed Precondition check outcomes emanating from PutItem, UpdateItem or DeleteItem
module Precondition =
/// Exception filter to identify whether an individual (non-transactional) PutItem, UpdateItem or DeleteItem call's precondition check failing.
@@ -247,39 +238,6 @@ module Precondition =
| :? ConditionalCheckFailedException -> Some()
| _ -> None
-type TransactWriter<'TRecord> internal (tableName: string, template: RecordTemplate<'TRecord>) =
- member _.Put(item: 'TRecord, precondition: option>) : TransactWriteItem =
- let req = Put(TableName = tableName, Item = template.ToAttributeValues item)
- precondition
- |> Option.iter (fun cond ->
- let writer = AttributeWriter(req.ExpressionAttributeNames, req.ExpressionAttributeValues)
- req.ConditionExpression <- cond.Conditional.Write writer)
- TransactWriteItem(Put = req)
- member _.Check(key: TableKey, condition: ConditionExpression<'TRecord>) : TransactWriteItem =
- let req = ConditionCheck(TableName = tableName, Key = template.ToAttributeValues key)
- let writer = AttributeWriter(req.ExpressionAttributeNames, req.ExpressionAttributeValues)
- req.ConditionExpression <- condition.Conditional.Write writer
- TransactWriteItem(ConditionCheck = req)
- member _.Update
- (
- key: TableKey,
- precondition: option>,
- updater: UpdateExpression<'TRecord>
- ) : TransactWriteItem =
- let req = Update(TableName = tableName, Key = template.ToAttributeValues key)
- let writer = AttributeWriter(req.ExpressionAttributeNames, req.ExpressionAttributeValues)
- req.UpdateExpression <- updater.UpdateOps.Write(writer)
- precondition |> Option.iter (fun cond -> req.ConditionExpression <- cond.Conditional.Write writer)
- TransactWriteItem(Update = req)
- member _.Delete(key: TableKey, precondition: option>) : TransactWriteItem =
- let req = Delete(TableName = tableName, Key = template.ToAttributeValues key)
- precondition
- |> Option.iter (fun cond ->
- let writer = AttributeWriter(req.ExpressionAttributeNames, req.ExpressionAttributeValues)
- req.ConditionExpression <- cond.Conditional.Write writer)
- TransactWriteItem(Delete = req)
/// DynamoDB client object for performing table operations in the context of given F# record representations
@@ -532,9 +490,6 @@ type TableContext<'TRecord>
member _.LocalSecondaryIndices = template.LocalSecondaryIndices
/// Record-induced table template
member _.Template = template
- /// Represents an individual request that can be included in the TransactItems of a TransactWriteItems call.
- member _.TransactWrite = TransactWriter<'TRecord>(tableName, template)
/// Creates a DynamoDB client instance for given F# record and table name.
@@ -886,30 +841,6 @@ type TableContext<'TRecord>
return unprocessed |> Array.map template.ExtractKey
- ///
- /// Atomically applies a set of 1-100 write operations to the table.
- /// NOTE requests are charged at twice the normal rate in Write Capacity Units.
- /// See the DynamoDB TransactWriteItems API documentation for full details of semantics and charges.
- ///
- /// Operations to be performed.
- /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if item count is not between 1 and 100 as required by underlying API.
- /// Use TransactWriteItemsRequest.TransactionCanceledConditionalCheckFailed to identify any Precondition Check failures.
- /// The ClientRequestToken to supply as an idempotency key (10 minute window).
- member _.TransactWriteItems(items: seq, ?clientRequestToken) : Async = async {
- if (Seq.length items) = 0 || (Seq.length items) > 100 then
- raise <| System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof items, "must be between 1 and 100 items.")
- let req = TransactWriteItemsRequest(ReturnConsumedCapacity = returnConsumedCapacity, TransactItems = (ResizeArray items))
- clientRequestToken |> Option.iter (fun x -> req.ClientRequestToken <- x)
- let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
- let! response = client.TransactWriteItemsAsync(req, ct) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect
- maybeReport
- |> Option.iter (fun r -> r TransactWriteItems (Seq.toList response.ConsumedCapacity) (Seq.length items))
- if response.HttpStatusCode <> HttpStatusCode.OK then
- failwithf "TransactWriteItems request returned error %O" response.HttpStatusCode
- }
/// Asynchronously queries table with given condition expressions.
@@ -2081,3 +2012,115 @@ module Scripting =
member t.UpdateProvisionedThroughput(provisionedThroughput: ProvisionedThroughput) : unit =
let spec = Throughput.Provisioned provisionedThroughput
t.UpdateTableIfRequiredAsync(spec) |> Async.Ignore |> Async.RunSynchronously
+/// Helpers for working with TransactWriteItemsRequest
+module TransactWriteItemsRequest =
+ /// Exception filter to identify whether a TransactWriteItems call has failed due to
+ /// one or more of the supplied precondition checks failing.
