I do not have a source site for downloading this crackme because I do not remember how it came to me. Probably in one of these many searches I did online.
Crackme writeup by @310hkc41b https://twitter.com/310hkc41b
You can download CrackMe#01.exe from this link.
To analyze this file I have used Ghidra and x64dbg, simply by trying both tools and seeing the differences. It is good to contrast and train in both static and dynamic.
When analyzing the code of main() function we see that the challenge is separated into 3 stages.
In the first stage we are asked for a Password. Once entered, we see that a loop is executed that increments each character in the string by 1. Therefore the string that will give us the solution in this first section is stored in memory with ROT + 1
In the second stage it asks for a Name and a Serial Number. The serial number appears to be derived from the sum of ASCII values decremented by 1 of each character in the name.
In the third stage, the user is asked to delete the message that appears, and that is when the three levels have been passed.
int __cdecl _main(int _Argc,char **_Argv,char **_Env)
size_t i_pass_len;
int i_pass_no_ok;
size_t local_80;
int i_serial_input;
int i_good_serial;
char s_name_input [16];
undefined4 ps_good_password;
undefined4 local_38;
undefined local_34;
undefined local_33;
char s_pass_input [28];
uint i_counter;
i_counter = 0;
ps_good_password = 0x54546251;
local_38 = 0x45733178;
local_34 = 0;
local_33 = 0;
i_good_serial = 0;
i_serial_input = 0;
_printf("888 .d8888b. 888\n");
_printf("888 d88P Y88b 888\n");
_printf("888 888 888 888\n");
_printf("88888b. 888d888 888 888 888 888 .d88b. 88888b.\n");
_printf("888 88b 888P 888 888 888 .88P d8P Y8b 888 88b\n");
_printf("888 888 888 888 888 888888K 88888888 888 888\n");
_printf("888 d88P 888 Y88b d88P 888 88b Y8b. 888 888\n");
_printf("88888P 888 Y8888P 888 888 bY8888 888 888\n");
_printf("\n\nSTAGE 1\n");
_printf("Enter Password To Continue : ");
i_pass_len = _strlen(s_pass_input);
if (i_pass_len == 8) {
i_counter = 0;
while ((int)i_counter < 8
/* Loop that increments each character in the string by 1.
Therefore the string is stored in memory with ROT + 1 */) {
s_pass_input[i_counter] = s_pass_input[i_counter] + '\x01';
i_counter = i_counter + 1;
i_pass_no_ok = _strcmp(s_pass_input,(char *)&ps_good_password);
if (i_pass_no_ok == 0) {
_printf("\nStage 1 completed!");
_printf("\n\n\nSTAGE 2\n");
_printf("\nName [2<=chars<=10] : ");
_printf("\nSerial : ");
i_counter = 0;
while (i_pass_len = _strlen(s_name_input), i_counter <= i_pass_len) {
i_good_serial = s_name_input[i_counter] + i_good_serial + -1;
i_counter = i_counter + 1;
if (i_good_serial == i_serial_input) {
_printf("\nStage 2 Completed!\n");
_printf("\n\nSTAGE 3\n");
_printf("Console nag... lol ...Remove Me!\n");
_printf("\nStage 3 Completed if you don\'t see nag!\n");
goto LAB_00401506;
_printf("\nSomething went wrong...\n\nPress Any Key To Quit");
_printf("\n\n\nHope you had fun ;)\n\n\n");
return 0;
At the beginning of the main () function you can check how a pointer to a string is loaded in memory with the string "QbTTx1sE" to which, if we apply the ASCII -1 rotation, we get the string "PaSSw0rD".
Here a Name and a Serial Number are requested. The serial number is generated from the sum of the ASCII values of each letter, minus 1, and for the end of string character it subtracts again 1. Thus the string "AA" where each "A" has the value 41 hex we have 40 hex = 64 dec the sum would be 128 dec but we have to subtract 1 from the NULL at end of the string, so the Serial number corresponding to the name "AA" is 127 dec.
AA = 127
I did different tests with different lengths, to see if it affected the following scenario, but I only managed to cause an overflow (the maximum length of the name is not controlled) and that the program break and not continue.
In the third scenario it is about removing an annoying message. The only option I have been able to find is to bypass this message by jumping to the next message just where the printf() function is called.
My intention was to find another method that does not imply modifying the code but I have not been able to find it.
So, changing the code in the middle of the debugging we force a jump to avoid showing the message and complete this third stage.