From 4909934a45f2ee6e4fdddc608f300d271f8c4891 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lukas Schnelle
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2023 09:15:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] remove additional script of the cleanup
makedoc.imagenames.g | 523 -------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 523 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 makedoc.imagenames.g
diff --git a/makedoc.imagenames.g b/makedoc.imagenames.g
deleted file mode 100644
index c3f842ae..00000000
--- a/makedoc.imagenames.g
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
-if fail = LoadPackage("AutoDoc", "2019.05.20") then
- Error("AutoDoc version 2019.05.20 or newer is required.");
- QUIT_GAP(1);
-if fail = LoadPackage("GAPDoc", "1.6") then
- Error("GAPDoc version 1.6 or newer is required.");
- QUIT_GAP(1);
-# We generate the names automatically by a hash-function. Therefore we
-# have to clean up old files periodically. To know which files have
-# become obsolete, we save the current files in this global list.
-# We specify the documentation directory directly since we want to use it
-# in our preprocessing method.
-BindGlobal("__SIMPLICIAL_DocDirectory", "doc/");
-# The additional LaTeX-header to make tikz-pictures
-# Careful: The file TikZHeader.tex has to lie in the same directory as
-# the primary documentation file and the generated image files.
-BindGlobal("__SIMPLICIAL_TikZHeader", "\\input{TikZHeader.tex}\n\n" );
-# We load the package since we need it for some computations in the manual
-if fail = LoadPackage("SimplicialSurfaces") then
- Error("SimplicialSurfaces package has to be available.");
-Exec( "pwd > _TMP_foo");
-manualposition := StringFile("_TMP_foo");
-Exec("rm _TMP_foo");
-RemoveCharacters(manualposition, "\n");
-manualposition := Concatenation(manualposition,"/doc/manual.pdf");
-manualposition := Concatenation("You can find the image in the manual. Most probably it is here: ", manualposition);
-# Now we have the XML-tree of the documentation
-# We need to change the -Tags into proper GAPDoc tags
-# For that we define a function that changes one node
-preProcessTikz := function( node )
- local cont, n1, n2, n3, file, output, name, htmlString, consoleString,
- path, tmpName, tmpFile, sysDirPath, md5, out, inStream, outStream,
- hash, tmpImageName, latexString, i, tmphash;
- if = "Alt" and IsBound(node.attributes.Only) and
- node.attributes.Only in ["TikZ","Tikz"] then
- # get the content of the tag
- cont := GetTextXMLTree(node);
- # We want to save our image in the file
- # _IMAGE_.tex
- # (that gives _IMAGE_-1.svg)
- #
- # This gives us the benefit of recognizing duplicates and
- # minimizing compiling time (especially if we don't change the pictures
- # between different versions of the code).
- #
- # At the same time this is problematic if we have \input-clauses inside
- # our document since a change in the referred document should be
- # reflected in a different overall image.
- #
- # To circumvent this issue, we proceed as follows:
- # 1) Write the picture into a temporary file _IMAGE_TMP.tex
- # We use a sed-command to remove all leading whitespaces
- # (otherwise the same picture might be compiled twice).
- # 2) Call ../flatex/flatex _IMAGE_TMP.tex
- # This creates the file _IMAGE_TMP.flt
- # 3) Calculate the hash of this file
- # 4) Check if _IMAGE_-1.svg (and the tex-file) already exist
- # If they do, do nothing.
- # 5) Otherwise call mv _IMAGE_TMP.tex _IMAGE_.tex
- # 6) Compile this image via htlatex _IMAGE_.tex
- # 7) Store the name _IMAGE_ in our list
- # 8) Include _IMAGE_-1.svg in the HTML document
- # Step 1
- path := __SIMPLICIAL_DocDirectory;
- tmpImageName := "_IMAGE_TMP";
- tmpName := Concatenation( path, tmpImageName, ".tex");
- tmpFile := Filename( DirectoryCurrent(), tmpName );
- output := OutputTextFile( tmpFile, false );
- SetPrintFormattingStatus( output, false );
- AppendTo( output,
- "\\nonstopmode\n",
- "\\documentclass{standalone}\n\n",
- __SIMPLICIAL_TikZHeader,
- "\\def\\pgfsysdriver{pgfsys-tex4ht.def}\n\n",
- "\\begin{document}\n");
- AppendTo( output, cont );
- AppendTo( output, "\\end{document}" );
- CloseStream(output);
- # Now we remove the leading whitespace
- Exec( "sh -c \" cd ", path,
- "; sed 's/^[ \\t]*//g' -i ",
- Concatenation(tmpImageName, ".tex"), "; \"" );
- # Step 2
- # TODO separate the calls to these shell-files into a function and call
- # that. Furthermore, add into the README a short test if a user has all
- # necessary capabilities (and maybe an installation for them)
- Exec( "sh -c \" cd ", path, "; ../flatex/flatex ",
- Concatenation(tmpImageName, ".tex"), "> /dev/null; \"" );
- # Step 3
- sysDirPath := DirectoriesSystemPrograms();
- md5 := Filename( sysDirPath, "md5sum" );
- if md5 = fail then
- Error("There is no md5sum installed.");
- fi;
- inStream := InputTextNone();
- out := "";
- outStream := OutputTextString(out, true);
- Process( Directory(path), md5, inStream, outStream, [ Concatenation(tmpImageName, ".flt") ] );
- CloseStream(inStream);
- CloseStream(outStream);
- hash := SplitString( out, " " )[1];
- # Step 4
- name := Concatenation( "_IMAGE_", hash );
- name := SplitString(cont,"{","}");
- i := fail;
- for tmphash in name do
- if Length(tmphash)> 4 and tmphash[Length(tmphash)-2] = 't' and
- tmphash[Length(tmphash)-1] = 'e' and
- tmphash[Length(tmphash)] = 'x' and
- tmphash[Length(tmphash)-3] = '.' then
- i := tmphash;
- break;
- fi;
- od;
- if i <> fail then
- name := i{[1..Length(i)-4]};
- name := Concatenation( "_Wrapper_", name );
- else
- name := Concatenation( "_IMAGE_", hash );
- #Error("+++++++++++Name does not appear to be a tex file" );
- fi;
-Print("======================>", name,"\n");
- if not IsExistingFile(
- Filename( DirectoryCurrent(),
- Concatenation( path, name, ".tex" ) ) ) or
- not IsExistingFile(
- Filename( DirectoryCurrent(),
- Concatenation( path, name, "-1.svg" )) ) or
- not IsExistingFile(
- Filename( DirectoryCurrent(),
- Concatenation( path, name, ".pdf" )) ) then
- # Either tex or svg or pdf are not there. We will write them now.
- # Step 5
- Exec( "sh -c \" cd ", path, "; mv _IMAGE_TMP.tex ", Concatenation(name, ".tex"), "; \" " );
- # Step 6
- Exec( "sh -c \" cd ", path, "; pdflatex -halt-on-error ", Concatenation(name, ".tex"), "; \" " );
- Exec( "sh -c \" cd ", path, "; htlatex ", Concatenation(name, ".tex"), "; \" " );
- # After compiling we do some post-processing on the image.
- # We will modify
- # - subscripts, since baseline-shift is not supported in Firefox
- # (see
- # As this bug was recognized 16 years ago it is unlikely to
- # change in the near future. We therefore apply the suggested
- # fix in the stackoverflow-answer.
- # WARNING: I am just messing around on the assumption that all
- # subscripts have the same height. If that turns out to be
- # wrong, you have to think of a more sophisticated mechanism.
- Exec( "sh -c \" cd ", path,
- "; sed 's/baseline-shift=\\\"sub\\\"/dy=\\\"3\\\"/g' -i ",
- Concatenation(name, "-1.svg"), ";\" ");
- # I do not really understand why there has to be so much
- # escaping but it does not work with less.
- fi;
- # Step 7
- Add( __SIMPLICIAL_ImageNames, name);
- # Step 8 will be done in the htmlString below
- # Inclusion in the LaTeX-version is centered
- latexString := Concatenation( "\n\\begin{center}\n",
- "\\includegraphics{", name, ".pdf}\n\\end{center}\n" );
- n1 := ParseTreeXMLString(latexString);
- := "Alt";
- n1.attributes.Only := "LaTeX";
- # To include it in the HTML-version we have to use a different node
- htmlString := Concatenation(
- "
- n2 := ParseTreeXMLString(htmlString);
- := "Alt";
- n2.attributes.Only := "HTML";
- # Generate the text version
- consoleString := "\n[an image that is not shown in text version. ";
- consoleString := Concatenation( consoleString, manualposition);
- consoleString := Concatenation( consoleString, "]\n");
- n3 := ParseTreeXMLString(consoleString);
- := "Alt";
- n3.attributes.Only := "Text";
- # Replace this node by the new nodes
- node.content := [n1,n2,n3];
- node.attributes.Only := "HTML,LaTeX,Text";
- fi;
-# Now we have the XML-tree of the documentation
-# We need to change the -Tags into proper GAPDoc tags
-# For that we define a function that changes one node
-preProcessJavaScript := function( node )
- local cont, name, path, n1, n2, n3, consoleString, htmlString, latexString, tmpImageName, tmpName;
- if = "Alt" and IsBound(node.attributes.Only) and
- node.attributes.Only in ["JavaScript","Javascript"] then
- # get the content of the tag (we need to remove whitespaces)
- cont := GetTextXMLTree(node);
- cont := ReplacedString( cont, " ", "" );
- cont := ReplacedString( cont, "\n", "" );
- cont := ReplacedString( cont, ".html", "" );
- path := __SIMPLICIAL_DocDirectory;
- tmpImageName := "_IMAGE_TMP";
- tmpName := Concatenation( path, tmpImageName, ".tex");
- PrintTo("doc/Test.js", "var page = require('webpage').create();\n");
- AppendTo( "doc/Test.js", "page.viewportSize = { width: 1920, height: 1080 };\n");
- AppendTo( "doc/Test.js", "page.clipRect = { top: 400, left: 750, width: 375, height: 300 };\n");
- AppendTo( "doc/Test.js", Concatenation("'doc/", cont, ".html', function() {\n") );
- AppendTo( "doc/Test.js", Concatenation("page.render('doc/", cont, ".png');\n") );
- AppendTo( "doc/Test.js", "phantom.exit();\n" );
- AppendTo( "doc/Test.js", "});" );
- Exec("./doc/phantomjs /doc/Test.js");
- name := cont;
- Add( __SIMPLICIAL_ImageNames, name);
- # Inclusion in the LaTeX-version is centered
- latexString := Concatenation( "\n\\begin{center}\n", "\\includegraphics{", name, ".png}\n\\end{center}\n" );
- n1 := ParseTreeXMLString(latexString);
- := "Alt";
- n1.attributes.Only := "LaTeX";
- # To include it in the HTML-version we have to use a different node
- htmlString := Concatenation(
- "]]>");
- n2 := ParseTreeXMLString(htmlString);
- := "Alt";
- n2.attributes.Only := "HTML";
- # Generate the text version
- consoleString := "\n[an image that is not shown in text version]\n";
- n3 := ParseTreeXMLString(consoleString);
- := "Alt";
- n3.attributes.Only := "Text";
- # Replace this node by the new nodes
- node.content := [n1,n2,n3];
- node.attributes.Only := "HTML,LaTeX,Text";
- fi;
-BindGlobal( "CleanImageDirectory", function( )
- local allFiles, file;
- # First we remove the temporary files
- Exec( "sh -c \" cd ", __SIMPLICIAL_DocDirectory, "; rm -f _IMAGE_TMP*;\"" );
- # Secondly we remove all old image files
- allFiles := DirectoryContents( __SIMPLICIAL_DocDirectory );
- for file in allFiles do
- # We only do something with temporary image files
- if StartsWith( file, "_IMAGE_" ) then
- if ForAny( __SIMPLICIAL_ImageNames, n -> StartsWith(file,n) ) then
- # This is a file to an existing picture
- if not ForAny( [".tex", ".svg", ".pdf"], e -> EndsWith(file,e) ) then
- # Does not end in one of those file extensions
- Exec( "sh -c \" cd ", __SIMPLICIAL_DocDirectory, "; rm -f ", file, ";\"" );
- fi;
- else
- # This is an old file that can be removed
- Exec( "sh -c \" cd ", __SIMPLICIAL_DocDirectory, "; rm -f ", file, ";\"" );
- fi;
- fi;
- od;
-# We now want to put this preprocessing within the MakeGAPDocDoc-function.
-# To do so we have to redefine the original global variable and add our
-# method into the code. All code that is not commented with MB is original
-# GAPDoc-code.
-UnbindGlobal("MakeGAPDocDoc"); # MB unbind this to modify it
-BindGlobal("MakeGAPDocDoc", function(arg)
- local htmlspecial, path, main, files, bookname, gaproot, str,
- r, t, l, latex, null, log, pos, h, i, j;
- htmlspecial := Filtered(arg, a-> a in ["MathML", "Tth", "MathJax"]);
- if Length(htmlspecial) > 0 then
- arg := Filtered(arg, a-> not a in ["MathML", "Tth", "MathJax"]);
- fi;
- path := arg[1];
- main := arg[2];
- files := arg[3];
- bookname := arg[4];
- if IsBound(arg[5]) then
- gaproot := arg[5];
- else
- gaproot := false;
- fi;
- # ensure that path is directory object
- if IsString(path) then
- path := Directory(path);
- fi;
- # ensure that .xml is stripped from name of main file
- if Length(main)>3 and main{[Length(main)-3..Length(main)]} = ".xml" then
- main := main{[1..Length(main)-4]};
- fi;
- # compose the XML document
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Composing XML document . . .\n");
- str := ComposedDocument("GAPDoc", path,
- Concatenation(main, ".xml"), files, true);
- # parse the XML document
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Parsing XML document . . .\n");
- r := ParseTreeXMLString(str[1], str[2]);
- #MB precompile the images
- Exec( "sh -c \" cd ", __SIMPLICIAL_DocDirectory, "; rm -f _TIKZ_*;\"" );
- Read("gap/PolygonalComplexes/");
- Read("gap/Library/");
- Read("gap/PolygonalComplexes/");
- Read("gap/PolygonalComplexes/");
- Read("gap/ColouredComplexes/");
- Read("gap/ColouredComplexes/");
- Read("gap/ColouredComplexes/");
- Read("gap/Flags/");
- # Fortunately there already is a method to apply this function to all nodes of the tree
- ApplyToNodesParseTree( r, preProcessTikz );
- ApplyToNodesParseTree( r, preProcessJavaScript );
- CleanImageDirectory();
- # clean the result
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Checking XML structure . . .\n");
- CheckAndCleanGapDocTree(r);
- # produce text version
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1,
- "#I Text version (also produces labels for hyperlinks):\n");
- t := GAPDoc2Text(r, path);
- GAPDoc2TextPrintTextFiles(t, path);
- # produce LaTeX version
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Constructing LaTeX version and calling pdflatex:\n");
- r.bibpath := path;
- l := GAPDoc2LaTeX(r);
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Writing LaTeX file, \c");
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 2, Concatenation(main, ".tex"), "\n#I ");
- FileString(Filename(path, Concatenation(main, ".tex")), l);
- if Filename(DirectoriesSystemPrograms(), "pdflatex") = fail then
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n#W WARNING: cannot find 'pdflatex', please install TeX.\n");
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#W WARNING: will NOT produce pdf version from LaTeX file.\n");
- else
- # call latex and pdflatex (with bibtex, makeindex and dvips)
- latex := "latex -interaction=nonstopmode ";
- # sh-syntax for redirecting stderr and stdout to /dev/null
- null := " > /dev/null 2>&1 ";
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "3 x pdflatex with bibtex and makeindex, \c");
- Exec(Concatenation("sh -c \" cd ", Filename(path,""),
- "; rm -f ", main, ".aux ", main, ".pdf ", main, ".log ",
- "; pdf", latex, main, null,
- "; bibtex ", main, null,
- "; pdf", latex, main, null,
- "; makeindex ", main, null,
- "; pdf", latex, main, null,"\""));
- # check log file for errors, warning, overfull boxes
- log := Filename(path, Concatenation(main, ".log"));
- log := StringFile(log);
- if log = fail then
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n#W WARNING: Something wrong, don't find log file ",
- Filename(path, Concatenation(main, ".log")), "\n");
- else
- log := SplitString(log, "\n", "");
- pos := Filtered([1..Length(log)], i-> Length(log[i]) > 0