+ let (|TransactionCanceledConditionalCheckFailed|_|): exn -> unit option =
+ function
+ | :? TransactionCanceledException as e when e.CancellationReasons.Exists(fun x -> x.Code = "ConditionalCheckFailed") -> Some()
+ | _ -> None
+type TransactionBuilder(?metricsCollector: (RequestMetrics -> unit)) =
+ let transactionItems = ResizeArray()
+ let mutable (dynamoDbClient: IAmazonDynamoDB) = null
+ let setClient client =
+ if dynamoDbClient = null then
+ System.Console.WriteLine("WAT")
+ dynamoDbClient <- client
+ let reportMetrics collector (tableName: string) (operation: Operation) (consumedCapacity: ConsumedCapacity list) (itemCount: int) =
+ collector
+ { TableName = tableName
+ Operation = operation
+ ConsumedCapacity = consumedCapacity
+ ItemCount = itemCount }
+ let returnConsumedCapacity, maybeReport =
+ match metricsCollector with
+ | Some sink -> ReturnConsumedCapacity.INDEXES, Some(reportMetrics sink)
+ | None -> ReturnConsumedCapacity.NONE, None
+ member this.Put<'TRecord>
+ (
+ tableContext: TableContext<'TRecord>,
+ item: 'TRecord,
+ ?precondition: ConditionExpression<'TRecord>
+ ) : TransactionBuilder =
+ setClient tableContext.Client
+ let req = Put(TableName = tableContext.TableName, Item = tableContext.Template.ToAttributeValues item)
+ precondition
+ |> Option.iter (fun cond ->
+ let writer = AttributeWriter(req.ExpressionAttributeNames, req.ExpressionAttributeValues)
+ req.ConditionExpression <- cond.Conditional.Write writer)
+ transactionItems.Add(TransactWriteItem(Put = req))
+ this
+ member this.Check(tableContext: TableContext<'TRecord>, key: TableKey, condition: ConditionExpression<'TRecord>) : TransactionBuilder =
+ setClient tableContext.Client
+ let req = ConditionCheck(TableName = tableContext.TableName, Key = tableContext.Template.ToAttributeValues key)
+ let writer = AttributeWriter(req.ExpressionAttributeNames, req.ExpressionAttributeValues)
+ req.ConditionExpression <- condition.Conditional.Write writer
+ transactionItems.Add(TransactWriteItem(ConditionCheck = req))
+ this
+ member this.Update
+ (
+ tableContext: TableContext<'TRecord>,
+ key: TableKey,
+ updater: UpdateExpression<'TRecord>,
+ ?precondition: ConditionExpression<'TRecord>
+ ) : TransactionBuilder =
+ setClient tableContext.Client
+ let req = Update(TableName = tableContext.TableName, Key = tableContext.Template.ToAttributeValues key)
+ let writer = AttributeWriter(req.ExpressionAttributeNames, req.ExpressionAttributeValues)
+ req.UpdateExpression <- updater.UpdateOps.Write(writer)
+ precondition |> Option.iter (fun cond -> req.ConditionExpression <- cond.Conditional.Write writer)
+ transactionItems.Add(TransactWriteItem(Update = req))
+ this
+ member this.Delete
+ (
+ tableContext: TableContext<'TRecord>,
+ key: TableKey,
+ precondition: option>
+ ) : TransactionBuilder =
+ setClient tableContext.Client
+ let req = Delete(TableName = tableContext.TableName, Key = tableContext.Template.ToAttributeValues key)
+ precondition
+ |> Option.iter (fun cond ->
+ let writer = AttributeWriter(req.ExpressionAttributeNames, req.ExpressionAttributeValues)
+ req.ConditionExpression <- cond.Conditional.Write writer)
+ transactionItems.Add(TransactWriteItem(Delete = req))
+ this
+ ///
+ /// Atomically applies a set of 1-100 write operations to the table.
+ /// NOTE requests are charged at twice the normal rate in Write Capacity Units.
+ /// See the DynamoDB TransactWriteItems API documentation for full details of semantics and charges.
+ ///
+ /// Operations to be performed.
+ /// Throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException if item count is not between 1 and 100 as required by underlying API.
+ /// Use TransactWriteItemsRequest.TransactionCanceledConditionalCheckFailed to identify any Precondition Check failures.
+ /// The ClientRequestToken to supply as an idempotency key (10 minute window).
+ member _.TransactWriteItems(?clientRequestToken) : Async = async {
+ if (Seq.length transactionItems) = 0 || (Seq.length transactionItems) > 100 then
+ raise
+ <| System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof transactionItems, "must be between 1 and 100 items.")
