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Drag & connectToSortables

APlusDesign edited this page May 8, 2012 · 1 revision

While developing an application using TouchPunch and jQuery UI, we were experiencing a serious performance issue when a draggable item was dragged into a sortable area. The drag item would reposition itself randomly on the screen and cause sort to become useless. Only on touch devices though, web based implementations were fine.

After a few hours of debugging, it appears the problem was caused by the following option in our sortables implementation

cursor: 'crosshair',

Removing the cursor property option and using the following options works perfectly. $boxParent.sortable({ placeholder: "ui-state-highlight", revert: 100, axis: 'x', cursorAt: { left: 100 }, start: function (e,ui){ .......

Hopefully this helps anyone experiencing similar issues.

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