- and log[i][1] = '!');
- if Length(pos) > 0 then
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n#W There were LaTeX errors:\n");
- for i in pos do
- for j in [i..Minimum(i+2, Length(log))] do
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, log[j], "\n");
- od;
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "____________________\n");
- od;
- fi;
- pos := Filtered([1..Length(log)], i-> Length(log[i]) > 13
- and log[i]{[1..14]} = "LaTeX Warning:");
- if Length(pos) > 0 then
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n#W There were LaTeX Warnings:\n");
- for i in pos do
- for j in [i..Minimum(i+2, Length(log))] do
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, log[j], "\n");
- od;
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "____________________\n");
- od;
- fi;
- pos := Filtered([1..Length(log)], i-> Length(log[i]) > 7
- and log[i]{[1..8]} = "Overfull");
- if Length(pos) > 0 then
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n#W There are overfull boxes:\n");
- for i in pos do
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, log[i], "\n");
- od;
- fi;
- fi;
- # check for BibTeX warnings
- log := StringFile(Filename(path, Concatenation(main, ".blg")));
- if log <> fail then
- log := SplitString(log, "\n", "");
- log := Filtered(log, z-> PositionSublist(z, "Warning--") = 1);
- if Length(log) > 0 then
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n#W BibTeX had warnings:\n",
- JoinStringsWithSeparator(log, "\n"));
- fi;
- fi;
- if not IsExistingFile(Filename(path, Concatenation(main, ".pdf"))) then
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n#I ERROR: no .pdf file produced (and no .six file)");
- else
- Exec(Concatenation("sh -c \" cd ", Filename(path,""),
- "; mv ", main, ".pdf manual.pdf; ",
- "\""));
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n");
- # read page number information for .six file
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Writing manual.six file ... \c");
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 2, Filename(path, "manual.six"), "\n");
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "\n");
- AddPageNumbersToSix(r, Filename(path, Concatenation(main, ".pnr")));
- # print manual.six file
- PrintSixFile(Filename(path, "manual.six"), r, bookname);
- fi;
- fi;
- # produce html version
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I Finally the HTML version . . .\n");
- # if MathJax version is also produced we include links to them
- if "MathJax" in htmlspecial then
- r.LinkToMathJax := true;
- fi;
- h := GAPDoc2HTML(r, path, gaproot);
- GAPDoc2HTMLPrintHTMLFiles(h, path);
- Unbind(r.LinkToMathJax);
- if "Tth" in htmlspecial then
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1,
- "#I - also HTML version with 'tth' translated formulae . . .\n");
- h := GAPDoc2HTML(r, path, gaproot, "Tth");
- GAPDoc2HTMLPrintHTMLFiles(h, path);
- fi;
- if "MathML" in htmlspecial then
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I - also HTML + MathML version with 'ttm' . . .\n");
- h := GAPDoc2HTML(r, path, gaproot, "MathML");
- GAPDoc2HTMLPrintHTMLFiles(h, path);
- fi;
- if "MathJax" in htmlspecial then
- Info(InfoGAPDoc, 1, "#I - also HTML version for MathJax . . .\n");
- h := GAPDoc2HTML(r, path, gaproot, "MathJax");
- GAPDoc2HTMLPrintHTMLFiles(h, path);
- fi;
- return r;
-# Create binary and index files for the library
-# After all this preparatory work we can finally call the function to create
-# the documentation
-AutoDoc( rec( scaffold := rec(
- MainPage := false),
- dir := __SIMPLICIAL_DocDirectory,
- extract_examples := true,
- autodoc := rec(
- files := [ ],
- scan_dirs := ["doc", "gap", "gap/PolygonalComplexes", "gap/Paths", "gap/Library", "gap/ColouredComplexes", "gap/Flags", "gap/Morphisms"]),
- gapdoc := rec(
- files := ["doc/PolygonalStructuresDefinitions.xml", "doc/ExampleImplementations.xml"],
- LaTeXOptions := rec( LateExtraPreamble := __SIMPLICIAL_TikZHeader )
- ))