+ let req = TransactWriteItemsRequest(ReturnConsumedCapacity = returnConsumedCapacity, TransactItems = (ResizeArray transactionItems))
+ clientRequestToken |> Option.iter (fun x -> req.ClientRequestToken <- x)
+ let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
+ let! response = dynamoDbClient.TransactWriteItemsAsync(req, ct) |> Async.AwaitTaskCorrect
+ maybeReport
+ |> Option.iter (fun r ->
+ response.ConsumedCapacity
+ |> Seq.groupBy (fun x -> x.TableName)
+ |> Seq.iter (fun (tableName, consumedCapacity) ->
+ r tableName Operation.TransactWriteItems (Seq.toList consumedCapacity) (Seq.length transactionItems)))
+ if response.HttpStatusCode <> HttpStatusCode.OK then
+ failwithf "TransactWriteItems request returned error %O" response.HttpStatusCode
+ }
diff --git a/tests/FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB.Tests/MetricsCollectorTests.fs b/tests/FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB.Tests/MetricsCollectorTests.fs
index e638a07..aedb110 100644
--- a/tests/FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB.Tests/MetricsCollectorTests.fs
+++ b/tests/FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB.Tests/MetricsCollectorTests.fs
@@ -106,9 +106,10 @@ type Tests(fixture: TableFixture) =
let item = mkItem (guid ()) (guid ()) 0
- let requests = [ sut.TransactWrite.Put(item, Some(compile <@ fun t -> NOT_EXISTS t.RangeKey @>)) ]
- do! sut.TransactWriteItems requests
+ do!
+ TransactionBuilder(collector.Collect)
+ .Put(sut, item, compile <@ fun t -> NOT_EXISTS t.RangeKey @>)
+ .TransactWriteItems()
@@ -130,13 +131,13 @@ type Tests(fixture: TableFixture) =
let sut = rawTable.WithMetricsCollector(collector.Collect)
let item = mkItem (guid ()) (guid ()) 0
- // The check will fail, which triggers a throw from the underlying AWS SDK; there's no way to extract the consumption info in that case
- let requests = [ sut.TransactWrite.Put(item, Some(compile <@ fun t -> EXISTS t.RangeKey @>)) ]
let mutable failed = false
- do! sut.TransactWriteItems requests
+ do!
+ // The check will fail, which triggers a throw from the underlying AWS SDK; there's no way to extract the consumption info in that case
+ TransactionBuilder()
+ .Put(sut, item, compile <@ fun t -> EXISTS t.RangeKey @>)
+ .TransactWriteItems()
with TransactWriteItemsRequest.TransactionCanceledConditionalCheckFailed ->
failed <- true
true =! failed
diff --git a/tests/FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB.Tests/SimpleTableOperationTests.fs b/tests/FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB.Tests/SimpleTableOperationTests.fs
index b9e2ea0..152c0ba 100644
--- a/tests/FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB.Tests/SimpleTableOperationTests.fs
+++ b/tests/FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB.Tests/SimpleTableOperationTests.fs
@@ -161,10 +161,10 @@ type ``TransactWriteItems tests``(table1: TableFixture, table2: TableFixture) =
let ``Minimal happy path`` () = async {
let item = mkItem ()
- let requests = [ table1.TransactWrite.Put(item, Some doesntExistConditionTable1) ]
- do! table1.TransactWriteItems requests
+ do!
+ TransactionBuilder()
+ .Put(table1, item, doesntExistConditionTable1)
+ .TransactWriteItems()
let! itemFound = table1.ContainsKeyAsync(table1.Template.ExtractKey item)
true =! itemFound
@@ -175,12 +175,11 @@ type ``TransactWriteItems tests``(table1: TableFixture, table2: TableFixture) =
let item = mkItem ()
let compatibleItem = mkCompatibleItem ()
- let tableRequest = table1.TransactWrite.Put(item, Some doesntExistConditionTable1)
- let table2Request = table2.TransactWrite.Put(compatibleItem, None)
- let requests = [ tableRequest; table2Request ]
- do! table1.TransactWriteItems requests
+ do!
+ TransactionBuilder()
+ .Put(table1, item, doesntExistConditionTable1)
+ .Put(table2, compatibleItem, doesntExistConditionTable2)
+ .TransactWriteItems()
let! itemFound = table1.ContainsKeyAsync(table1.Template.ExtractKey item)
true =! itemFound
@@ -193,11 +192,12 @@ type ``TransactWriteItems tests``(table1: TableFixture, table2: TableFixture) =
let ``Minimal Canceled path`` () = async {
let item = mkItem ()
- let requests = [ table1.TransactWrite.Put(item, Some existsConditionTable1) ]
let mutable failed = false
- do! table1.TransactWriteItems requests
+ do!
+ TransactionBuilder()
+ .Put(table1, item, existsConditionTable1)
+ .TransactWriteItems()
with TransactWriteItemsRequest.TransactionCanceledConditionalCheckFailed ->
failed <- true
@@ -212,15 +212,17 @@ type ``TransactWriteItems tests``(table1: TableFixture, table2: TableFixture) =
let item, item2 = mkItem (), mkItem ()
let! key = table1.PutItemAsync item
- let requests =
- [ if shouldFail then
- table1.TransactWrite.Check(key, doesntExistConditionTable1)
- else
- table1.TransactWrite.Check(key, existsConditionTable1)
- table1.TransactWrite.Put(item2, None) ]
+ let transaction =
+ if shouldFail then
+ TransactionBuilder().Check(table1, key, doesntExistConditionTable1)
+ else
+ TransactionBuilder()
+ .Check(table1, key, existsConditionTable1)
+ .Put(table1, item2)
let mutable failed = false
- do! table1.TransactWriteItems requests
+ do! transaction.TransactWriteItems()
with TransactWriteItemsRequest.TransactionCanceledConditionalCheckFailed ->
failed <- true
@@ -234,28 +236,30 @@ type ``TransactWriteItems tests``(table1: TableFixture, table2: TableFixture) =
let ``All paths`` shouldFail = async {
let item, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7 = mkItem (), mkItem (), mkItem (), mkItem (), mkItem (), mkItem (), mkItem ()
let! key = table1.PutItemAsync item
+ let transactionBuilder = TransactionBuilder()
let requests =
- [ table1.TransactWrite.Update(key, Some existsConditionTable1, compileUpdateTable1 <@ fun t -> { t with Value = 42 } @>)
- table1.TransactWrite.Put(item2, None)
- table1.TransactWrite.Put(item3, Some doesntExistConditionTable1)
- table1.TransactWrite.Delete(table1.Template.ExtractKey item4, Some doesntExistConditionTable1)
- table1.TransactWrite.Delete(table1.Template.ExtractKey item5, None)
- table1.TransactWrite.Check(
+ [ transactionBuilder.Update(table1, key, compileUpdateTable1 <@ fun t -> { t with Value = 42 } @>, existsConditionTable1)
+ transactionBuilder.Put(table1, item2)
+ transactionBuilder.Put(table1, item3, doesntExistConditionTable1)
+ transactionBuilder.Delete(table1, table1.Template.ExtractKey item4, Some doesntExistConditionTable1)
+ transactionBuilder.Delete(table1, table1.Template.ExtractKey item5, None)
+ transactionBuilder.Check(
+ table1,
table1.Template.ExtractKey item6,
(if shouldFail then
- table1.TransactWrite.Update(
+ transactionBuilder.Update(
+ table1,
TableKey.Combined(item7.HashKey, item7.RangeKey),
- None,
compileUpdateTable1 <@ fun t -> { t with Tuple = (42, 42) } @>
) ]
let mutable failed = false
- do! table1.TransactWriteItems requests
+ do! transactionBuilder.TransactWriteItems()
with TransactWriteItemsRequest.TransactionCanceledConditionalCheckFailed ->
failed <- true
failed =! shouldFail
@@ -273,8 +277,8 @@ type ``TransactWriteItems tests``(table1: TableFixture, table2: TableFixture) =
test <@ shouldFail <> (maybeItem7 |> Option.map (fun x -> x.Tuple) |> Option.contains (42, 42)) @>
- let shouldBeRejectedWithArgumentOutOfRangeException requests = async {
- let! e = Async.Catch(table1.TransactWriteItems requests)
+ let shouldBeRejectedWithArgumentOutOfRangeException (builder: TransactionBuilder) = async {
+ let! e = Async.Catch(builder.TransactWriteItems())
match e with
@@ -284,10 +288,17 @@ type ``TransactWriteItems tests``(table1: TableFixture, table2: TableFixture) =
- let ``Empty request list is rejected with AORE`` () = shouldBeRejectedWithArgumentOutOfRangeException []
+ let ``Empty request list is rejected with AORE`` () =
+ shouldBeRejectedWithArgumentOutOfRangeException (TransactionBuilder())
+ |> Async.RunSynchronously
+ |> ignore
let ``Over 100 writes are rejected with AORE`` () =
- shouldBeRejectedWithArgumentOutOfRangeException [ for _x in 1..101 -> table1.TransactWrite.Put(mkItem (), None) ]
+ let transactionBuilder = TransactionBuilder()
+ for _x in 1..101 do
+ transactionBuilder.Put(table1, mkItem ()) |> ignore
+ shouldBeRejectedWithArgumentOutOfRangeException transactionBuilder
interface IClassFixture