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File metadata and controls

374 lines (283 loc) · 6.35 KB

% Intro to Haskell, day 7 % G Bordyugov % Dec 2016


  1. Monads recap
  2. The Maybe monad
  3. Lists as a monad
  4. The State monad
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}

Monad typeclass

class Monad m where
  return :: a -> m a
  (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
  (>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b

For example, if m = Maybe:

  return :: a -> Maybe a
  (>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
  (>>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe b

Maybe monad

Context: computations that can optionally fail

instance Monad Maybe where
  return :: a -> Maybe a
  return x = Just x

  (>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
  Nothing  >>= f = Nothing
  (Just x) >>= f = f x

  (>>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe b
  Nothing >> x = Nothing
  x >> Nothing = Nothing
  (Just x) >> (Just y) = Just y

Maybe monad: why?

Composing math functions:

sqrt   :: Double -> Maybe Double
arcsin :: Double -> Maybe Double
arccos :: Double -> Maybe Double

without monads:

asa x = case arcsin x of
  Nothing -> Nothing -- shortcut
  Just x  -> case sqrt x of
    Nothing -> Nothing -- shortcut
    Just y  ->  arccos y

Maybe monad: why?

Composing math functions:

sqrt   :: Double -> Maybe Double
arcsin :: Double -> Maybe Double
arccos :: Double -> Maybe Double

with monads:

asa x =
   arcsin x  >>=   sqrt    >>=  arccos

Maybe monad: why?

Looking ups

phonebook :: [(String, String)]
phonebook = [ ("Bob",   "01788 665242"),
              ("Fred",  "01624 556442"),
              ("Alice", "01889 985333"),
              ("Jane",  "01732 187565") ]
lookup :: Eq a => a  -- a key
       -> [(a, b)]   -- the lookup table to use
       -> Maybe b    -- the result of the lookup
Prelude> lookup "Bob" phonebook
Just "01788 665242"
Prelude> lookup "Zoe" phonebook

Maybe monad: why?

cars :: [(String, String)]
cars = [ ("01788 665242", "P 101 BA"),
         ("01732 187565", "B 4242 D") ]
getCarPlate :: String
            -> Maybe String

getCarPlate name =
  lookup name phonebook >>=
    (\number -> lookup number cars)

Do-notation for monads

getCarPlate :: String
            -> Maybe String

getCarPlate name =
  lookup name phonebook >>=
    (\number -> lookup number cars)

is equivalent to

getCarPlate name = do
  number <- lookup name phonebook
  return (lookup number cars)

Do-notation for monads

asa a = arcsin a >>= sqrt >>= arccos

can be written as

asa a =
  arcsin a >>= (\b ->
    sqrt b   >>= (\c ->
      arccos c >>= (\d -> return d)))

and hence

asa a = do
  b <- arcsin a
  c <- sqrt b
  d <- arccos c
  return d

Lists as a monad

Context: non-deterministic computations, i.e. returning multiple outcomes

instance Monad [] where
  return :: a -> [a]
  return x = [x]

  (>>=) :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
  as >>= f = [b | a <- as, b <- f a]
  (>>) :: [a] -> [b] -> [b]
  as >> bs = bs

Lists as a monad: example

Our ``F*cebook''-application with

getFriends :: User -> [Users]

Getting friends of friends:

getFriendsOfFriends :: User -> [User]
getFriendsOfFriends u = do
  f  <- getFriends u
  ff <- getFriends f
  return ffriend

Equivalent to

getFriendsOfFriends u =
  [ff | f <- getFriends u, ff <- getFriends f]

The State monad

Context: stateful computations

newtype State s a =
  State { runState :: s -> (a, s) }

As mentioned a couple of weeks ago, this automatically introduces the accessor

runState :: State s a -> (s -> (a, s))

Testfrage: what about functions accepting more than state, i.e.

f :: b -> s -> (a, s)


The State Monad: An example

type StackState = State [Int]

pop :: StackState Int
pop = State $ \s -> (head s, tail s)

push :: Int -> StackState ()
push x = State $ \s -> ((), x:s)

isEmpty :: StackState Bool
isEmpty = State $ \s -> (null s, s)

The State Monad: An example

Using our stack:

runState isEmpty [] -- => (True, [])

runState (push 3) [] -- => ((), [3])

runState (push 5) [3] -- => ((), [5, 3])

runState isEmpty [5, 3] -- => (False, [5, 3])

runState pop [5, 3] -- => (5, [3])

Have to thread the state along the chain manually - doof!

The State Monad: An example

Would be cool if we could write

doStuffWithStack = do
  push 3
  push 5
  x <- pop
  return x

runState doStuffWithStack []
-- => (5, [3])

runState doStuffWithStack [3, 2, 1]
-- => (5, [3, 3, 2, 1])

Need a monad instance for State!

Skip this slide

instance Functor (State s) where
  fmap f (State a) = State $ \s ->
    let (x, s') = a s in (f x, s') 

instance Applicative (State s) where
  pure x = State $ \s -> (x, s)
  a <*> b =  State $ \s ->
    let (f, s' ) = runState a s
        (x, s'') = runState b s'
    in (f x, s'')

The State monad

instance Monad (State s) where
  return :: a -> State s a
  return x = State $ \s -> (x, s)

  (>>=) :: State s a -> (a -> State s b)
                     ->       State s b
  a >>= f = State $
    \s -> let (x, s') = runState a s
          in runState (f x) s'

State primitives

Just two primitive functions:

put :: s -> State s ()
put s = State $ \_ -> ((), s)

get :: State s s
get = State $ \s -> (s, s)

State primitives

pop = do
  s <- get
  put $ tail s
  return $ head s

push x = do
  y <- get
  put x:y

isEmpty = do 
  s <- get
  if null s then return True
  else return False

The dreaded IO

Kind of

type IO = State World

where World reflects the state of the world, including the periphery, input-output, memory, other processes, etc.