Erlang generic templates for vim
This plugin provides a quick access to Erlang templates, such as gen_server, get_event etc.
The default templates are ripped out of emacs.
This plugin requires your vim to be compiled with Python support.
You can customize this suite to your needs.
This plugin works well with pathogen (
Make sure you call #pathogen:helptags()
to enjoy vim help pages for this
If you don't like the idea of having Python installed, there's a pure VimL fork here:
Loads gen_server template into current buffer.
Loads gen_fsm template into current buffer.
Loads supervisor template into current buffer.
Loads gen_event template into current buffer.
Loads application template into current buffer.
:ErlTemplate [arg]
Loads [arg] template into current buffer.
Templates are plain text files containing special placeholders that start with dollar sign.
Variables used are:
Current buffer's filename without extension. Defaults to 'untitled' for an unnamed buffer.
Defaults to whoami
if undefined
Defaults to $author if undefined
Defaults to python's
Defaults to python's
Following variables can be overrided via .vimrc settings:
default: whoami
default: g:erl_author
default: 0. If "1", will erase current buffer after a template insertion command is triggered.
default: Plugin directory concatenated with "/templates". Allows you to use your own template directory. Note, that commands will raise errors, if hardcoded template files doesn't exist there.
Example .vimrc entries:
let g:erl_author="Herp Derp"
let g:erl_company="Me Gusta Inc"
let g:erl_replace_buffer=1
let g:erl_tpl_dir="/home/herp/erlang/templates"
Feel free to suggest any improvements or extensions at project's github: