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% Intro to Haskell, day 3 % G Bordyugov % Oct 2016


  1. Home Exercise
  2. Algebraic Data Types
import Prelude hiding (abs, div)

Home Exercise

Understand and derive the type of

map map :: [a -> b] -> [[a] -> [b]]

Types: Simple Sum Types

Simple types

data Nucleotide = A | C | G | T

complement A = T
complement C = G
complement G = C
complement T = A

myNuc = A
myAnotherNuc = C
seqA = [A, A, C, G, T, T]
seqB = map complement seqA

Types contd: Sum types

Two parallel representations of complex numbers

data Complex = Cartesian Double Double
             | Polar     Double Double

Two constructors:

Cartesian :: Double -> Double -> Complex
Polar     :: Double -> Double -> Complex
z1 = Cartesian 1.0  2.0
z2 = Polar 1.0  (pi/2.0)

xs = zipWith Cartesian [1, 2, 3, 2] [4, 5, 6, 1]
ys = zipWith Polar [1, 1, 1] [0.0, pi/2.0, pi]

Types contd: Sum types

data Complex = Cartesian Double Double
             | Polar     Double Double
add a b = Cartesian (re a + re b) (im a + im b)
sub a b = Cartesian (re a - re b) (im a - im b)
mul a b =
  Polar ((abs a)*(abs b)) (arg a + arg b)
div a b =
  Polar ((abs a)/(abs b)) (arg a - arg b)

Syntactic Sugar

Haskell supports user-defined infix functions, for example, we can define

(<+>) = add
(<->) = sub
(<*>) = mul
(</>) = div

for fun and profit:

z = (z1 <+> z2) </> (z1 <-> z2)
zs = zipWith (<+>) xs ys
  xs = zipWith Cartesian [1, 2, 3] [4,  5, 6]
  ys = zipWith Polar     [1, 1, 2] [0, pi, pi]

Syntactic Sugar

In general, special symbol functions are infix by default:

a = 5 + 3

but can be used in prefix notation:

b = (+) 5 3

Alpha-numerical functions are by default prefix:

plus = (+)
c = plus 2 3

but can be used in infix notation with backquotes:

d = 2 `plus` 3

Types contd: Sum types

Given the following type for complex numbers

data Complex = Cartesian Double Double
             | Polar     Double Double

implement re, im, abs, and arg

Types contd: Sum types

data Complex = Cartesian Double Double
             | Polar     Double Double
re (Cartesian x y) = x
re (Polar r theta) = r * cos theta

im (Polar r theta) = r * sin theta
im (Cartesian x y) = y

abs (Cartesian x y) = sqrt (x*x + y*y)
abs (Polar r theta) = r

arg (Cartesian x y) = atan2 y x
arg (Polar r theta) = theta

Recursive Types

data User = User String -- name
                 [User] -- list of friends

makeUser :: String -> User
makeUser name = User name [] -- no friends

addFriend :: User -> User -> User
addFriend (User name fs) f = User name (f:fs)

users = map makeUser ["Horst", "Willi", "Jana"]

(<--) = addFriend
markus = makeUser "Markus"
thomas = makeUser "Thomas" <-- markus
                           <-- makeUser "Grisha"

Container Types: List

data List a = Nil
            | Cons a (List a)

Recursion on list:

myLength :: List a -> Integer
myLength Nil = 0
myLength (Cons x xs) = 1 + myLength xs

myMap :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
myMap f Nil = Nil
myMap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (myMap f xs)

as a matter of fact:

data [a] = [] | a:[a]

Container Types: Binary Tree

data Tree a = Leaf
            | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)

depth :: Tree a -> Int
depth Leaf = 0
depth (Node x left right) = 1 + d
  where d = max (depth left) (depth right)

treeMap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
treeMap f Leaf = Leaf
treeMap f (Node x left right) =
  Node (f x) (treeMap f left) (treeMap f right)

A Custom DSL for Arithmetic Expressions

data Expr = Constant Double
          | Negate Expr
          | Plus Expr Expr
          | Minus Expr Expr

eval :: Expr -> Double
eval (Constant a) = a
eval (Negate e) = - eval e
eval (Plus x y) = (eval x) + (eval y)
eval (Minus x y) = (eval x) - (eval y)

exp = Negate (Plus (Constant 1)
              (Minus (Constant 3)(Constant 2)))

A Custom DSL for Arithmetic Expressions

data Ausdruck = Konstant Double
              | Unitary UnitaryOp Expr
              | Binary BinaryOp Expr Expr

data BinaryOp  = Add | Sub | Mul | Div
data UnitaryOp = Neg | Abs | Sin | Cos

Records Style

The type declaration

data RUser = RUser { userName :: String
                   , userFriends :: [User]

automatically introduces all accessors:

userName :: RUser -> String
userName (RUser x _) = x

userFriends :: RUser -> [RUser]
userFriends (RUser _ x) = x

might be an advantage as well as disadvantage

Records Style

New declaration for Complex might be

data Komplex = Kartesian { reP :: Double 
                         , imP :: Double}
             | Polr { rad :: Double
                    , ang :: Double}

re, im, abs, and arg are auto-generated by compiler, but

rad $ Kartesian 1.0 2.0
-- would cause an error